
Arizona, part 492756


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding past the morgue.
Full retard: your doing it right.

Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett made moves to appease birthers in his state this week, petitioning the state of Hawaii to confirm the existence of President Barack Obama's long-form birth certificate, which the White House released last year.

In a radio interview with KFYI's Mike Broomhead, Bennett said he would consider keeping the president off the ballot if the state failed to answer his request. Bennett, who is preparing for a gubernatorial run in 2014, also denied being a birther himself, and said that his action was not a move to gain favor with fringe elements in Arizona. He claimed it was a standard response to pressure from over 1,200 Arizonans who had emailed him with concerns about the president's eligibility and the authenticity of his birth certificate.

"I'm not a birther. I believe the president was born in Hawaii -- or at least I hope he was," Bennett told Broomhead. "But my responsibility as secretary of state is to make sure that the ballots in Arizona are correct and that those people whose names are on the ballot have met the qualifications for the office they are seeking."

According to Bennett, his request for officials in Hawaii to verify the existence of Obama's birth certificate has gone unanswered for eight weeks. Bennett said he was surprised by the lack of response, but it is worth mentioning that Hawaii hasn't expressed the greatest fondness in being the primary recipient of incessant birther demands.

In 2010, before the release of Obama's long-form birth certificate, the flood of birther activity became so distracting that Gov. Linda Lingle (R) signed a bill allowing state officials to ignore requests for copies of the document.

Bennett even admitted that Hawaiian officials told him they were "tired of all the requests," but the secretary of state didn't appear deterred.

Bennett's move is just the latest birther bustle in Arizona, which has been a hotbed for Obama eligibility conspiracy theories over the past few years. Clamor over a bill meant to address the issue was temporarily silenced last year when Gov. Jan Brewer (R) vetoed the measure, calling it "a bridge too far."

Birthers returned with a vengeance this year, however, first emerging with an "investigation" carried out by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who had determined that there was reasonable cause to believe that Obama's birth certificate was a forgery.

In the subsequent legislative session, a state GOP lawmaker reintroduced her failed birther bill.



Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
arizona bump:

A diet of bread and water is the punishment for dozens of Arizona inmates who allegedly defaced American flags placed in their jail cells.
The 38 male inmates are part of the Maricopa County jail system, which is under the control of controversial sheriff Joe Arpaio.
For their alleged unpatriotic acts, the sheriff said Thursday, they'll survive on bread and water for seven days.
"These inmates have destroyed the American flag that was placed in their cells," Arpaio said. "Tearing them, writing on them, stepping on them, throwing them in the toilet, trash or wherever they feel. It's a disgrace ... this is government property that they are destroying, and we will take action against those who act this way."
Judge says Sheriff Arpaio was profiling Joe Arpaio: I will not be intimidated
The flags are part of a push for patriotism in county jail cells that includes listening to the "Star-Spangled Banner" every morning and "God Bless America" every night over the intercom system.
Arpaio implemented the American flag jailhouse initiative in November.
At the time, he announced a push to hire more veterans, saying his office employs more than 600 men and women who have served in the military. He manages about 8,000 inmates.
"Sheriff Arpaio is a Korean War veteran and a big patriot," said Chrisopher Hegstrom, a spokesman for the Sheriff's Office.
Arpaio's tough, headline-grabbing punishments have earned him diehard supporters and fiery opponents along the way.
He's issued pink underwear to the men detained in the county's jails and said he is saving taxpayers money by removing salt and pepper from prison meals.
This month, the county announced that his racial and ethnic profiling will cost it at least $22 million. A court ruled in May that his office routinely profiled Latinos during traffic and immigration patrols.
His office has a history of targeting vehicles with occupants of Latino heritage, scrutinizing them more strictly and detaining them more often, U.S. District Judge Murray Snow ruled.
Arpaio has denied any discrimination or civil rights violations, and is appealing the decision.
He was elected to his sixth term as sheriff for the Phoenix area in November 2012.