
army of one


Sep 7, 2001
Molalla Oregon
The music was perfect for that animation ,I hate the fricking Ass hole who is our president and his whole family ,his dad is a dirty scoundrle (sp?) at one time head of the CIA 1960-1971 some thing like that when are people going to wake up ,I hope you guy`s know the company that has the contracts to rebuild Iraq is Bechtel (Cheny was the CEO before becoming VP and he got a 26.4 million severance pay :eek: :eek: ) ,this fiasco is going to cost the tax payers prolly about 200 billion ,and about 12,000 Americans ,which there is no price on them ,I`am so fricking mad
:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Thank you DUMP for that link

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
This is about the stupidest piece of leftist propaganda I've yet to see...:rolleyes:

Fact is that military spending on MHF (military family housing) is WAY up as is spending on military personnel pay raises.

Fact is that the liberal/democrats are no friend of the US military. We suffered horrendous cuts during the Klinton presidency... This was all part of how the klinton administration reducted the size of the government by reducing the active military force through pay freezes and reductions in spending to maintain base's infrastructure and weapons systems.

I want to cry too...

....then PUKE!!!!

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Why do lib's waaa-waaa about oil while driving their cars to the mall???

A true liberal would cast off the burden of supporting "Big Ol' Oil" and walk...


Sep 17, 2003
Ashland OR yee-haw
or perhaps we ride our bikes, or drive cars that run off of biodiesal, or go to schools where we learn how to do our part as environmentalists....

a true republican will watch, scoff, complain if we make any progress, make fun of us.... and keep the quality of life everywhere at a minimum



Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
Originally posted by dump
how do you account for those documents?
For arguements sake it might be interesting to check their research. I'm saying the makers of that clip are fabricating anything but it wouldn't be unheard of to manipulate the facts a little to make the case.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by SuperDuperPuper
or perhaps we ride our bikes, or drive cars that run off of biodiesal, or go to schools where we learn how to do our part as environmentalists....

a true republican will watch, scoff, complain if we make any progress, make fun of us.... and keep the quality of life everywhere at a minimum


do i smell patchouli?:rolleyes:


Jul 21, 2002
i guess a lot of people could say "i told you so"

straight from the horses mouth was that IRAK didn't have much going on for weapons of mass destruction. even if they did - which we can say now they don't, but let's enterain that notion - UN weapons inspectors probably would have found them.

i will give kudos to the US army for releiving SADDAM of command, and for capturing or killing those that still support his regime. it hurts to know that soldiers are being hurt or wounded everyday... although the numbers are small, one is still too many.

sorry BUSH, the rest of the world has little sympathy for you and yo krusade. i don't think you've impressed many people thus far.... i feel sorry for the US now...

like MICHAEL MOORE said: fictitious war, fictitious president. i hope that the next election brings in somebody that not only knows what she's doing, yet can fake it as well.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Originally posted by SuperDuperPuper
or perhaps we ride our bikes, or drive cars that run off of biodiesal, or go to schools where we learn how to do our part as environmentalists....

a true republican will watch, scoff, complain if we make any progress, make fun of us.... and keep the quality of life everywhere at a minimum

or perhaps all 5 of the "true hippy liberals" that ride their bikes, use biodiesal and go to "green schools for tools" will jump on the next environmental bandwagon and rally for some assanine cause. environmentalists/hippies as a group are the biggest pu$$ies i've ever observed.

Msisle Dad

Jul 1, 2003
Catonsville, MD
I dont like the fact that we have become an occupation force, In fact it is safer to fight a war than be a terrorist target. But this web site is crap. A number of the references are false , misleading, or onesided.

The nice thing is the freedom of speech .


Jul 21, 2002
Originally posted by manimal
or perhaps all 5 of the "true hippy liberals" that ride their bikes, use biodiesal and go to "green schools for tools" will jump on the next environmental bandwagon and rally for some assanine cause. environmentalists/hippies as a group are the biggest pu$$ies i've ever observed.
so, you feel that the current state of the environment is always about a bandwagon issue? not surprising, since science has proven the our physical environment is continually being damaged by those who don't give a hoot.

parents should especially be concerned about what we're doing to our kid's future. this lack of foresight has only one term: ignorance. face it... you've been bought up to believe that your actions have no affect. yup, its an assinine cause to try and show you what is giong on. i bet creationism will say that God ruined the environment on the eighth day.......

at least hippie/liberals think about the future of our planet, because keen observations of pussie-like actions are dispicable.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
it doesnt matter if you are left or right or in the middle. the point is, there are people dying. and i dont think that anything going on over there is worth any of the millitary women and men that i know, dying for. even you BS.:D


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Originally posted by manimal
or perhaps all 5 of the "true hippy liberals" that ride their bikes, use biodiesal and go to "green schools for tools" will jump on the next environmental bandwagon and rally for some assanine cause. environmentalists/hippies as a group are the biggest pu$$ies i've ever observed.
i have to say, i am shocked. i put more faith in you than this. if you think the environment isnt something to worry about, i'd like to talk to you in 50 years. you should really reseach environmental causes. there are some very terrible things going on by big business that are killing people every day.


Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by laura
i have to say, i am shocked. i put more faith in you than this. if you think the environment isnt something to worry about, i'd like to talk to you in 50 years. you should really reseach environmental causes. there are some very terrible things going on by big business that are killing people every day.
eh, in 50 yrs, it's all gonna be one big sheet of glass anyway. Aliens from Betelguese will say, "4$23ds kjh89". Or roughly translated, "where did the big mirror in the sky come from?"


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Originally posted by laura
i have to say, i am shocked. i put more faith in you than this. if you think the environment isnt something to worry about, i'd like to talk to you in 50 years. you should really reseach environmental causes. there are some very terrible things going on by big business that are killing people every day.
sorry to let you down laura...actually, i didn't mean to come across as non-caring, just tired of people trying to change things that are inevitable and not changing things that really matter; things regarding people. the attitude that the planet is more important than the people on it is what pisses me off.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Originally posted by manimal
just tired of people trying to change things that are inevitable and not changing things that really matter; things regarding people. the attitude that the planet is more important than the people on it is what pisses me off.

ok, now that's more like it. see, i knew i could have faith in you.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Originally posted by laura
ok, now that's more like it. see, i knew i could have faith in you.
heck..i've even been accused of being a greenie weenie for making people pick up their cigarrette butts when they throw them out....especially in traffic. :D


Jul 21, 2002
Originally posted by manimal
heck..i've even been accused of being a greenie weenie for making people pick up their cigarrette butts when they throw them out....especially in traffic. :D
ummm... i thought pigs were suppose to protect people - and not put them into harm's way...

give the doh-heads a ticket :D its usually the state that funds the cleanup. i know that the peoplz at the department of holidays make dough cleaning the steets of carcases and such.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Originally posted by slein
ummm... i thought pigs were suppose to protect people - and not put them into harm's way...

uhhh...did that long before my current profession; you wouldn't believe how most people would rather lick their own shoes than get into a confrontation. it goes something like this, "hey prick....pick that crap up!!" , "uh.....sorry....[picking up butt and zooming off in car]"

now i can just call over the loudspeaker, both methods work just fine :D


Jul 21, 2002
people suck. especially means ones... anywho the earth is what supports this society and without it, we're ****ed.

we don't own the earth, yet we act and think we do. so this thread (about army ****e) about the soldier and what may or may not happen to them is shocking and necessary.

this entire quagmire of hidden agendas, gounging the world, and other associated brewhaha [sic] has put many people in harms way. unfortunately there really is no other way to do what we're doing in IRAQ save for the present course. people are going to die.... like MURPHY'S LAW says: anything you do can get you killed, and that's including doing nothing.

thus, as nice as it was to see left versus right banter on the posed matters, the world does need to be a better place for everybody AND everything.

how am i gonna do my part? 4:20 and choose change.


Dog Welder

Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Pasadena, CA
Originally posted by N8

Fact is that the liberal/democrats are no friend of the US military. We suffered horrendous cuts during the Klinton presidency...
I want to cry too...

....then PUKE!!!!
Did you feel that conservative/republicans were a friend to the US military when Congress cut VA benefits while at the same time sending soldiers to Iraq?


Jul 27, 2003
Lake Elsinore, CA
That's all that junk was. It sounds like something that would have been put together by Michael Moore and it's been proven what a liar he was in his "documentary". There's a lot more to those issues than what it looks like on the surface. Here are some examples from the first document.
They mention one item that was to be added to the budget was $318 million for new barracks for only 5300 single people. That is not economical at all. There are often other "riders" that are attached to spending packages like this (that may not be being mentioned) that cause spending packages to be killed. Another aspect of this spending package was an ammendment to the tax cut that they tried to slide in there. They also talk about military families that were "left out" of the tax cut. The only people that didn't get a tax cut were those who weren't paying federal income taxes. How can you give a federal TAX cut to someone who doesn't pay federal taxes?

Another question came to mind when they said something like "depleted uranium is everywhere..." when they were talking about health benefits cuts. If Iraq didn't have WMD's and weren't working on a nuclear program, where's all the uranium coming from?

As far as why we haven't found the WMD's, go check the latest news about chemical warheads caught coming out of Iraq by the Kuwaitis. We have found mobile labs too. The last inspectors admitted that there were 1000's of liters of anthrax, that Iraq had admitted to having, that were unaccounted for. I'm not surprised that when the previuos inspectors spent several YEARS looking for the weapons that they ADMITTED they had, and couldn't find them, that we haven't found weapons in several months that they have had several years to hide!

I find it interesting that nobody questioned Clinton when he used the EXACT SAME argument for lobbing bombs at the aspirin factory that Bush re-stated going into this war. Clinton said he HAD to react to the threat of Iraq's nuclear, chemical, and biological programs. Look it up!! The only nod I will give to Clinton is that he at least pronounced nuclear correctly. GB saying "nucular" bugs the heck out of me! But I honestly believe that his intentions were right and I'm glad we went over there.

Also, nobody questioned the rationale for going into Kosovo just based on the humanitarian tragedy going on. There wasn't any national security concern whatsoever in that endeavor. We knew that (and have now verified) that what was going on in Iraq was at least as bad and should be enough to justify our involvment by itself if you use the same judgment criteria. I personally would not get us involved in most international humanitarian issues. We need to take care of US first!

Bottom Line = that video is just an obvious political hack job :mad: