
are there laws against.......


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
...people letting their dogs bark 24 hours a day or do i just need to leave a nice bowl of antifreeze out?

i would really like to go the lawfull route but damn i cant even get sleep some days and nights because i am surrounded by asshole dog owners that wont make their dogs shut up!


I think you can call animal control and they will talk to the owner...my parents had the same problem. I believe after a certain number of complaints the dogs can be removed from the owner.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Is the dog outside in someone's yard or in their house? If its outside, they'll haul it away pretty quick if they dont shut it up.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
luelling said:
I think you can call animal control and they will talk to the owner...my parents had the same problem. I believe after a certain number of complaints the dogs can be removed from the owner.

there are 4 houses around me where the people dont pay their dogs any attention and they bark confriggintinuously. day or night rain or shine. doesnt matter.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Call the police, complain your neighbors are disturbing the peace.

Threatening to kill the dog is lame. Blame the stupid owners, not the dog who is likely neglected and/or undiciplined.

Have you never owned a dog? If I found out someone had intentionally hurt my dog, I'd show up on your doorstep with a sledgehammer.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
BurlyShirley said:
Is the dog outside in someone's yard or in their house? If its outside, they'll haul it away pretty quick if they dont shut it up.
yep. here is the run down.

its a total of about 9 dogs.

4 of them at houses across the street. two or three next door and three in two different houses behind mine.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
biggins said:

there are 4 houses around me where the people dont pay their dogs any attention and they park confriggintinuously. day or night rain or shine. doesnt matter.
...wow, I didnt know they were even allowed to drive..


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
binary visions said:
Call the police.

Threatening to kill the dog is lame. Blame the stupid owners, not the dog who is likely neglected and/or undiciplined.

Have you never owned a dog? If I found out someone had intentionally hurt my dog, I'd show up on your doorstep with a sledgehammer.
maybe so but i wouldnt have to listen to your dog anymore.

seriously though, i wouldnt kill a dog, yes i have owned a dog. there is actually a dog at my house that has been here for the entire 12 months i have been here and i have only heard it bark 3 times, ever.


binary visions said:
<snip>Threatening to kill the dog is lame. Blame the stupid owners, not the dog who is likely neglected and/or undiciplined.
You describe my neighbor's dog. It's funny. He barks non-stop for attention. I pet him more than they do, but he's a giant German shepard, so I get tired of him pawing me. Anyway - they ignore this dog all the time, but the other day they called my dog into their yard to play ball with him. First I pointed out that I prefer my dog stay in my yard. Then I was baffled that they play with my dog, but not their own.

When you guys sort out how I should handle them, maybe you could also suggest a way to get them to mow their 30" jungle of a yard. :mumble:


Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2004
Rochester N.Y.
Umm you could be a complete jerk and report them to the county for the long grass, depending on where you live I think there are different lengths at which they deem it a health hazard due to mice etc living in the long grass. As far as the dogs I don't really know what to do, I've had 3 dogs and none really barked outside of when somebody rang the doorbell or when they saw another dog walk by when they were looking out of a window or something. They were probably just never trained right and it might be too late to get them to stop barking all the time. Maybe slide some peanut butter underneath the fence to keep them busy for a while :)


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
call your local animal control and they will walk you through what is required in your city/town. In some cases, it's a number of written complaints, in other cases you have to document it.

We were fortunate, we had elkhounds behind us and we just had a nice nieghborly chat with the guy and that solved the problem. Most times, you aren't so lucky.

I know some people tape the barking,and then call on the phone and play it back.
It's a sad situation, most barking dogs are ignore, lonely or need exercise.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
biggins said:
yeah they learned from toonces the driving cat.

edit - one of our neighbors has two (highstrung) shetland sheepdogs, and those things yip a hell of a lot more than is necessary.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
geargrrl said:
call your local animal control and they will walk you through what is required in your city/town. In some cases, it's a number of written complaints, in other cases you have to document it.

We were fortunate, we had elkhounds behind us and we just had a nice nieghborly chat with the guy and that solved the problem. Most times, you aren't so lucky.

I know some people tape the barking,and then call on the phone and play it back.
It's a sad situation, most barking dogs are ignore, lonely or need exercise.
cool thanks. today two of the neighboors were standing there talking to each other at their fence, they just kept talking the entire times while the dogs barked continuously. they didnt even shut the dogs up at all, didnt even try.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
the only reason this bothers me so much even though my lease is up and i am moving out, is that the house next door that i have been eyeballing for a long time is gonna be on the market for sale starting next month.

if i cant get the dog problem fixed i will not buy the house.


scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
binary visions said:
Call the police, complain your neighbors are disturbing the peace.

Threatening to kill the dog is lame. Blame the stupid owners, not the dog who is likely neglected and/or undiciplined.

Have you never owned a dog? If I found out someone had intentionally hurt my dog, I'd show up on your doorstep with a sledgehammer <--at a minimum
seriously, there is no such thing as a bad dog, just bad owners. clearly so in this case.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
this is a timely post Biggs! My neighbors on the one side of my house have a boxer pup that is chained up for a portion of the afternoon and barks for attention. This usually gets a rise out of my dog, until I straighten her out and tell her QUIET! She is then quiet until the neighbors dogs on the other side of my house (a full grown boxer, and some little fluffy Yap Yap dog) start barking then I have to tell my dog to be quiet again. My dog usually complies right away, and only doesn't when I really need to know something is going on!

My inlaws (the whole family) came over this morning for Easter brunch. Before they came over I was crashed out with Emma (my 21 month old) who rarely lets me sleep in, so it was kinda nice until at 7:45 the A$$hole neighbor lets the Yap Yap and the boxer out. They run around the unfenced yard barking up a storm, my dog jumps up, I give her a look and she lies right back down, but my window is open and the Yap Yap is going ballistic out my window. All I could think about is how much I want to shoot this dog. My nephew parked on the side street and apparently almost ran the thing over as it tried to bite his wheels. He apologized to me for almost killing the thing, that is when I wanted to kill him for not doing it for me!!! These neighbors are complete crackheads! If you want to hear a funny story about a friggin rooster inside the city limits that made the 2 of the 3 major Pittsburgh news channels for disturbing the peace I could refer you to story 138 in the CRACKHEAD NEIGHBOR TALES. (one set of neighbors hold all tales in said book)

God I hate living so close to people!:dead:


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I have the same problem in my neighborhood. People leave their dogs outside all the time. They bark if anyone or anything is outside in their site. That is just annoying, but one comes out of the yard and into the road when I walk my dogs up the street. It is kind of agressive but I can usually control my pups to the point where they will ignore them usually preventing problems. One of the loud barky dogs has a nasty eye infection. I have thought about calling animal control but am a little afraid of retaliation from the redneck neihbors, as in the antifreeze trick Biggins referred to.


Feb 19, 2006
outer limits
Go postal now, you'll feel better in the morning. Seriously though, that bark control stuff looks pretty good. Maybe you could rig it to activate a tazer. Hmm m m m mmm m m


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
check with you local PD. we have a no tolerance approach to noise related stuff here. first offense (officer has to actually hear the noise) is $200, second offense is $400, third is $600 and then anytime after that it becomes a misdemeanor and therefore an arrestable offense.

there is no time of day restriction and it ranges from barking dogs to loud music. our standing rule is if an officer can hear/feel the noise at 30' or more from the source, they are in violation. 30' equals less than 2 car lenghts (crown vic). so you can see that we don't mess around w/ punks driving through neighborhoods thumping and bumping and excessively barking dogs. i usually write the first $200 ticket and then have animal control follow up on it the next day.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 25, 2004
San Diego
I was amazed to learn that neighbors down the street used to duct tape their dog's mouth shut at night so she would not bark. Come on!


Jun 10, 2002
manimal said:
check with you local PD. we have a no tolerance approach to noise related stuff here. first offense (officer has to actually hear the noise) is $200, second offense is $400, third is $600 and then anytime after that it becomes a misdemeanor and therefore an arrestable offense.

there is no time of day restriction and it ranges from barking dogs to loud music. our standing rule is if an officer can hear/feel the noise at 30' or more from the source, they are in violation. 30' equals less than 2 car lenghts (crown vic). so you can see that we don't mess around w/ punks driving through neighborhoods thumping and bumping and excessively barking dogs. i usually write the first $200 ticket and then have animal control follow up on it the next day.
wow, that's awesome. i've had to deal with neighbors rocking out, parties with live bands (at an apartment complex...in the parking lot), people driving by with bass strong enough to rattle the windows, and more. the 30' rule applies, but only after 2am. it's ****in' wonderful having a live band outside your bedroom on a school night. just the other night, some guy went into the courtyard here with an electric guitar and an amp and started playing. no one else down there, just him. what the ****? who the **** does that?


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Kopiklokoli said:
Killing a dog is right up there with tripping a blind child or knocking someone out of a wheelchair, basically something you deserve to be shot for.
ummm.....i've had to kill several dogs while on duty. i guess we should just try to catchpole that pit bull running loose chasing kids around the neighborhood. :rolleyes: i hate to shoot dogs but when it's my leg/nuts in jeopardy....the dog is gonna lose.

i wish we could do something to the owner that lets their fight-bred dog run loose. a simple leash-law violation fine just doesn't seem to be enough. it seems to be the cool thing now to walk your horse-steroid-fed pit bull around the block on a monster chain. it's only a matter of time before an owner uses one against cops as a weapon. :redhot:


Jul 31, 2004
Nor Cal, of course
manimal said:
ummm.....i've had to kill several dogs while on duty. i guess we should just try to catchpole that pit bull running loose chasing kids around the neighborhood. :rolleyes: i hate to shoot dogs but when it's my leg/nuts in jeopardy....the dog is gonna lose.
Thats completly different...


manimal said:
<snip>i wish we could do something to the owner that lets their fight-bred dog run loose. a simple leash-law violation fine just doesn't seem to be enough. it seems to be the cool thing now to walk your horse-steroid-fed pit bull around the block on a monster chain. it's only a matter of time before an owner uses one against cops as a weapon. :redhot:
There have been 3 incidents in Central TX where someone's fight breed dogs have killed people. The worst was some pits and "rockwallas" dragging a woman off of a riding mower and killing her. They, actually after several months, are charging the man with a felony, but short of killing the dogs, there is no real punishment. The state legislature is working to change that this session.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
loco said:
You describe my neighbor's dog. It's funny. He barks non-stop for attention. I pet him more than they do, but he's a giant German shepard, so I get tired of him pawing me. Anyway - they ignore this dog all the time, but the other day they called my dog into their yard to play ball with him. First I pointed out that I prefer my dog stay in my yard. Then I was baffled that they play with my dog, but not their own.

When you guys sort out how I should handle them, maybe you could also suggest a way to get them to mow their 30" jungle of a yard. :mumble:
call the cops about the barking dog and the health dept. about the yard. its against code in memphis to let your grass get high, breeding ground for rodents you know.


laura said:
call the cops about the barking dog and the health dept. about the yard. its against code in memphis to let your grass get high, breeding ground for rodents you know.
I have thrown a tennis ball at the fence twice, not at the dog, and that seems to have helped.

I think I will call the city about the grass. I have thought about making a fake document to put in their mailbox with the city's logo and all, but I may just call. I don't want to start trouble, but it's a rent house, and these people apparently don't have an ounce of self respect. I blame the f*cking landlord more though. Come by and check on your 1 rent house for krissakes. It was his mother's. Talk about a lack of respect. :think:


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
loco said:
I have thrown a tennis ball at the fence twice, not at the dog, and that seems to have helped.

I think I will call the city about the grass. I have thought about making a fake document to put in their mailbox with the city's logo and all, but I may just call. I don't want to start trouble, but it's a rent house, and these people apparently don't have an ounce of self respect. I blame the f*cking landlord more though. Come by and check on your 1 rent house for krissakes. It was his mother's. Talk about a lack of respect. :think:

ewwwwwwww renters. they ruin a neighborhood.

If your neighborhood is similar to ours surely you have a guy walking around mowing yards for 5 bucks a pop. send him over there, tell them its a gift.

Really though, if its a rental it may be the land lord's responsibility (in the eyes of the law) to keep the property up. You could always get directly in touch with him if you didn't want to go through the city first.


laura said:
ewwwwwwww renters. they ruin a neighborhood.

If your neighborhood is similar to ours surely you have a guy walking around mowing yards for 5 bucks a pop. send him over there, tell them its a gift.

Really though, if its a rental it may be the land lord's responsibility (in the eyes of the law) to keep the property up. You could always get directly in touch with him if you didn't want to go through the city first.
I haven't talked with him over this group, but I guess I should. I wouldn't mind mowing it myself, but I feel bad asking if I can. I guess I should just ask if they have a mower. Politely, of course.