
Are we witnessing the death of the Republican Party?


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Since Pres Obama has taken office (well, it could go as far back as when he won the election) it seems like the Republican party is imploding on itself. It seems like they have become extremely fractured, and can't put out a consistent message (not like this is anything new, just a lot more obvious and polarized). It's getting harder and harder to take them seriously, for me anyways. Are more people just starting to grow weary of their fear mongering and end of the world BS?

When they were in power (Bush in the White House), they strove to create an "us vs them" mentality. Either you're a Super Patriot, or you're a terrorist. Now that they're out of power, its the same chasm they are pushing, but on a smaller scale (and internal to the country). You're either for America, or you're a Socialist. I'm starting to wonder if they are trying to stir up the same kind of hysteria that led to McCarthyism. And it just blows my mind that they are so unafraid to openly exclaim that they want the President to fail. A hundred years ago, anyone who made such a declaration would be accused of treason. It makes me wonder if they really want what's best for America, or just to be in control. They'll be the first to criticize something (say, the economic bailouts, bills, etc), but they'll be the last to offer a viable alternative, or even constructive criticism.

Additionally, most republicans seem to have forgotten the concept of Separation of Church and State. Stopping abusing and clogging the legislative system with bills and laws that enforce your own religious beliefs! I'm sure if they could, they would make the US a theocracy. In which case America would have ultimately and utterly failed, as freedom of religion is one of the reasons it was created in the first place.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Death? No. Long hibernation? Yup. Go back and read the "Contract with America" that started this whole thing back in 1994, and think about how moderate it is... There are no social issues, no "Abortion, Guns and Drilling," no creationism, no tax cuts for the wealthy (only a $500 credit per child and getting rid of the marriage "penalty"), etc. Until Republicans can get back to the middle ground, they're going to continue to lose power and languish. Unless of course the Democrats do something monumentally stupid. Which is always possible...


Turbo Monkey
Jan 18, 2005
I would hardly call it the death of the party. Just seems if they would focus more on the younger and "minority" crowd they would have more success. That and not suggesting a tax cut for everything. Perhaps relating to the middle class a bit better too, IMO during the campaign it sounded like mccain and party were coming from mars, whereas the dems seemed to be able to relate to the majority a bit better.

Also like Dante said above the dems do have a chance of ruining this for themselves. I would venture to say there certainly has been alot of "change" but not necessarily for the better.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Do you think there's the possibility that the rift will continue to grow and ultimately become so large that a faction of ultra conservative (religious) republicans will split off and form a new party separate from more moderate republicans?

Cant Climb

Turbo Monkey
May 9, 2004
Do you think there's the possibility that the rift will continue to grow and ultimately become so large that a faction of ultra conservative (religious) republicans will split off and form a new party separate from more moderate republicans?
They need a leader and there is none in sight.

Right now they should be regrouping and hashing out direction and policy among themselves....rollout another sacrificial lamb in 2008 and look to 2012.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Do you think there's the possibility that the rift will continue to grow and ultimately become so large that a faction of ultra conservative (religious) republicans will split off and form a new party separate from more moderate republicans?
And become what? The Republican and Libertarian parties?
More fiscal Republicans are converting over to the Libertarian party because they care about one thing first, Money. As the rift between those who care about their money, and their "moral principles" will split as the poor begin to care about handouts and govt help, while those who have income become more protective of their capital.

Odds are the party will split, many bible thumpers will move to the Dems, as that's where their handouts are coming from. As this happens, the Republican party will weaken, likely having many of the fiscal members swithcing over to Libertarian. As the economic downturn gets worse, you will see a rebellion against the entrenched parties, as blame will need to go somewhere, and when the companies have been overly villainized, it will fall back to their enablers... Congress.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
When your 2 biggest voices are a kid and Rush, you are at least in trouble. They won't die, but there will be a for sure restructuring. The fact that they grabbed one of 2 black guys in the whole party and quickly put him in charge was an obvious grasp at straws.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
I don't think the party will self destruct, and I'm happy they are changing...maybe they'll put up more moderate candidates that I can actually vote for. When you let religion rule all of your decisions, I can't vote for you


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I don't think the party will self destruct, and I'm happy they are changing...maybe they'll put up more moderate candidates that I can actually vote for. When you let religion rule all of your decisions, I can't vote for you

With a moderate president it will be tough for them to be moderate and different. I bet they are praying that congress tries to go crazy liberal.


e-douche of the year
Dec 1, 2006
Denver, CO
I don't think the party will self destruct, and I'm happy they are changing...maybe they'll put up more moderate candidates that I can actually vote for. When you let religion rule all of your decisions, I can't vote for you
So true, I completely agree with this statement.:clapping:


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Ok so the Dems have control of the Senate again (on paper anyways). Spector has defected, and the Republicans seem happy to have him gone. It seems as if the Repubs are sticking to their core, right wing, conservative beliefs more than ever, and don't seem to care about alienating the moderates. Does anyone else foresee this leading to more and more republicans jumping ship?


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
and don't seem to care about alienating the moderates.
i've heard of the more liberal democrats doing the same thing....

are moderates that much of a bunch of fvcking pussies they get their panties in a wad......over just about anything....


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
The problem with Republicans is not what the Democrats are doing.

As a minority, the Republicans not exactly courting my vote. Neither are they in the areas of social issues, diplomacy and war, health care, the environment, and several other issues.

I am starting to wonder about the excessive spending of Obama, although everything else seems ok, if not fast enough.

But also the Republicans fail in one other serious issue: integrity. I'm not even talking about Ensign and Sanford, but it seems like every statement spoken by conversative politicians and particularily, pundits, is a damn lie, appealing to the flag-waving, paranoid, that the government is trying to create the United Gulag of Amerika.

Health care is a perfect example. My general read on the Republican side is that while they are concerned about how to pay for it (a good one), their solution always involves keeping Big Insurance alive, which makes me think, who is paying for their dinners and vacations?


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
^^^^ I'm still waiting to hear a viable Republican alternative on ANYTHING that's going on right now:

Iran - Obama should morally support the Iranian people (wtf? more talk?)
Economy - Cut gov't spending (same problem that lead to a lengthening of the Great Depression)
Iraq war - Basically any of the treasonous statements by Rush...
Marriage - Gays are destroying the institution that is kept pure and moral by people like Ensign and Stanford
Health Care - We can't afford to cover people directly, so we're just going to pay for-profit companies to pretend to cover them.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Health care is a perfect example. My general read on the Republican side is that while they are concerned about how to pay for it (a good one), their solution always involves keeping Big Insurance alive, which makes me think, who is paying for their dinners and vacations?
There was a fantastic piece on NPR about exactly this. Linky and a newspaper article.

Health care is a huge concern of mine personally so I follow it pretty close. The Special interests and lobbyists are winning on every single issue. Near as I can tell, the democrats are just as guilty of holding up any sort of real change. 73 percent of people support a public option, yet it has been removed from discussion in congress.

And i can't even begin to express my anger over single payer being blown off.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
I think the world bankers own both parties and now it's just a hollywood show. why else would obama agree with the TARP spending, keep white house guests secret like cheney, keep the key players like barnak and gates in place (of course we don't own the FED, so we can't even control our own money), not reinstitute habeaus corpus, continue wire taps, continue low capital gains taxes?? One is good cop and the other is bad cop, both used by the world's elite to take a little hear and there.

Death of the republican party- no way. manipulating perception to make americans swallow certain pills like a global carbon tax- yes.

Keep us divided so we have no idea how the system really works- perception is reality.


Apr 12, 2004
@ Japanese Gultch
I think the world bankers own both parties and now it's just a hollywood show. why else would obama agree with the TARP spending, keep white house guests secret like cheney, keep the key players like barnak and gates in place (of course we don't own the FED, so we can't even control our own money), not reinstitute habeaus corpus, continue wire taps, continue low capital gains taxes?? One is good cop and the other is bad cop, both used by the world's elite to take a little hear and there.

Death of the republican party- no way. manipulating perception to make americans swallow certain pills like a global carbon tax- yes.

Keep us divided so we have no idea how the system really works- perception is reality.
I agree. We have something very complex going on here. Nothing new in terms of politics and seeking power, except that we are making financial decisions that will lead to some kind of failure in the future. Perhaps that, in and of itself, is means to an end?

One world governing body? I doubt it. One world (or majority) currency? Very likely in the next ten to twenty years. The Chinese will one day cash in their investments in the US dollar and treasury bonds. It does not surprise me in the least to see that the Chinese are no longer buying 10 or 20 year treasury notes as the US dollar is very likely to inflate and possibly fail.


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
I think the world bankers own both parties and now it's just a hollywood show. why else would obama agree with the TARP spending, keep white house guests secret like cheney, keep the key players like barnak and gates in place (of course we don't own the FED, so we can't even control our own money), not reinstitute habeaus corpus, continue wire taps, continue low capital gains taxes?? One is good cop and the other is bad cop, both used by the world's elite to take a little hear and there.

Death of the republican party- no way. manipulating perception to make americans swallow certain pills like a global carbon tax- yes.

Keep us divided so we have no idea how the system really works- perception is reality.



Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
I would rather witness the death of republicans AT a party, but I'll take what i can get.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Can someone explain this to me?? I don't get out much due to my kids and I'm not really a Tom Hanks fan. What is the reference to the angels and demons movie??
He's calling you a looney conspiracy theorist for thinking there's some evil global cabal controlling everything behind the scenes.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
He's calling you a looney conspiracy theorist for thinking theirs some evil global cabal controlling everything behind the scenes.
Maybe I am, but go back and study your world banking, starting with france and napoleon. Does it make sense to have currency that can fluctuate based on banking terms?? And why do all those swiss banks have gold backed currency when we traded our gold in for paper?? Why aren't we taught about any of this in school? It's really about money and you make more money by financing countries than you do in business. Especially financing wars for resources- finance both sides of a war and you win.

Thanks for letting me in on the movie meaning.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
So I figured this thread would be the best place for this:


Summary: racist and otherwise offensive pictures were posted on the GOP's facebook page, and they weren't reported for nearly a week (check the link if you wanna see what the images were).

And it wasn't like people didn't notice (there were a ton of comments on each photo), nor was it some unofficial republican page, it was the GOP page.

Dying or not, if the GOP wants to ensure long term viability (not that it matters to me), they need to get this kind of sh*t on lock-down. I saw a comment on another article on some other GOP snafu, and it really drove the point home: if the GOP doesn't put an end to these kinds of these things ASAP, they are going to lose a whole generation of voters.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
So I figured this thread would be the best place for this:


Summary: racist and otherwise offensive pictures were posted on the GOP's facebook page, and they weren't reported for nearly a week (check the link if you wanna see what the images were).

And it wasn't like people didn't notice (there were a ton of comments on each photo), nor was it some unofficial republican page, it was the GOP page.

Dying or not, if the GOP wants to ensure long term viability (not that it matters to me), they need to get this kind of sh*t on lock-down. I saw a comment on another article on some other GOP snafu, and it really drove the point home: if the GOP doesn't put an end to these kinds of these things ASAP, they are going to lose a whole generation of voters.
Wow. Just wow. :twitch:


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I had a friend who worked for the opponent of Marilyn Musgrave, the ex-congresswoman from Colorado.

Voted top 10 worst congresspeople by Rolling Stone, she was horrible.

She won the 2006 re-election by a squeaker, and thankfully, she sucked so bad she was out in 2008.

I think when it comes down to it, we see the Republican/Democratic issues from a national viewpoint. I think it will come down to the individual races like usual.

I have no idea about the issues in Georgia, Pennsylvania (except that their baseball team sucks), or several other battleground states. Ultimately, that will decide the makeup of Congress for the next two years.

The only national perspective is how endorsements from Palin, Cheney, and Armey will affect local races. I noticed a NY Times article about Palin supporting a far north NY conservative fighting against an incumbent Republican. Can't wait to see how this breaks down.
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Jun 8, 2009
no, there will always be a republican party are you kidding me? just like there will always be illuminati!! haha.