My 72 YO father was telling me how Muslim (That Arab religion to be specific) gangs were ruling large parts of European countries and the EU was just ceding the territory to them. White women who enter them are never seen again.
Although always a stubborn asshole my father was always a reasonable person, not sure what happened.
My 72 YO father was telling me how Muslim (That Arab religion to be specific) gangs were ruling large parts of European countries and the EU was just ceding the territory to them. White women who enter them are never seen again.
Although always a stubborn asshole my father was always a reasonable person, not sure what happened.
Muslim (That Arab religion to be specific) gangs were ruling large parts of European countries and the EU was just ceding the territory to them. White women who enter them are never seen again.
My 72 YO father was telling me how Muslim (That Arab religion to be specific) gangs were ruling large parts of European countries and the EU was just ceding the territory to them. White women who enter them are never seen again.
Although always a stubborn asshole my father was always a reasonable person, not sure what happened.
My Dad is 62 or 63, or something, and Fox News is the only "news" he'll watch. Has a Glenn Beck book proudly displayed on the coffee table too. He's an evangelical, racist, homophobic teabagger.
(According to my parents) Fox News tickers at the bottom of the screen are bigger than those on other channels, so it's easier for older people to read. No clue if it's true or not.
Have also gotten into arguments with my parents about things that are factually untrue, ie stupid chain letters. Somehow they have time to read chain letters, get extremely upset over them, and stew about them for days, but they don't have the time to go to or I finally told them that if they don't have time to actually check whether something is true or not, don't bother reading about it or listening to fox news (or any political station in general).......
Hell man, these guys grew up with cronkite and murrow.
The idea that an entire network could be, by design absolutely full of shlt is probably an odd concept. Then again, after watching faux newz, ask them how they feel about msnbc or cnn. I may be totally wrong actually
My Dad is 62 or 63, or something, and Fox News is the only "news" he'll watch. Has a Glenn Beck book proudly displayed on the coffee table too. He's an evangelical, racist, homophobic teabagger.
They are all afraid because everything that they know is changing and Fox just feeds into that fear. But I'm preaching to the choir here.
My sister and her husband were "born again" recently and are definitely Fox-news supporters as well.
The funny thing is my of the most conservative people I know (or so I thought) is not really a fan of the Right. My Mom, who was a hippie flower child and very "open minded" is now leaning to the Right more and more as she gets older.
I tend to not discuss religion or politics with my family.
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