i shudder to think what pleasures her....man...beast...mechanical.....
Simultaneously.i shudder to think what pleasures her....man...beast...mechanical.....
your cynicism and disdaini shudder to think what pleasures her....man...beast...mechanical.....
your cynicism and disdain
Takes job as CEO of Hillary.gov?and now the CEO of the DNC is out as well.
Jesus Tap/Dancing Christ!! Chelsea Clinton bring groomed to run for Congress???!
Hmm...makes sense. Who else at her age would know more about cronyism, graft, inside dealing and the other fine points of corruption in government?
She's a natural.
Oh bull-fucking-shit. All this hand ringing and woe-is-me is so disingenuous it's almost hysterical. These assholes only have themselves to blame, they were part of it and now they are paying for it. If she had won nobody would have said peep. Where was the outrage against teh DNC when they were cooking the books and conspiring against Bernie, or anyone else who wasn't anointed to be the next president? Remember what a douchebag Martin O'Malley looked like when he accused the DNC of rigging the primary process? Someone owes him a huge public apology. As upset as I am about Fuckface von Clownstick, it's really hard to feel sorry for anyone involved in the DNC hierarchy.
I have a very hard time laughing at this point.hey....i got a laugh out of it...
i just don't treat it like religion....I have a very hard time laughing at this point.
Hillary's Polosi, Chuck & Reid all need to go. This is the perfect time to flush the old shit out of the crapper and start again.vote on leadership for congress has been postponed until after thanksgiving.....pelosi is done...?
protesting outside chuckie schumers office....maybe not replacing harry reid....?
maybe she's just getting things in order for another career path when her political career ends prematurely.when did pelosi buy the strippers rack?
someone her age shouldn't be that top heavy this late in life.....
They've learned nothing.Between the shifty shit with Wasserman-shultz and milk toast Kaine, Hillary clearly thinks she's got a lock on the left. This is the sort of bubble thinking that took Romney by surprise. The Bernie bros might just burn the convention center to the ground. Trump has a real chance of winning this thing.
The Democratic party is toast if it loses to a clown like Douchebag Von Fuckface, and if it should, does it really deserve to continue to live?
honestly can't say i'm that surprised.
That's some awful revisionist bullshit from a woman who did everything she could with the power the DNC gave her to throw the nomination for Hillary. Now she's upset about how the books were being cooked. Fuck Donna Brazile. The Hillary ship sank while she was on board and shes looking for a new boat.By DONNA BRAZILE
That's some awful revisionist bullshit from a woman who did everything she could with the power the DNC gave her to throw the nomination for Hillary. Now she's upset about how the books were being cooked. Fuck Donna Brazile. The Hillary ship sank while she was on board and shes looking for a new boat.
we should all write booksEdit: OH! She has a book out now too? What an astonishing coincidence!
wish they would launder some my waythree cheers for money laundering.
Was just thinking the same, I have lots of wonderful drying space that could be put to good use.wish they would launder some my way