
Assmussen axed from Danish National Team


leg shavin roadie
Jul 14, 2003
at a road race near you

Rasmussen booted from Danish national team
No world's for Tour leader
By Agence France Presse
This report filed July 19, 2007
Tour de France leader Michael Rasmussen has been axed from the Danish national team following a disagreement over drug testing, it was announced on Thursday.

The director of the Danish Cycling Union (DCU) Jesper Worre told DR1 television station that Rasmussen had received a number of warnings over failing to inform doping authorities over his training whereabouts.

"We consider this case with great seriousness and the executive of the DCU decided that Michael will no longer be part of the national team and he was informed of this on June 26," said Worre.

The decision means that Rasmussen will be ruled out of the world championships in Stuttgart in September and the Olympics in Beijing in 2008.

Rasmussen, who rides for the Rabobank team, has said he had received just one warning but Worre insists there have been several notices issued.

Rasmussen currently leads the Tour de France after 11 stages and enjoys a lead of 2:35 lead over Spain's Alejandro Valverde.

"It is confidential information but people have the right to know that the DCU fights for a clean sport," said Worre.

Worre said, however that he is not raising sepcific doping allegations.

"The DCU is not saying that Michael tested positive," he said. "But there are a number of question marks over his behaviour and attitude" that place doubts over his place in the national team.

Rasmussen told reporters from the Danish Politiken newspaper that he considered the decision to be a bad one.

"I have tried to give my explanations to the DCU but they haven't accepted them," he said. "But this isn't something that will interfere with my participation in the Tour de France."

In a move which will not help ease his relationship with his country's governing body, Rasmussen said he will boycott the Tour of Denmark in August.

"I cannot take part in a race arranged by an organization which looks to thwart me in this way," he said.


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
Prudhomme informed the press that the Danish federation was unable to find Michael Rasmussen for doping tests on May 8 and June 28, 2007, despite a program in place where riders need to always let the national federations know if they travel and where they can be reached.

Prudhomme continued that on June 29, Anne Gripper, the anti-doping director of the UCI, informed Michael Rasmussen that if he missed a third test it would be considered a non-negative test.