
Asian hordes invade Tahoe, film at 11


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Good sweet big titty mother of Jeebus, I have never seen as many Asians as I have today excluding the time I went to China.

Today was unreal. From driving up 431, where I saw at least 100 minivans pulled over to chain up, with an average of 8 people per, to the 22 buses we had come up, all filled with Bay Area Asian folk.

The hardest part was the language/cultural barrier. Even my crude sign language combined with my Mandarin, which is limited to being able to order a beer, find a hooker and arrange bail, was not enough.

Lessons, which are supposed to be limited to 90 minutes, were on average 145 minutes today to get them down the beginner run once. I was on the brink of hari kari up there...

But the best part were the out of shape kids who came up. Not once, not twice, but seven different times I heard "I don't know why I can't do this, I totally can on my XBox..."

I was just inches from grabbing a controller and sticking the plug in someone's ass after that.

Sometimes folk need to realize they shouldn't take up snow sports. This is not limited to, nor am I attempting to single out, Asian people, but for some reason today was dominated by about 950 of them who could not for the life of them master that snow is slick, and that to stop you're going to need to get involved.

"Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit drinking." Lloyd Bridges said that in Airplane, and goddamn if I didn't feel like him today.



Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Seriously, I certainly understand your perspective, although I have to say you notice the Asians because they are not white. I'm sure there are plenty of white lowlanders who are just as annoying.

My friend Amy was commenting about how she rather be in Somalia than stay at home in South Lake during Xmas week.

I was in SLT during New Years weekend a couple of years ago. One thing that struck me was how many compliments my family received for "how nice we were, considering we are from the Bay Area."

However, as you might imagine, I won't tolerate a hint of disrespect for being Asian, especially if Bay Area or San Francisco is used a code phrase instead of some slur. My cousin was told by a white dude to go back to San Francisco, and I was ready to call him out and tell him, "Look around, you are in San Francisco".


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
No, really, there were no white folks in lessons today, at least not at the beginner level.

Simply put, the tour groups and folks in minivans bought out our capacity today and yesterday. Its a bit much to deal with, especially with the language thing.

Its hard to convey the whole "your survival instincts are keeping you from getting this" in a situation like today...


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Well, then there is only one thing left to say:

Any hot Asian chicks? Give them a private lesson.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Gotta be honest, hard to tell if someone is hot or not when they are in full snow gear, including face masks and goggles. Sort of like trying to work out who you want to pump if you lived in Siberia.

Though on Saturday I did get to teach two 19 year old twins from So Cal. Damn this being 31 an still technically married....


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I don't want to get too racial, but if you go Chinese or Korean, you can't go wrong.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
I don't want to get too racial, but if you go Chinese or Korean, you can't go wrong.
Working on my Mandarin. Needs a lot of work though.

Also overweight...
Dropped down in a month from 256 to 232. Depression and over exercise is a hell of a diet combo! Few more months, I'll be one of you skinny ****ers.

However, one of them who tried to get me to come out that night did tell me she likes "bigger guys." She'd be into me until she saw my unit.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
Good sweet big titty mother of Jeebus, I have never seen as many Asians as I have today excluding the time I went to China.

I was just inches from grabbing a controller and sticking the plug in someone's ass after that.
i think theyre called orientals

and i cant touch that last comment...this is a family forum.

I don't want to get too racial, but if you go Chinese or Korean, you can't go wrong.
thats way too radical. Japanese is where its at....and japenese/italian takes the cake....top that!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/zQ00laVt62c&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/zQ00laVt62c&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
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Austin Bike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 26, 2003
Duh, Austin
especially if Bay Area or San Francisco is used a code phrase instead of some slur.
That's not what stinkyboy means when he says that...

The reality is twofold:

1. Asians are *likely* to be better off financially. China, especially, is seeing an explosion of upper middle class and these people have money.

The US dollar is sucking, so it is much more likely that you will see more foreigners of all stripes on the slopes.

2. Asians are less likely to celebrate christmas. Korea has a strong christian tie, but most other countries have a much smaller christian base, so something like taking a ski trip might be chosen over celebrating the xmas holiday. Japan's big religion is buddhism (~35%), followed by shinto (~10%), but both of those are dwarfed by "none". China is even more lined up in the "none" column because the government did not take kindly to religion in the past. They are ~10% Buddhist, with everything else becoming a rounding error for the most part.

We were just in vegas the days before xmas and it was all asian and indian. Most americans were probably traveling to see their families.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 20, 2008
Methuen, Mass. U.S.A.
my other fav Lloyd Bridges quote from Airplane "looks like i picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue"

you teach them how to ski/board and i sell them the equipment. as bad as they are on your end, they're just as bad on mine. i feel your pain brother!!


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
That's not what stinkyboy means when he says that...

The reality is twofold:

1. Asians are *likely* to be better off financially. China, especially, is seeing an explosion of upper middle class and these people have money.

The US dollar is sucking, so it is much more likely that you will see more foreigners of all stripes on the slopes.

2. Asians are less likely to celebrate christmas. Korea has a strong christian tie, but most other countries have a much smaller christian base, so something like taking a ski trip might be chosen over celebrating the xmas holiday. Japan's big religion is buddhism (~35%), followed by shinto (~10%), but both of those are dwarfed by "none". China is even more lined up in the "none" column because the government did not take kindly to religion in the past. They are ~10% Buddhist, with everything else becoming a rounding error for the most part.

We were just in vegas the days before xmas and it was all asian and indian. Most americans were probably traveling to see their families.
Without making negative assumptions about your Texas background to prove my point, let me say this:

Almost every encounter I had in Tahoe during Xmas week, locals pegged me being from San Francisco.

While almost all those encounters were positive, since I do not have a California accent or attitude, it made me bristle slightly when people made that assumption strictly based on my race.

I respect Dirk's assessment because he was there, I've been there, and I like the guy.

If you want to start taking guesses about how Asians who travel during Xmas season, then you are making assumptions based on race.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Wait, Asians don't like De Jeebus?
I am willing to give them a second chance then, based just on that.
And I used to have a MEAN case of the yellow fever.
First girl I slept with was a Chinese Mormon girl. Hot, nasty guilty sex....


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Wait, Asians don't like De Jeebus?
I am willing to give them a second chance then, based just on that.
And I used to have a MEAN case of the yellow fever.
First girl I slept with was a Chinese Mormon girl. Hot, nasty guilty sex....
She didn't by any chance have an Amish cousin did she ?

They aren't into buttons, you know.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Oh no, I never said they "all" got off a bus.

As I was trucking up 431 there was a 5.5 mile long line of them chaining up their rented minivans. By the time I got to within 4 miles of the resort, it was a 30 minute wait as they all kept spinning out and going into the snow banks, delaying the traffic even further.

While waiting for the shuttle I counted the fire/police trucks drive by 14 times, all to deal with people driving who had no business in the snow.

Leave the mountains to the professionals.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
You are from San Francisco. I don't get it.

Is SF a steriotypical Asian city?
San Francisco is approximately 35% Asian and whites are in the minority.

Mostly, racists know how universally hated they are, so instead of using an obvious slur, they utter a "code word", which obviously refers to someone's race but obscuring the actual meaning.

This is a situation which might hard to understand for someone from another country, but let me say that almost all American non-whites have experienced some form of racism, from snide comments to outright discrimination.

While making an obscure reference to my race is not exactly suppressing my civil rights, I think it is insulting.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Sometime if you really want to get your feathers in a ruffle about the use of code words, listen to the Wiltco Nation on Sirius.

He even offended me, and I am about as white as you can get without genetic manipulation


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Sometime if you really want to get your feathers in a ruffle about the use of code words, listen to the Wiltco Nation on Sirius.

He even offended me, and I am about as white as you can get without genetic manipulation
I couldn't find it. As a San Franciscan, I am always looking for more things to be offended over.

Kanye West

220# bag of hacktastic
Aug 31, 2006
I couldn't find it. As a San Franciscan, I am always looking for more things to be offended over.
You got that right.

Japanese is where its at....and japenese/italian takes the cake....top that!
I don't know about that. There are multitudes of other possibilities in terms of females that are equally as good or better: anything eastern European/Russian or South American for starters. I'd take any combination of those over Japanese/Italian. Although, an ex-fling was half-Hawaiian half-Irish half-Japanese half-Italian, but 200% nympho and could put her ankles behind her head (gymnast). Fun, but for sure not as rewarding as a well raised foreign girl from EU or SA.

Austin Bike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 26, 2003
Duh, Austin
Without making negative assumptions about your Texas background to prove my point, let me say this...

If you want to start taking guesses about how Asians who travel during Xmas season, then you are making assumptions based on race.
I'm not really a texan. I live in the people's republic of travis county and as loco will tell you, that is not texas.

All I was trying to point out is that, statisticly speaking, asians coming from overseas are more likely to not be christians, so less likely to be celebrating xmas.

I go to asia a lot, (3-4 times a year to taiwan, japan, korea, china, singapore, etc) so my bias comes from that. While xmas is becoming a bigger holiday these days, it is not tied to religion, but tied more to a "gift giving" time of year. The assumption that I made was that "asian tourists" were actually from asia and not from california.

I can't speak for the christian % in california (I'd assume it is higher).

No disrespect to you. Spending so much time overseas I know how stereotyping works. Try traveling overseas for the last 8 years and telling people you are from texas.

I've traveled through china during golden week in the past and I know what it is like to be in an airport when everyone is home celebrating with their families. Biggest bunch of white guys standing around in the airport that you've ever seen.


Chelsea from Seattle
Apr 28, 2007
Did anyone else read the title as "Asian whores invade Tahoe, film at 11?"

Though I have to say, this has ended up at least as entertaining as my incorrectly read title would have.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
there are 2 times of the year that i always leave tahoe...
4th of july and christmas to new years.
i am very glad i am far far away from that mess.
even if there is finally some solid snow.
i'm blacked out anyways and driving to get to any bc is unbearable.

sorry you have to put up w/ that fiasco.
not sure what is worse.... the very confused asians or the aging frat boys.
good luck.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I'm not really a texan. I live in the people's republic of travis county and as loco will tell you, that is not texas.

All I was trying to point out is that, statisticly speaking, asians coming from overseas are more likely to not be christians, so less likely to be celebrating xmas.

I go to asia a lot, (3-4 times a year to taiwan, japan, korea, china, singapore, etc) so my bias comes from that. While xmas is becoming a bigger holiday these days, it is not tied to religion, but tied more to a "gift giving" time of year. The assumption that I made was that "asian tourists" were actually from asia and not from california.

I can't speak for the christian % in california (I'd assume it is higher).

No disrespect to you. Spending so much time overseas I know how stereotyping works. Try traveling overseas for the last 8 years and telling people you are from texas.

I've traveled through china during golden week in the past and I know what it is like to be in an airport when everyone is home celebrating with their families. Biggest bunch of white guys standing around in the airport that you've ever seen.
That's cool. I thought you were ig-nent, redneck, peckerwood, but I am glad you are one of the good white people.