
auburn XC on sun the 3rd


Turbo Monkey
Nov 18, 2004
so a few buddies and I are gonna hit up some auburn XC. but this is no ordinary XC ride, here are the specs: Start from the top of coolside, ride all the way down then on the highway to the clementine loop climb, climb up to foresthill road. From there we will go to the other XC trail up the road a little bit(dont know the name). ride that loop then come back down the highway. Then back to the top of the tunnel trail and down that back to the confluence. its gonna be one epic ride. And we will ride like 3 trails in one run, pretty sweet eh? we plan on meeting at the parking lot at the bottom of coolside at about 8 or so, so if anybody wants to come along just say so here and come on out.


Dec 3, 2003
The OV
That's pretty early. I'll be up there a little bit later. I don't think we'll be doing the double loop but we'll be doing foresthill divide, or clem or something. We'll be in the area. Give me a shout out if you see me riding, Im on a black Gemini. Only one I've seen so its probably me. I'll be riding with a dude on a white Intense Tracer.