
Arkansas DH web site, info, schedule, $$, points ETC


Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2002
Phoenix, Az USA
Originally posted by Cooter Brown
kewl, that's who I thought it was. I'm still tryin to put names with faces. I was behind him on one practice run and he was riding the fvck outta that hardtail, I was impressed. :cool:
Cooter !! you were at the end of the table at the beerless mexican joint! sup man!

Ya'll dont put names on your posts so eventhough I know your avatar and screen name and face, i forgot your names. so dont get mad at me next race when I call you cooter and dilldoe -> still cracks me up when you explained you avatar.



Jan 22, 2004
Tulsa, OK
Originally posted by joel hester
Cooter !! you were at the end of the table at the beerless mexican joint! sup man!

Ya'll dont put names on your posts so eventhough I know your avatar and screen name and face, i forgot your names. so dont get mad at me next race when I call you cooter and dilldoe -> still cracks me up when you explained you avatar.

we answer to just about anything...

but it is Nate and Venessa if you want to know formalities! ha ha

cooter and dildo is fine with us! :D


Aug 26, 2003
Austin, TX
Joel, will definitely keep in touch as Chile gets closer. I'm going to convince my wife that she needs to race too.
It's cool to have a relationship like that with your brother. I have the same relationship with mine too. He's just now getting into the racing gig. He ran two flats at Arkansas, so he couldn't enjoy it completely.


Jan 22, 2004
Tulsa, OK
Originally posted by chinoloco
Joel, will definitely keep in touch as Chile gets closer. I'm going to convince my wife that she needs to race too.
It's cool to have a relationship like that with your brother. I have the same relationship with mine too. He's just now getting into the racing gig. He ran two flats at Arkansas, so he couldn't enjoy it completely.
are you the austin free ride guy we met after the race at the road gap??? you bummed a cig from me if ur the same guy im thinking about:D


Aug 26, 2003
Austin, TX
I'm one of the Austin guys that showed up, but not the one you're talking about. You're talking about Eli. He placed third in Sport 29 and under. Cool guy. He just moved out from California. I had to bring him to show how we do it in the South Central area. We all had one hell of a time.


Jan 22, 2004
Tulsa, OK
Originally posted by chinoloco
I'm one of the Austin guys that showed up, but not the one you're talking about. You're talking about Eli. He placed third in Sport 29 and under. Cool guy. He just moved out from California. I had to bring him to show how we do it in the South Central area. We all had one hell of a time.
yep, eli was his name... i was trying to get his wife/gf to race... i hope she will and your wife too... u saw me... i had the 3rd slowest time of all the people there but it was soooo much fun and i conquered some of my fears and it made me a better rider... i hope you will talk her into doing it! that would be sooo much fun!

Cooter Brown

Turbo Monkey
May 30, 2002
Snow Hall, tweakin on math
Originally posted by joel hester
Cooter !! you were at the end of the table at the beerless mexican joint! sup man!

Ya'll dont put names on your posts so eventhough I know your avatar and screen name and face, i forgot your names. so dont get mad at me next race when I call you cooter and dilldoe -> still cracks me up when you explained you avatar.

Yeah man, that's me. Place that don't serve beer SUCK!! Cooter works for me man, I'm even thinking of getting some stickers for my helmet that say that just so :monkey: 's can put a face with the name :D


Mar 12, 2004
i should be heading out to cloudcroft.. maybe joel and a couple other people as well..

is there any other info on the race though? i'm having a lot of trouble finding that stuff..



Nov 22, 2003
Hell Paso Texas
High Altitude Bike Shop
505-682-1229 for Cloud Shop..
505-257-0120 Ruidoso shop..
It will be awesome.. Those trails are steep and there are lotsa drops.. Hope to see yall there..



Mar 12, 2004
damn.. cant get the time off work for cloudcroft.. this sucks..

maybe i'll get my sherman slider sooner.

will the sunspot to alamogordo run be closed if/when the forests close?



Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Originally posted by Cooter Brown
Yeah man, that's me. Place that don't serve beer SUCK!! Cooter works for me man, I'm even thinking of getting some stickers for my helmet that say that just so :monkey: 's can put a face with the name :D
how about whole damn counties!!!! :eek:


Aug 3, 2003
That road gap my be long but it has not drop. What is that a 4 to 5' drop. I've seen pics of ark and I've been to el pas, and there both a really good race. I'm not putting down ark, but el pas has that by a long shot. Theres gaps in el pas that are 20' 20'. I would have to say that el paso is a more difficult course. Thoughs pics of ark look pretty weak. That rock garden lookes pratty small. It might have high speeds, but that course looks weak. I would have to classify that course with comforts course, weak as hell. Or get better pics of the course

u guys might not be scared, but when u get out there you'll be sheiting your pants.

soon to be pics.
this place is going to be huge. just give it some time


Sep 23, 2003
Frisco, TX
If its so weak, show up in sept. and post your best time. I agree its not the most difficult course ever made, but it is fun as hell and these guys have worked their assess off to get it where it is. So, if you wanna dis it, run your mouth to all your austin boys, dont get on here and slam it without ever riding it.



Aug 3, 2003
first of all I was not putting down ark. I specifically said that I'm not putting down the race u dumb as. From what the pics look like I would rather go to a more difficult course. U have to understand the courses that I have been to, and judging from thoughs courses ark is WEAK....................I mean look at the pics.
That rock garden is the size of my scrotum. El paso makes that course look like a hikenbike trail. So anther words all the non experts go to ark. All the experts go to el paso. Just because the race is bigger doesn't mean that its a good course. U wait a couple of years el paso is going to be huge. I know people from albuquerque that came down, and this guy won the final decent in angle fire. This course is not funkin around. So all the kitties go up and all the dogs go down. hehehe O and did ark have 30' doubles vancouver lines and huge step downs and free red bull no.

O and finish 3rdexp on top of that guy who one the final decent last year.


Nov 22, 2003
Hell Paso Texas
Cloudcroft is comin up yall.. April 25th.. Talkin bout brutal, come on down.. DirtyJ said the Cartell is coming.. What bout all you Arkansasins.. Yall really wanna see a good course.. We will be cleanin the course a few days before.. Thats a RACE if we can make it down the MOUNTAIN!!!:evil:
Its gonna be funn...



Turbo Monkey
youve never even ridden our course so why don't you stop talking ****. Pics can be misleading. Its not the hardest course but it is decent. Everyone that I talked to from TX at the race said all the TX courses are extremely ****ty and all the races suck. If people from your own state are dissing on your course then obviosly its not that great. Come ride DD and then talk some crap but until then show some respect to the people who worked super hard and cut your ignorant bais Bull****e. Id seriosly like to see you put out a better time then the winner here at DD. Sponsered guys from CO on free v10 had respect for the course and they ended up getting stomped by the locals (no offense to the CO guys). Its a decent course that will be better and better. So come up and actually RIDE it instead of talking crap from pictures you lam-o. Im by no means trying to diss on your course at all and im not trying to turn this into a lame ARKANSAS vs TEXAS thing but from what i heard from your locals the couse down there is pretty dissapointing.


Turbo Monkey
We did have FREE rebull and 2 kegs of FREE fat tire to all racers. also FREE pizza was included and tons of free swag. Get your stuff straight before you talk crap. Your course maybe HUGE and awsome but your TEXAS ego crap is really lame. I guess its true EVERTYHING IS BIGGER IN TEXAS. No one wants to drive like 12 hours into the deepheart of TX anyway. El Paso is a long haul from just about anywhere out of state so good luck getting racers down there HAHAHAHAH.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Originally posted by joel hester
TULSATUMBLERSGF is was good to meet you. i sat right next to you at that fine mexican food place that served NO beer ! WTF !


ah yes, the mexican restraunt with no beer. i sat across from you. i didnt know you were a monkey. it was good to meet you. i think im going to be able to make a few more races so i'll be seing you around.


Aug 3, 2003
I wasn't putting down the race. U odviously have a pretty big race going on. I was putting down your weak course. All I was trying to do is convince the poeple from austin that el paso is a technical race. Its the same dist to el paso from austin. Like I said You guys have had races going on for how long and have a huge money pot. Thats why people come to your races not because of the course. This is el pasos 2nd race give it some time. If its so weak why was there people from albuquerque. Don't you think that they would have better races to attend to. My argument was with the people from austin. All I was trying to do was convince them that el paso has more technical riding more dirt jumps and more vancour lines. U are right the race is bigger, more prizes and more food with a little course and thats about it. U give el paso a coupe of years and its going to be big. Hes trying to get nrba on his side and when that happens. maybe a nationals race.

For the people that say this place sucks there referring to comfort and there are right it does suck. Like I said I think it looks pretty equivalent to your course.


Mar 12, 2004
dirtyj, i would put money on your tone changing once you rode the arkansas course.. it is, above all, FUN. maybe you are forgetting the point of all of this. there wasnt a huge money pot, btw. only 9 people in the class that payed money. they organized all the schwag for the RAFFLE by good PR and being nice people.

a question though (notice the proper use of the word though).. what is the elevation change on the course in el paso? i've been to the hueco mountains a few times and i'd be surprised if it was much more than the arkansas course. hell, even cloudcroft only has devil's den beat by 100 feet.

you state that you arent dissing the race, just the course. NEWSFLASH.. the course is a gigantic part of the race. people arent going to take your posts seriously when you cant take the derogatory tone out of them, especially when you continue to attack something that a lot of people sure as hell seemed to like.
how about trying to convince the austin people that el paso is a tech course in it's own thread?

go DO the roadgap if it's so damn easy. you dont even have to pedal. it's about 10X30, fwiw.. soon to be about 15x40. and the best part? it's FUN.. not super-hard.. just fun.

i second what biker3 said.. put up or shut up. show up in september and beat the record, since you seem to think no one here knows what they are talking about in having a good time last weekend. you can read a course so well by just the pics you should do fine, right?

oh, and what exactly qualifies something as a "vancouver" line?

no one here is arguing that the arkansas course is harder.. most havent even been to el paso to compare. but if people are forced to decide between the two again, you arent helping out the case for el paso.

mountaingoat.. i applaud your efforts to bring freeriding to texas (even if it is practicly new mexico).. we need it. keep it up.


btw dirtyj,

via dictionary.com
No entry found for thoughs.

3 entries found for those.
pron. plural those (thoz)


Mar 12, 2004
sorry if i seem immature about it, i'm just sick of the guy ragging on a course he hasnt ridden.

oh.. and :D


Aug 3, 2003
I don't think u were getting my point. My point was to convince the people that el paso is just as good as ark or better, and yes el paso does have more elev change then ark. Try a couple more houndred feet then ark, and the same drive. Looking at the course with pics look pretty weak. El paso is isolated and no one knows about it. I'm trying to get people convinced that el paso is a good course and that it is worth going to. By looking at each others web sit, clearly el paso is a far more tech course and has more dj and freeriding. A little more interesting then a road gap and a rock garden that has a couple of rocks. Sorry to the guys that built the course I'm not putting down your course U odviouslly worked with what u could. How many down hill trails are there in ark, is there dirt jumps or a 6 pac, How many drops does this place have, and do u guys have 30' doubles with a couple of drops that are over 15'. I don't think U guys realize the potential of this place. This place looks like it can hold a red bull event there. I'm telling u this place is the sheit. Give it time.

If u are so sick of me ragging on the course then put up some pics that would be convincing. Like I said earlier that place looks like comfort.

I think this sheit got out of hand with people trying to stick up for there race. I'm sorry if my point didn't get across right. u right if I haven't riden the course then I should keep my mouth shut, but when U have people down here telling everyone that ark is the best thing that has ever happend then I'm going to step up. Again u guys wont me to come down and race in sep when I have races like and angle fire and mammoth and cloud croft. Way better races.


Mar 12, 2004
my point was that you need to ride the course before you have any right to compare the two. the pictures i've seen of rcfp, i'm sure, dont begin to do it justice.. the same goes for devil's den.

i doubt i'm going to convince you that you cant judge a course by the pics you see, so this whole conversation is an excercise in futiliy. i only wish i realized that sooner.



Aug 3, 2003
and u r right I shouldn't say anything about the course, but when u have some sorry as$ pics of your course then I'm going to judge.

If I had to make a choice on what course to go to and the only thing that I had was those pics, I'll pass. I would rather go to a course with more then 3 rocks in there rock garden and a course that doesn't looked like a grader went threw it.


Mar 12, 2004
those that were there know how many rocks were really in the garden, and how many victims they claimed in the form of flats.


Feb 16, 2004
Originally posted by ikea
sorry if i seem immature about it, i'm just sick of the guy ragging on a course he hasnt ridden.

oh.. and :D
My comment wasn't directed at you, no offense meant. Just trying to keep it in perspective and have fun.:cool:


Feb 16, 2004
Oh and BTW, Devil's Den is NOTHING like Comfort, as Angel Fire isn't like Mammoth, and Mammoth isn't like Whistler and so on and so on. This is what makes a good racer, the ability to adapt to the different types, styles and quality of particular courses. The course doesn't make the racer, the racer makes the course. Yes, some are more fun than others but each offer their own set of challenges.


Nov 22, 2003
Hell Paso Texas
Whats the elevation of DD? I might come and race it in Sept. We are just tryin to have fun as well.. Our elevation drop is 5000' - 4100'.. Its a 2 1/2 min. course.. Are yall headed to Cloudcroft? We are.. I am thankfull that there are people that LOVE to ride.. We need to see each others trails.. That would be cool..:evil:


Jan 22, 2004
Tulsa, OK
Originally posted by biker3
We did have FREE rebull and 2 kegs of FREE fat tire to all racers. also FREE pizza was included and tons of free swag. Get your stuff straight before you talk crap. Your course maybe HUGE and awsome but your TEXAS ego crap is really lame. I guess its true EVERTYHING IS BIGGER IN TEXAS. No one wants to drive like 12 hours into the deepheart of TX anyway. El Paso is a long haul from just about anywhere out of state so good luck getting racers down there HAHAHAHAH.
biker3, i couldnt have said it better myself... it was a great trail and race site! everyone seemed to have a lot of fun... im sure that there are much better but i GUARANTEE you wont find a fun a group of people as we met that weekend! it was sooo fun:D


Jan 22, 2004
Tulsa, OK
Originally posted by dirtyj
I wasn't putting down the race. U odviously have a pretty big race going on. I was putting down your weak course. All I was trying to do is convince the poeple from austin that el paso is a technical race. Its the same dist to el paso from austin. Like I said You guys have had races going on for how long and have a huge money pot. Thats why people come to your races not because of the course. This is el pasos 2nd race give it some time. If its so weak why was there people from albuquerque. Don't you think that they would have better races to attend to. My argument was with the people from austin. All I was trying to do was convince them that el paso has more technical riding more dirt jumps and more vancour lines. U are right the race is bigger, more prizes and more food with a little course and thats about it. U give el paso a coupe of years and its going to be big. Hes trying to get nrba on his side and when that happens. maybe a nationals race.
uh, hang on a minute... they may have been doing this for a while but last yr there were about 20 racers with 1 girl... and this ur there were over 70 racers and 6 were women... this has just recently EXPLODED and it is because of the hard work and consistentcy of the promoters to make this thing happen... the prizes werent something that just showed up at the door of the promoters... they busted their arse to show that DD has something that people want to do... and a lot of the TX people are running the entire series sooo it must be with that LONG ARSE drive to repeatedly come back for more races... dont knock something till you have tried it...

i will admit... im TERRIBLE when it comes to downhill and this was something i could do... it was great for the beginner and the expert... i didnt go to win and with a time of 6:31... i was THRILLED but the winning times were 2:22 etc... this is to show that this was a good all around course for all levels which makes it more fun to me cuz then i can also participate and not be afraid of a 20'x20' drop/gap... you have to have enough people who WANT to do that kind of stuff, if not, then ur gonna always have low participation and small turnouts... not everyone is as GREAT as you... :(


Feb 16, 2004
Originally posted by mountaingoat
Whats the elevation of DD? I might come and race it in Sept. We are just tryin to have fun as well.. Our elevation drop is 5000' - 4100'.. Its a 2 1/2 min. course.. Are yall headed to Cloudcroft? We are.. I am thankfull that there are people that LOVE to ride.. We need to see each others trails.. That would be cool..:evil:
I don't know the elevations but I believe its about 650' of vertical


Turbo Monkey
high doesnt mean better. You could go to some ****ty mtn in CO with 3000 ft of vertical change but the course is horrible and itd be just a ****ty course. DD makes up for the elevation with a few techy spots and tight singletrack that requires leaning and burming if you are to be fast. Its not so easy trust me guys I COMPLETALY BLEW UP my RC shock on my first run at the race and i only weigh 130-135ibs. Cooter and tons of other on arrow 24x3.0 tires were flatting out left and right. Its not sissy course and the september one is supposed to be even bigger then this one so make it out if u can!