not sure if this was posted or not, but it's a fun little quiz.
i ended up in the middle.
i ended up in the middle.
I think you need some prozacBtyler311 said:What the F!!!!
I can't believe that ****te told me I best get out of the sun cause I'm lookin a lil rede red.
Btyler311 said:What the F!!!!
I can't believe that ****te told me I best get out of the sun cause I'm lookin a lil rede red. I looked up how it makes its decision and I got a "lil red" because I knew who acted in the Passion? I HATED that drivel and was offended by its cheeze bag anti historical propaganda and thus I didn't feel I could bash it with out being aware of who was in it and what it was about, so of course I knew who was in it. Same with that dooshbag Rush limbaugh any arse knows that radio talkies are on for a couple hours every weekday during the commute. That doesn't mean I ever listen to him. Duh, John the baptist wrote revelations, I am an anthopologist and know quite a bit about religions due to their strong impact on culture, I know Buddha's real name too but I aint a monk!
DR Laura? I know who she is cause she they bash her all the time on Howard Stern.
This ridiculous "test" only assumes that you must be 1. ignorant of the other side's misguided ways and 2. you live in Boston or NY to be blue, total crap, South FL was overwelmingly Blue and all of us down in this Shtt whole aren't from New England or S. America like everyone would have you think.
Total crap, Fun though, Take it then read what you got wrong.
A truer test would ask where yoiu stand on issues and what you think about right and wrong, black and white or shades of grey etc. Not if you know this factoid you must be in this camp.
Tyler The Red
zod said:I'd a never guessed by your avatar
I totaly resemble that 1st remark and i'm not 16 give it a year and bopth of thoes will aply to megschuette said:Are you implying that I am some redneck who likes to go four wheelin'?
You are right about the wheelin part.
Is it not an awesome avatar though?
That's exactly what I'm implying.......but from one hick to another take it as a compliment!gschuette said:Are you implying that I am some redneck who likes to go four wheelin'?