
Are we witnessing the death of the Republican Party?


Oct 2, 2007
As far as I can tell, the proposal doesn't exempt necessities from the 30% tax, including housing, food, etc. So I'm sure that the average American is going to love their home purchase going up by >$100k when nobody can afford to buy a house already.

Of course, you could exempt essentials and then only collect a fraction of the required revenue to fund the Government.

It's a remarkably bad idea that has to be hugely unpopular and something that I'd be highlighting like crazy if I were a Democrat running for office.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
not to mention how much the gqp base hates taxes in the first place.
The average mouthbreather just thinks all taxes are bad. The people pulling the strings just don't want rich people taxed so they can get richer. So just tax people who work for a living, or tax the stuff they need to survive and let people make money passively with money for free while screaming bootstraps.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
The average mouthbreather just thinks all taxes are bad. The people pulling the strings just don't want rich people taxed so they can get richer. So just tax people who work for a living, or tax the stuff they need to survive and let people make money passively with money for free while screaming bootstraps.



Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
And from what I know about that corner of Virginia, they will vote for him again.

All that matters is sticking it to the libs.
Yeah, it's not far from my local training hill. Same mentality.

NC's previous Governor, Pat McCrory (R) decided that it just wasn't worth it to extend the state tax credits for the film industry. So they packed up shop and left. A multi billion dollar industry gone and not coming back. Dude foamed at the mouth about job creation along with all the other Repubs, but then literally killed thousands of jobs.

And on a personal note, I got a kick out of spotting famous actors and character actors in town for work. That doesn't happen anymore.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Yeah, it's not far from my local training hill. Same mentality.

NC's previous Governor, Pat McCrory (R) decided that it just wasn't worth it to extend the state tax credits for the film industry. So they packed up shop and left. A multi billion dollar industry gone and not coming back. Dude foamed at the mouth about job creation along with all the other Repubs, but then literally killed thousands of jobs.

And on a personal note, I got a kick out of spotting famous actors and character actors in town for work. That doesn't happen anymore.

Don't want the liberal Hollywood elite with their Jewish space lasers infiltrating your state.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
So seriously, how deep does the GOP let this go before someone calls it? Over half of his constituents have said they don't want him now. I know this isn't the end of it

So long as they need him to maintain a slim voting majority, there's nothing he could do that would get the GOP to drop him.

He catches flack for making up his credentials, but I'll be damned if his list of extra curricular activities isn't comically impressive. :rofl: How can one man cram so much absurdity into such a short number of (questionable) years!?


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Oddly enough, I totally agree. If you attempt to overthrow the government, then a pledge of allegiance seems like a joke.

pretty universal really...
fuck that shit altogether.
During the Vietnam war I got kicked out of homeroom and accused of being a commie sympathizer

the Principal asked me if I was a commie. I said no, he asked what I was doing and why I was not reciting the pledge.

My Reply was that I felt we were engaged in an illegal and unjust war and therefore I could not in good faith recite the pledge. He asked if I was disruptive. I said no sir, I sat in my seat silently exercising my 1st amendment rights while allowing everyone else to exercise theirs. He said go back to class it's good to see some one paying attention in Civics class. I will deal with your teacher