
AW! my knees are cracking!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
A couple of days ago i was walking down these steps, and all of a sudden my knee really hurt, badly. Mainly the left one, then later that day the right one went to in this weird paralyzing motoin, i almost fell down it hurt so much. Now every time I walk, croush or go up stairs you can hear my knees cracking, and you dont even have to listen carefully. Are the any exersizes that i can do to get rid of this? I went to a doctor 3 years ago for my left knee, but it stoped. Any one here have this kinda problems?

ans ski season is almost here! :mad:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
there expensive! I am though, in a month, thats when, but i wanna know if im doing any damage to them by riding or walking up stairs ect.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
its not pain really, just cracking. i found some exersizes, not worries. See the doc in a month. :rolleyes: who though a kneed doc was booked up.

edit: i had pain those few times, that did hurt. :dead:


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
my right knee locks up and feels like it is gonna explode when i walk downhill for long preiods of time. Both of my knees pop real loud when i straighten them out. But whatever i have health insurance and still can not afford to get them knifed on.


Jul 2, 2004
Scottsdale, Arizona
My knees started making audible crackling noises when I was about 15... I figure if there is no pain it's fine. Psh, just wait, I'll be a knee replacement canidate around age 30 :rolleyes:
PM me what the doctor says if you go ;) I hate going to doctors.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
ok. ill let you know. Im going to a really good doc. I go to school with his kid. So its free, im just going to his house. I found some exersizes on line. There mostyl just mussle strengthening.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
oh yeah! thats good, good advice. Isnt that what they do to football players so they can finish the game? i remember seeing that is some movie. :think:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
mack said:
A couple of days ago i was walking down these steps, and all of a sudden my knee really hurt, badly. Mainly the left one, then later that day the right one went to in this weird paralyzing motoin, i almost fell down it hurt so much. Now every time I walk, croush or go up stairs you can hear my knees cracking, and you dont even have to listen carefully. Are the any exersizes that i can do to get rid of this? I went to a doctor 3 years ago for my left knee, but it stoped. Any one here have this kinda problems?

ans ski season is almost here! :mad:
Sounds like patella femural sydrom along with a torn miniscuse. Got the same problem you can get it to work ok after doing alot of weights to help balance out your quads.


Jun 10, 2002
my knees pop when i walk up stairs. been doing it since i started really riding. sometimes, they'll need to pop, so i'll plant my foot, and twist my hips real fast. POP! it feels good. my ankles pop as well. every step i take, they pop. i can't ever sneak up on people 'cause my ankles pop. sometimes they'll pop so loud, my girlfriend will hear it on her room, while i'm in my room.


Jul 5, 2001
Victoria BC
Like JMAC says, it sounds like patello-femoral syndrome. But not likely with meniscal damage unless you suffered some trauma. If your knee locks or won't straighten out at times and it feels like there's something blocking it, that may be a meniscus tear, but otherwise probably not. You need a physio, not a doctor, unless it's a sports med specialist. You need someone to assess how your patellae track and where they sit, and give you the right exercises to balance the pull of your quads through the patellae. Usually it's some kind of inner quads strengthening, for the vastus medialus muscles. If that doesn't work, it's MRI time and likely an arthroscopy to shave the offending patellar cartilage.

That'll be $200 please.


Jul 5, 2001
Victoria BC
The ilio-tibial band is on the outside of the leg, and attaches just at the side and below the knee. It usually gives you pain on the outside of the leg over the "bump" of the greater trochanter, what most people call the hip (though it's not). It can contribute to patellar tracking problems, but is not usually the primary cause.


Mar 4, 2004
New York
Brian HCM#1 said:
You have kneeasles

Sounds more like kneemonia to me. :rolleyes:

C'mon now. Internet doctoring is even worse than internet engineering.

Go see a doc. The thing about joints is that they are load-bearing wear surfaces. The eralier you can catch & correct any damage, the less wear they get & the longer they will last.

And if you think an ortho checkup is expensive, check out how much knee replacement costs.


Jan 8, 2002
Naperville, IL
jaydee said:
The ilio-tibial band is on the outside of the leg, and attaches just at the side and below the knee. It usually gives you pain on the outside of the leg over the "bump" of the greater trochanter, what most people call the hip (though it's not). It can contribute to patellar tracking problems, but is not usually the primary cause.

I have heard that if you use pedals with more float you can prevent the Ilio Band problems.

The Patela tracking problem I was informed from my therapist was a prblem that many cyclist have. I guess the muscle on the inside of the thigh does not get built up enough and then the other muscle pulls the patella in the weong direction. this roughes up the underside of the patella and then the knee cap does not glide smooth.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
jaydee said:
You need a physio, not a doctor, unless it's a sports med specialist. You need someone to assess how your patellae track and where they sit, and give you the right exercises to balance the pull of your quads through the patellae. Usually it's some kind of inner quads strengthening, for the vastus medialus muscles. If that doesn't work, it's MRI time and likely an arthroscopy to shave the offending patellar cartilage.

That'll be $200 please.
Yup from my experience physios are the best way to go, find a good one and give them a chance. When ever I go to a doctor they just tell me if I don;t stop biking I will need a knee replacement by the time I'm 40. LOL so I try and stay away from doctors.