


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Yes, it feels like you sh!t yourself. Rather liberating actually.
I have had *mild* saddle sores from prolonged riding on rough trails, but I just showered and changed drawers an extra time per day until all was well. Of course I understand that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, but when I reflect back on the couple times I've actually $hit myself(to a small degree), I found the experience highly overrated and have never sought to repeat it. If you would like to experience that oh-so-free feeling once again, here is a foolproof recipe:

Go for a long weekend on a camping/riding/fishing trip, making sure to pack your cooler with an assortment of beers, meats and artificial snack foods. Physically exhaust yourself all day then drink all night long, pausing only long enough to devour spicy grilled-on-a-stick meats and processed snacks. For quicker results, substitute quality foods and beers with the cheapies obtainable at the remote mom-n-pop general store near your campsite. Grab a thick, new bike magazine, sit back and await the impending onset of your lubricating liberation.


ease dropper
Jun 19, 2005
Oh man i swear you guys aren't going to believe this ..........
Down south we have a product called Boudreux's Butt Paste.
i belive you...we sold it at the grocery store i used to work at along with this stuff called "diaper doo"

i even took a picture of the butt paste just because i thought it was so funny at the time



Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I am going to make a million dollars here in San Francisco selling ass butter.

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
no ass cream for me, but i have trimmed the hedges a few times because long, hot rides mean itchy nuts.