
As if we didn't know....


Turbo Monkey
No doubt, Tim. I was just thinking that things are really getting out of hand as I was at (local un-named supermarket - I don't advertise) buying some groceries. Prices have gone up pretty high in a relatively short time.
For some reason, the word "rape" kept echoing thru my head as I went from aisle-to-aisle.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
i have my suspicions about that article. it ranked on job growth and income growth, so if seattle was a peachy keen place to live last year but slipped quickly then it would surpass places that have long been money pits such as boston, ny, bay area. add to that the near total lack of figures...


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Fast&Smooth said:
we just got owned. makes me feel kinda ritzy tho?
haha gonna have to start changin our names to Reginald and Bif and such....

Toshi said:
i have my suspicions about that article. it ranked on job growth and income growth, so if seattle was a peachy keen place to live last year but slipped quickly then it would surpass places that have long been money pits such as boston, ny, bay area. add to that the near total lack of figures...
Hey now don't go and blow up our study. Spoiling our ability to feel sorry for ourselves is not a very nice thing to do.... :nope: :p


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
ummbikes said:
That's why I live in Centrailerpark! You owe me beer. I haven't forgotten. :mumble: :D
My cell #'s the same. Ive lost yours..... but i do have a new phone with a display that works. Send me your info again.... I havent forgot i owe you beer either......