
Are you using your major?


Mr. Ho Jangles
May 9, 2003
Degree - Marketing with a minor in Music performance
Job - Software support (I ended up in software because of a teacher I had for my business software class......what a joke that class was...)

I think a couple years off between high school and college would have served me well. Although, I don't know that I would have figured out what I wanted to do. I still really don't know what I want to do when I 'grow up' except be retired.


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
Morryjg said:
I think a couple years off between high school and college would have served me well. Although, I don't know that I would have figured out what I wanted to do. I still really don't know what I want to do when I 'grow up' except be retired.
Same with me. I like the idea of taking time off but I don't know what I would do with it, if I would do anything worthwhile and if that would help me decide anything or (more likely) just kill some time and give me a few good stories.

I am a geography and religion double major right now at Middlebury College. I worked hard in high school and I work harder here. Sometimes I doubt that I'll ever use any of this stuff, but I figure it's worth doing....and, you know the saying: "Anything worth doing...." Not really sure what I want to do but I am trying to build up my GIS/cartography skills so, if nothing else, I have some kind of learned skill. I am of the opinion, however, that you should do what you want in college and not worry to much about getting a degree for a job. The fact that a lot of people get degrees that they don't explicitly "use" after graduation doesn't mean that you need to find a field you can continue to be in, but rather that no matter what classes you take, you can usually get to where you want and get a job in other fields. Besides, college is not some kind of vocational school; it's partially about just working, learning how to work and how to write and developing and sharpening your mind. Of course, if you don't put any effort into it, none of this really matters....


May 2, 2002
Tucson, beatch!
My major: Communication Arts
What I"m doing now? Graphic design... I've been working for 10 years now in my field of choice, and I love it. I also knew exactly what I loved and what I wanted to do since I was in Junior High and I always kept at it.

Good luck with whatever you decide, dude...


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
I think taking a year or two right out of HS would be great. I would suggest anyone contemplating it consider this:

Don't expect your parents to bankroll it.

I think a more realistic option would be to get college out of the way (on the 'rents dime) and THEN take a year or two off.

Again - don't expect to get bankrolled.

Taking time off to just f**k around is great. I didn't get to do it in a big block like that, but over the course of 5-7 years after college I spent several 2+ month long blocks of time f**king around. Good times...........


Edit: BA in Finance/minor Econ '93, now a Unix administrator


Jun 10, 2002
SkaredShtles said:
I think a more realistic option would be to get college out of the way (on the 'rents dime) and THEN take a year or two off.
only problem with that is:

how many people can go to college on the parent's dime?

in texas, anyway, you have 6 months after graduation to find a job and start paying off student loans.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
the Inbred said:
only problem with that is:

how many people can go to college on the parent's dime?
I don't know. I didn't. I figure that alot of kids probably get to go on their parent's dime. Maybe I'm wrong?

in texas, anyway, you have 6 months after graduation to find a job and start paying off student loans.
I was fortunate - decent job for most of my college career, a couple scholarships. No student loans. :thumb:

I guess my point is - if you want something like this to happen, you're gonna have to make it happen yourself. Don't expect some miracle which will allow you to magically take a couple years off to f**k around.

Hell - pay off the loans and *then* take a couple years and f**k around. :D



Nov 12, 2003
San Luis Obispo, CA
Ridemonkey said:
I think every kid should tak one or two years off after HS and experience life.
After graduating high school, and I went to school, I failed out with FLYING colors because of the fact that I didnt have my head on straight. My 'rents were pissed, but I convinced them that I should still continue to go, and for the next two years, I continued to screw around and got crappy grades. At this point, I decided that school wasn't the best thing for me, so I started bartending full time, and thought it was the greatest thing ever. It was a hell of a lifestyle, and I practically wore a hole in my nasal septum due to a good hookup and staying up for days on end. After about a year and a half of this, I could feel my brain leaking out of my ear every time I cocked my head, so I figured it was time for me to go out and get an education. Four years later I got a BS in Geographic Science from James Madison University.

The point of all that was to say that sometimes a little soul-searching and time off is what you may need, so that you can have the chance to realize what your potential is on your own and not have it shoved down your throat by society saying that "you have to go to college RIGHT AFTER high school."

I think more people should think about this before getting in above thier heads.

my two cents.....I feel like I"m somewhat of an expert on the subject....lol

And yes....I'm using my major....now I make maps and ride bikes....it's great....


Turbo Monkey
TheInedibleHulk said:
Thats what Im thinking. I give about 6.7% percent effort. I have about a 3.0, I could get all A's with a little effort but I just dont give a crap. School has always been cake for me, I thought college might actaully be a challenge but even my upper level classes have been pretty damn easy. I dont mind working hard, in fact I prefer it when I can see some fruits of my labor, but with school I just dont see any point right now.
If that's the case, come up to Steamboat and take some classes here during your "time of thinking." There's a 2 year engineering program starting up this coming fall at CMC-Alpine Campus, gear'd to transfer to Boulder. It'll get your math up to speed, it's cheaper than CU, and (trust me on this) the instruction is MUCH MORE person to person. You'll get a good solid background in Physics and Calc in a much more intimate classroom than the 300+ student forum classes at CU.
I'm transfering to Mines and they've taken everything, with the exception of Calc III (I've taken it, but it was so long ago I'm going to redo it at Mines). There's been students that's transfer'd to Mines and excelled like crazy there after coming out of CMC-Alpine. It's a totally hidden little jewel of a school that can be a spring board to any big engineering school.
Fringe bennies: Steamboat Powder. If you don't believe me, just look it up: www.steamboat.com. I skiied today: 15" of fresh :D and I work full-time and goto school. Dude, life doesn't suck on my kind of work/school/ski program!

Edit: BTW, I have no degree, run a hotel's computer systems, was just offered a position in one of the top twenty revenue generating hotels in the country as it's IT Manager, and will be going to Mines :D I'll be at Mines for Elec. Engineering and CompSci, concurrent degrees. Thinking about changing the CS to an Applied Math degree so I can go into Masters for Physics - LOVE the ideas of String Theory.


Nov 8, 2003
Atlanta GA
Yep. I'm doing exactly what I went to school for. Didn't have a clue going into college and kinda fell into it. Thinking about getting an MBA to increase my opportunities in the next 10 years. All that business stuff goes against the grain a bit, but with 11 years under my belt and a MBA, I could land really high level creative director position or start my own firm. :thumb:

Degree: BFA in graphic design


Turbo Monkey
May 26, 2004
So I proposed taking some time off to the pops and he did nothing but skirt the issue for an hour and a half. While he didnt directly say it, the answer was no, so I guess I'm gonna go on doing more of the same overpriced bullsh1t. It doesnt make a damn bit of sense but my parents are so god damn conventional and conservative that anything thats not the norm is out of the question. Im also just a litle pissed becasue I was actaully candid and open with my dad for once and all I got was more of the same bs I always get. My dad is a good guy but he's too careful and conservative for his own good, and he'll never be decisive on anything.


Turbo Monkey
TheInedibleHulk said:
So I proposed taking some time off to the pops and he did nothing but skirt the issue for an hour and a half. While he didnt directly say it, the answer was no, so I guess I'm gonna go on doing more of the same overpriced bullsh1t. It doesnt make a damn bit of sense but my parents are so god damn conventional and conservative that anything thats not the norm is out of the question. Im also just a litle pissed becasue I was actaully candid and open with my dad for once and all I got was more of the same bs I always get. My dad is a good guy but he's too careful and conservative for his own good, and he'll never be decisive on anything.
Dood, I'm totally serious about coming up here (Steamboat) vs. Boulder. You can find cheaper rent, do more fun things to keep in balance, and taste the math needed for engineering. If you need to, I'll put you up for a day or two so you can get a feel for the town/school/activities. It just can't happen this weekend as I need to go down to D town and visit that hotel I was just offered a job at.
www.coloradomtn.edu. Check it out, altho it's not very informative.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
TheInedibleHulk said:
So I proposed taking some time off to the pops and he did nothing but skirt the issue for an hour and a half. While he didnt directly say it, the answer was no, so I guess I'm gonna go on doing more of the same overpriced bullsh1t. <snip> My dad is a good guy but he's too careful and conservative for his own good, and he'll never be decisive on anything.
Did you propose that you do it all on your own dime *AND* that when you went back to school you'd do *that* on your own as well? You know, you are an adult now.......... (I'm assuming)

Dude - becoming a parent in and of itself *makes* you more conservative. Cut him some slack.



Turbo Monkey
May 26, 2004
SkaredShtles said:
Did you propose that you do it all on your own dime *AND* that when you went back to school you'd do *that* on your own as well? You know, you are an adult now.......... (I'm assuming)

Dude - becoming a parent in and of itself *makes* you more conservative. Cut him some slack.

Yeah that was the whole idea. If I support myself completely in CO for a year I can get in state tuition, which is about half of out of state.

That's true, but you don't know my dad, he's a hardcore conservative duke educated doctor with an MD and a PhD.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
TheInedibleHulk said:
Yeah that was the whole idea. If I support myself completely in CO for a year I can get in state tuition, which is about half of out of state.

That's true, but you don't know my dad, he's a hardcore conservative duke educated doctor with an MD and a PhD.
Whoa. You're fokked. :D

Here's an idea - pull yourself off the teat and do what you want. :think: Like I said, you *are* an adult now.



Turbo Monkey
Now, to address you taking some time off. I bomb'd out of CU back in 88. I just wasn't ready. I came up to Steamboat to ski and just live in the 89/90 season (great season by the way). I went back to school part-time (CMC) in 92, just taking a class here and another there. Since that time, I've only missed 2 years when I didn't take anything. But now, having been thoroughly disillusioned by crappy paying, no mental faculty required jobs, I'm REALLY motivated to go back and get a degree in something I'm interested in. This interested developed over time, but finally solidified in the past 2-3 years in theoretical physics. Now, they make no money so I'm going to back that up w/ a money making degree in EE and CS/AM. I need money so I can buy bikes :D; I have a bike habit...lol. So, in all it will have taken me around 20 years to get my degrees. But god damn if I didn't have some fun getting to those degrees.
Life is the trip, not the destination. Friggin' enjoy the ride 'cause it's your ride, and not of your fathers.
BTW, I'm pulling a 3.84GPA at CMC. And, between the Phi Theta Kappa and some other merit scholarship (I didn't even apply for), I managed to come up w/ $10K of free money for Mines. Like I said, small schools like CMC are REALLY good spring board for bigger engineering schools.


Turbo Monkey
SkaredShtles said:
Woohoo! Beer *AND* bike money!! :thumb:


BTW - I agree with Pau11y. It's *your* life. Not everyone is cut out for the conservative life. Cut the lifeline. Leggo the teat.
I don't drink that much so I "can" do w/o the beer. But w/ today's gas prices, and my liking to drive, I need money to fuel the friggin' auto. Auto getz me to places where I can ride my habits :D


May 6, 2003
SkaredShtles said:
Whoa. You're fokked. :D

Here's an idea - pull yourself off the teat and do what you want. :think: Like I said, you *are* an adult now.

That's one way to go. It has almost limitless opportunities. For some people, it's the ONLY way.

Keep in mind, though, that wrapping up an undergrad degree, and taking some time off for some fun, are not mutually exclusive. In the 4 yrs it took to get mine, I think I put about 8wks of real work into it. There was lots of time for recreation, travel, and p/t jobs to rack up experience and fun-money. If school is such a breeze, and you can crank out that 3.0 productivity for however many more years, why not go ahead and get it under your belt?

2-3 yrs from now, w/the degree done, you will still have your youth. Sheee-it, you can even be "job searching" for 1-2 yrs while slacking off in Steamboat as a resort bum or whatever.

I recommend you finish school, or else move to Canada and become a govt-funded pot baron ;)


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Fathead said:
That's one way to go. It has almost limitless opportunities. For some people, it's the ONLY way.

Keep in mind, though, that wrapping up an undergrad degree, and taking some time off for some fun, are not mutually exclusive. In the 4 yrs it took to get mine, I think I put about 8wks of real work into it. There was lots of time for recreation, travel, and p/t jobs to rack up experience and fun-money. If school is such a breeze, and you can crank out that 3.0 productivity for however many more years, why not go ahead and get it under your belt?

2-3 yrs from now, w/the degree done, you will still have your youth.
This is exactly what I did. I realized my Junior year of college that I just wanted it to be over with, so I hunkered down and "survived" the final two years. Then came "the rest of my life" which has been alot of fun. :thumb:

For me, wrapping it up was important. I knew it would position me better should I one day want to actually have a somewhat "normal" existence.



Turbo Monkey
May 26, 2004
I kinda want to wrap it up as well. I'm registering for fall classes but changing my major to creative writing. I have thought about doing journalism of some kind for a while now, writing for Bike or Road & Track would be like my dream job except without money. I was poking around and found out that I can take welding and machining classes at the university for 200 bucks each and then have full access to the machine shop and equipment, so Im fairly stoked about that now. So for the moment the plan is to press on, but I can always withdraw over the summer if things change.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
blue said:
My parents let me live under their roof as long as I'm a student, but from hearing all of this, I'm considering taking a year off. How am I going to approach them about this idea...?

Same here. I don't like school. I am down with taking a year off from it. But I will go sooner or later because you have a much better chance of getting a good job using you mind instead of your back if you go to college, I think :think: