
Armstrong donates to Anti-Doping Efforts


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
When Lance Armstrong retires at the end of the Tour de France, he will leave behind an impressive legacy as a cyclist, with his six (or seven) Tour de France victories at the top of the list. He will also be well known for his work in the cancer community, exemplified by the millions of LiveStrong wristbands that he has sold to raise money for cancer research. A more infrequently reported fact, although one that is by no means a secret, is that he has helped the UCI over the years in its fight against doping, by donating money to the cause. "I am a huge advocate of WADA, USADA, drug controls, random controls, out of competition controls," said Armstrong in an interview with Cyclingnews last year. "I have donated money to the UCI over the years to increase [drug controls]."

Dutch TV 2 aired a program on Lance Armstrong on Thursday evening hosted by Mart Smeets, who interviewed Hein Verbruggen, who confirmed that Armstrong sponsors UCI anti-doping investigations. One of the last things he did was to pay for the UCI's new Sysmex blood testing machine, which measures the proportion of haemoglobin and reticulocytes in a rider's blood to determine whether they have been artificially manipulating their red cells.

"I know Lance didn't want me to talk about this, but now he his career is coming to an end I said to him that I should make it public," said Verbruggen. "He didn't like that, but I think everybody has to know it."

Lance is the most tested rider in the peloton. "Journalists said Lance used a lot of medicines after his cancer, and that he should have a long list with legal drugs. But he has nothing on a list," Verbruggen noted, also taking offense to any suggestion that the UCI would turn a blind eye if Armstrong ever tested positive. When a journalist asked him about this yesterday, Verbruggen told AD that he responded, "'Get the hell out of here, idiot!', I told him. Luckily I could restrain myself a bit, otherwise I would really let fly. I'm not good with such people. This initiative deserves nothing but praise and respect."


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
heheh - that does make it look somewhat like a bribe, huh? Good for him though, the doping fiasco needs all the help it can get. Just think, if Tyler hadn't had twin blood inside him, we could be trying to figure out what place he'd come in at the Tour.


Nov 27, 2002
Sammamish, WA
Bribe? That or instead of bad mouthing everyone for pointing fingers at him year after year, he figures, what the hell help UCI out and stop those who actually do dope up.

Props to him for everything he's done for cycling, cancer and many people...


Turbo Monkey
mplutodh1 said:
Bribe? That or instead of bad mouthing everyone for pointing fingers at him year after year, he figures, what the hell help UCI out and stop those who actually do dope up.

Props to him for everything he's done for cycling, cancer and many people...
Agreed, He may be a bit of a prick but he is the best anyones ever seen. There are always going to be the bitter groups of people but until lance tests positive he ISNT doping. He is the Man and after passing Ulrich today going hard into the wind he looks as dominant as ever.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
Mr. Armstong in second place, 2 seconds behind the leader, and theat's only because he had problems getting his left foot clipped in at the start of the time trial today. Otherwise he might be in first. His team took 3 of the top six spots today. I don't think he's in trouble, I think he's the man to beat.


Turbo Monkey
Reactor said:
Mr. Armstong in second place, 2 seconds behind the leader, and theat's only because he had problems getting his left foot clipped in at the start of the time trial today. Otherwise he might be in first. His team took 3 of the top six spots today. I don't think he's in trouble, I think he's the man to beat.
And he was riding without the help of wind. Earlier the guy who won was riding with a pretty big tail wind and by the time Lance started the weather changed.


Mar 14, 2005
i am sure his PR guy/gal has he doing all of that but he is one class act. I canty help but to like him


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
It will all shake out in the end. The French harrassing, Lance, and only Lance with a suprise drug test, changing the tour to have fewer mountain stages this year, being badmouthed by talentless hacks, It won't mean anything.

Short of a freak occurance, At the end of the race it's the best rider, with the best team, the rider who endured the most pain and kept going, who had the force of will and strength of character to get up hurting after 20+ days of 100 mile+ rides and push past the pain to give it their all. The guy that's going to put out when the chips are down, the guy who is smart enough to trick his opponents into hurting more, and giving less, and doing worse.

There is a good chance that guy is going to be Armstrong. There are several others who are in contention and close to Lance's atheletic ability, maybe even better, but most of the TDF riders don't have Lance's discipline, brains, and dedication to wining. The art of war -- "make them think you are weak where you are strong". Lance is playing them, just like he played Jan. I'm sure he was hurting when he passed Jan, but he he didn't show it, didn't even bother to look.

One thing is for sure, the dopers who take the easy way out, who try to win races, have a hard time wining the TDF. It's too long and hard. There's too many chances to give up. Too many chances to take the easy way out.

Dopers Suck!

Props to Lance for helping to weed them out.


Jun 28, 2005
Personally I think Lance is going to win again, He has the drive now a ll he needs is for the "competition" to not come close to him, which is clearly in reach. Actually its hard to think of Lance as Human, maybe the races are just rigged. JK.