
awesome, helping kids pulls tail!!!!!


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
so, i went for lunch today at restaurant i go kinda often.
i sat down alone right next to the big wall-windows in the front and ordered grilled chicken and a coke.

as i was there... there was this little kid outside, all dirty and with a little bag of candy to sell on the streets. and he stopped right across the window next to my table and stared at my food.
obviously, that was pretty touching... and i reacted by instinct i think, i waived the kid to come inside... but he got a bit scared to come in. so i went outside and asked him if he wanted to come in and have lunch.

so the kid, he was 8 and his name was Arturo, comes in, and sits down at my table. and i ordered the same thing i was eating for him.
the hostess was kinda disturbed when the kid came in (probably thinking i was some sort of pervert with a kink for kids).
for a few minutes i think thats what the waitresses and the hostess thought about me.. but then, they kinda thought.. "hey, maybe this guy isnt a pervert"....

anyways, the food comes in brought by another waitress... and she serves the food and tells the kid "go wash your hands buddy", and starts chitty chating to me.
i got merciless hit on. got asked if i had kids, if i had a significant other, what was i doing later... and she told she worked until 10, and to drop by then to talk more.

then a few minutes later... another somewhat hot waitress drops by to check how was the food and yiddi yadda... i got hit on another time. but this time i got a phone number i didnt even asked for. nice!.

as i finished my food, i saw arturo barely touched his food... and i asked what was the matter... and his answer was amazing. he asked me if i could get the kitchen to put it all on a box to take out.. to share the food with his little sister (goddamit, that kid is 8!!!) who is also working across the street. so i did as he asked....

as am leaving alone (i didnt have much time for lunch) while arturo waits for his food to be wrapped to go... the REALLY hot hostess hits on me on the way out. telling me am a nice guy, and yiddi yadda i chat for her for a couple minutes.... i got her number and agreed to pick her up tomorrow´s night. i didnt even had to ask for anything. nice!.

i walked back to work.....

moral of the story.
charity pays!


You are lucky to get to see your Cupid in person. (Mine was just an invisible "chemistry" in the air.)


Turbo Monkey
Aug 13, 2005
in the jewish comunity you acomplished what we liked to call a mitzvah!

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I thought the title read, "helping kids pull tail" and was trying to figure out what kind of sick freak tries to play wingman for an 8 year old...


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
johnbryanpeters said:
:stupid: ALEXIS_DH, what can you do or are you doing to address the conditions that cause kids to become street urchins?
well, there are many many kids on the streets. they usually hang with their parents at certain stoplights in certain parts of town.
i think farming families from the highlands have the idea that having the most kids they can is for everybodys best interest, since then there would be more people to "work" the family farm... even since they are like 5. but since farming in the highlands is becoming pretty miserable in the last 20 years (thanks to euro-US crop dumping) they end up moving to the city with huge families of 6-8 kids, virtually with no skills, and end up on the streets begging, or selling candies.....

to address the cause, there is very little i can do, i cannot buy hundreds of tons of crops to keep the prices up. most i can do is to offer them jobs around the house (even tough i already have 2 people working full time on my house right now).... mostly what is my reach is just to give them stuff, like clothes i dont wear, toys or teach math and english a few days in summer camps. really, its really hard not to, when you see at least one kid asking you for food every stoplight on my way to work.:dead:
my mom does strict tzedaka. i help her with that.

oh yeah,. and the btw.. the thing with the kid was pretty unintentional. its really hard not to usually help people out, specially kids (there are a gazillion kids like arturo that i see everyday).. but this time it got neat unintented consequences.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Careful, this sounds like a scam. You are going to go out on a date, and the next thing you know BAM!

You wake up in a dirty hotel bathtub missing a kidney.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
Tenchiro said:
Careful, this sounds like a scam. You are going to go out on a date, and the next thing you know BAM!

You wake up in a dirty hotel bathtub missing a kidney.
he uncle of my friends neighbor´s schoolmate told it happened to him too!!!!