
are you a man and use cologne?

do you use cologne?

  • Total voters

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
The only bottle I ever owned was bought for me by my last girlfriend because she liked it. I wore it on fairly rare occasions.

Then, I gave my roommate permission to use it and the bottle was rapidly consumed - he usually coated himself with something, to the point where I'd come home hours after he left and could smell it before even getting into the apartment.

I still have the bottle with a tiny amount remaining but don't remember the last time I used it.


M.N.F. Beer Wench
Nov 21, 2005
North Carolina
binary visions said:
The only bottle I ever owned was bought for me by my last girlfriend because she liked it. I wore it on fairly rare occasions.
Ahhh, it was a doofy pick. That's why it smells gross. :rolleyes:

Guys shouldn't wear cologne, just deodorant. That's my opinion for this poll.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
antimony said:
Guys shouldn't wear cologne, just deodorant. That's my opinion for this poll.
Ding Ding Ding!! Da Winner!!!!

Cologne is lame. You have a better chance of offending someone (or maybe giving them an allergic reaction - now that's hot! :rolleyes: ) than you do of actually attracting someone worthwhile.

And any chick who is interested in some dude but can't think of any lines beyond "What are you wearing?" is also lame and should be touched only with a hazardous materials suit.

Just clean yourself and stop subjecting the world to your nasty store-bought funk.


OGRipper said:
Ding Ding Ding!! Da Winner!!!!

Cologne is lame. You have a better chance of offending someone (or maybe giving them an allergic reaction - now that's hot! :rolleyes: ) than you do of actually attracting someone worthwhile.

And any chick who is interested in some dude but can't think of any lines beyond "What are you wearing?" is also lame and should be touched only with a hazardous materials suit.

Just clean yourself and stop subjecting the world to your nasty store-bought funk.
While I don't show the restraint here when posting, I do show restraint when wearing cologne.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I have enough problems trying to degrease my fingernails and making sure I'm not bleeding somewhere.

Went on a date once and scratched a bug bite behind my ear, I guess I have thin blood because it bled all down the side of my neck. Never noticed it until I went to te pisser.


Westy said:
I have enough problems trying to degrease my fingernails and making sure I'm not bleeding somewhere.

Went on a date once and scratched a bug bite behind my ear, I guess I have thin blood because it bled all down the side of my neck. Never noticed it until I went to te pisser.
I bled all over my right pant's leg from my arm this morning. :mad:


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Bwaahahahaha, "Contradiction," that is hilarious:

"Contradiction. For the enigma in your life who is unable to figure out regular hygiene but perfectly capable of being duped into dropping mad coin on stinky rubbing alcohol."

:rofl: :rofl:


Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2004
Rochester N.Y.
I dunno I never use the stuff but girls have commented that I smell nice. Just the regular shampoo and deodorant is enough I guess for me at least.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
robdamanii said:
Wow....there's a lot of chest thumping and "I'm too much of a man to need to smell like anything but motor oil and grease."

We have a room full of people with grapefruits for balls apparently. :rolleyes:
Come on. We're having a little fun here. Those poofs can wear whatever they like. :thumb:


robdamanii said:
Wow....there's a lot of chest thumping and "I'm too much of a man to need to smell like anything but motor oil and grease."

We have a room full of people with grapefruits for balls apparently. :rolleyes:
I voted yes. I'll be damned if I am drawing any more attention than that.

loco pointing at rob - "look it's a witch". :D

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
I wear myself some Smells Goods.

Its funny. I have never thought about it actually.
Somebody always gets me some for Chirstmas,
even though I never ask for it or buy it for myself.
It has to smell clean and light. I can't stand that sweet smelling strong crap.


Nov 17, 2001
well this goes to show how things can be the opposite in different parts of the world...

Around here most people use perfumes, guys and gals. It's not to disguise the bodily odor, since personal hygiene is somewhat considered a requirement, and it's rare to meet anyone soaking on the stuff.

I don't know, it's really strange to read all this "I'd prefer to be roundhouse-kicked by Chuck Norris than to wear cologne"... around here the answer would be... "dude... why?"

So yeah I use colognes/perfumes, I give it to gfs as an easy forgot-I-had-to-buy-her-something present, and every birthday/christmas/etc I usually get it too :cool:


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Strakar said:
It's not to disguise the bodily odor, since personal hygiene is somewhat considered a requirement
from my limited experience, different regions of europe have different interpretations of 'personal hygiene'. :)


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Strakar said:
I don't know, it's really strange to read all this "I'd prefer to be roundhouse-kicked by Chuck Norris than to wear cologne"... around here the answer would be... "dude... why?"
We just like to get the Septic Metros riled up from time to time. They always seem to go for the bait, oddly enough. :think: :D
Jesus Christ, are you guys bathing in it? It's supposed to be subtle ya know?

You guys can cap on my cologne all you want, but when my lady snuggles up to me, kissing me on my neck and saying I smell good, well, you guys can all go wank in the corner while I take care of business with my woman. :eviltongu


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
surfinguru said:
Jesus Christ, are you guys bathing in it? It's supposed to be subtle ya know?

You guys can cap on my cologne all you want, but when my lady snuggles up to me, kissing me on my neck and saying I smell good, well, you guys can all go wank in the corner while I take care of business with my woman. :eviltongu


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
I think it's pretty simple really:

If you use cologne, you are an asshole.



H8R said:
I think it's pretty simple really:

If you use cologne, you are an asshole.

I was just thinking the title should read "Are you man enough to wear cologne"???


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
loco said:
I was just thinking the title should read "Are you man enough to wear cologne"???
Well, if you put it that way, how about:

"Are you man enough to wear women's panties?"

Or, "Are you man enough to put on lipstick and get sodomized?"


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
stinkyboy said:
N8, since I know you wish you were younger and running with these bad boys, this is the least I can do for ya.
Oh man, thanks for that, I needed a laugh.

I am constantly assaulted with bad scents on the train, in the elevator, at the bar, etc., and without fail every time some dude walks around with cologne on, the women who matter will scrunch their noses, point and laugh at the dude behind his back.

If you want to be treated like those dudes from Night at the Roxie, go for it.