
Area Near SST with Potential


Jul 26, 2004
Bellingham, WA
I was walking my dog around the SST area and came to a hill that seems to have some really good potential. If you go right off 200th just past the parking lot at the end of the golf course (across from the gate) and you walk about a 150 yards there is what seems to be a 4x4 trail thats now blocked by an old VW bug car body. I walked up the dirt road and the area seems like it could be a good spot for building. Not sure what the situation is with that land but considering the flow park wont be around for to much longer it could be a good area to re-locate. Anyone know more about that land?


Dec 14, 2005
I built a trail there back in the day

Some a-hole drove a truck over a few of the jumps, and I never rebuilt the line. The top section also got stomped on by some paint ball geeks. I would suggest a more sustainable place were you dont have to worry about your **** getting torn down or drivin over as much.
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bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Only thing it would be a bit of work keeping the sticker bushes down.
Very very true that, there is alot more "against" then "for" that area, word around the campfire is they want to develop that area too. i might be mistaken, but yah, ALOT of work, get something dialed, then "plop" a warehouse get's put in over it?

It takes time, but it was made apparent to me that Evergreen would want to put in something permanent. And i think it's probably way to early in the process to even know the wheres, whats, whos, and hows in detail.

(This is just basic info gleaned from a very short conversation with Jon Kennedy)

Maybe somebody rich could just buy the Tyee Golf Course, that would make a great skills park and XC race course.:D

geeze really thinking about it... it would be perfect...


Dec 14, 2005
Yep, duthie hill.

That line I built is totally overgrowen now, not much left, it would be like starting from scratch almost. High risk of that place being developed or radom people ****ing with your jumps.


Turbo Monkey
Isn't there some folks trying to get a mtn. bike park in the general Kent area? If so, what's the scoop??? As much as it is going to suck to not have SST/Flowpark much longer, it seems like there is more and more opportunities now that weren't there even five years ago. I think a lot of people that don't ride are starting to get the "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em (at least accept them)" mentality to a certain degree.

In the meantime, Duthie Hill is the only legit/potentially permanent thing I know of in the general Seattle area. Lots of work has been done on several of the flow lines and more work is coming - at least after this heat wave passes. Some rain would be welcome, too!!!