
Ashlee Simpson on tour?


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
i really doubt that her target audience gives a crap. that's probably true of all the pop stars who hide behind pre-recorded music/vocals (which is probably a large percentage).

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
SkaredShtles said:
Who is Ashlee Simpson? :confused:

You should really learn how to use Google, it'd probably save you a lot of, "Who is <insert person/thing>??" questions.


binary visions said:
You should really learn how to use Google, it'd probably save you a lot of, "Who is <insert person/thing>??" questions.
It certainly would help us out. :think:


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
don't worry, SS, i didn't know who she was either until i happened to catch that fateful SNL moment. i haven't seen SNL in a while, but it was on after one of the world series games, and we caught her 2nd song. it took me a little while to figure what the hell was going on. but it was funny.


Mar 17, 2002
dh girlie said:
Ok...so what happened? She was not prepared to lip sync? Was her band really playing...man what a professional she is...
The song she performed earlier started to play again...

I think the band started to play the other song, but you could hear the vocals for her first song start to play over.

So at that point there's nothing left to do but dance a jig, cuz well the jig is up.

hahaha, I am such the wordsmith!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
G-County, NC
On TV you could see the rest of the band kind of smiling at each other........I think they enjoyed seeing her get busted


Jan 8, 2002
Naperville, IL
Creepy Simpson quote of the day:

Joe Simpson, who manages the careers of his daughters Jessica and Ashlee, offers GQ magazine too much information about the older one: "Jessica never tries to be sexy. She just is sexy. If you put her in a T-shirt or you put her in a bustier, she's sexy in both. She's got double D's! You can't cover those suckers up!"

dh girlie

Hawkeye said:
Creepy Simpson quote of the day:

Joe Simpson, who manages the careers of his daughters Jessica and Ashlee, offers GQ magazine too much information about the older one: "Jessica never tries to be sexy. She just is sexy. If you put her in a T-shirt or you put her in a bustier, she's sexy in both. She's got double D's! You can't cover those suckers up!"

Goddamn...her father said this? Sounds like something Joe Jackson would say about LaToya or Janet....


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Hawkeye said:
Creepy Simpson quote of the day:

Joe Simpson, who manages the careers of his daughters Jessica and Ashlee, offers GQ magazine too much information about the older one: "Jessica never tries to be sexy. She just is sexy. If you put her in a T-shirt or you put her in a bustier, she's sexy in both. She's got double D's! You can't cover those suckers up!"
Why, oh why, can't we kill these bahstids for being too stupid to live? :confused:


Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
SkaredShtles said:
Why, oh why, can't we kill these bahstids for being too stupid to live? :confused:

Their bank accounts say otherwise.
They are pretty smart to follow "the formula"
Make stupid crappy music for all the stupid crappy to buy.
Don't blame anybody but the public.


Feb 14, 2003
I would put Asslee in that growing group of "performers" who, under just the right set of studio conditions, can drop a track after a bunch of takes and sound halfway decent on tape. But put them on stage and bad things happen.

dh girlie

KaTooMer said:
I would put Asslee in that growing group of "performers" who, under just the right set of studio conditions, can drop a track after a bunch of takes and sound halfway decent on tape. But put them on stage and bad things happen.
Same with that chick in the Black Eyed Peas...sounds good on the cd, but live...horrrrrible...live on tv...horrrrriiibbbllle...Blender said something funny about her...something about who needs an MC in Capri pants screaming over a great band...something like that...


Nov 25, 2001
Boulder, CO
The best part of Ashlee's SNL screw up, at the end of the show, she blames the band for playing the wrong song! What a no talent beyotch. But they will continue to make millions, the target audience is like 9-13 year old girls who will buy anything with their parents money, if it will make them feel cool.