
@@@Are we there yet? Thoisderp GMT@@@


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
I think the FSM is mad at me for something. tonight is my ride night. and it's going to rain/sleet/snow only for the period of time I will/could/might ride... :/
Well, the night wasn't a total loss. I managed to get my ride in the pouring rain, before the cold front blew in with strong winds and blowing snow. Got to watch that from the warmth of the pub!

Shit. Buddy who had a heart attack over the weekend at a cross race passed away today. Pourin' one out...
Damn, that sucks. Sorry to hear it.


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
parents are here...been drinking since 3...why, you might ask? here’s a snippet of my afternoon. it literally took my mom more than five fucking minutes to select some yogurt at the grocery store on the way home from the airport. ‘nuff said. IS IT MONDAY YET?

@jonKranked - sorry to hear that bro. even if you go out doing what you like, 42 is damn young.