
Awesome news today. Just got laid-off.


Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
Yeah, so this dude I've freelanced, 10 years for had me move to Portland from Ohio, and not 8 months later lays me off, by ****ing email this morning.

The beauty of it is he's citing artistic differences, yeah, someone i've work with for 10 years and done ad's, posters, stickers, logos, clothing etc. Suddenly said "The reasons are numerous but the bottom line is I don’t see us working together creatively as a team and your design direction is radically different than mine. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t want to even work with you."

then this, " think having you help out the in the shop is also a move in the wrong direction." Yeah of course it is, you brought me out as a graphic designer, me cleaning the ****ing shop floor, doing oil changes is only because you don't have any god damn work for me. uggh.

So I've kept a dairy of things I've asked him and his replies.

Yesterday I relayed some phone messages to the big d and had a customer on hold, so I asked him about the schedule. Obviously frustrated his answer came out. Relayed to said customer and exited phone call. Few minutes later I get called down and he tells me he doesn't want me answering the phone anymore that I stress him out. That Im not to pick-up the phone unless he asked me to.

ok, I wasn't hired to be a receptionist anyhow. He says that it makes him be forced to deal with the calls not at his leisure. This is the same guy who gets downright angry if he leaves a message and someone doesn't get back immediately. fuuuuuuuck.

He also tells me that after last weekend he tracked axle grease into his house and onto the new carpet. I reply with "really, damn that sucks" He then gives me the it's your fault look, oh because I was swapping a axle/CV and got grease on the shop floor. I guess it's my fault too he wore his shoes into the house? I get that I must have dropped some greased and should have cleaned it up, but what I don't get is how it's my fault he ****ed his carpet up. The shop floor is a ****ing mess. He said he should have me mop the entire shop because of it. Yeah, that'll happen.

Thanks for getting irritated at me for sending me 4 ****ty photos to use in a print ad.

I love that when I said the photos are too small to use he needs to go into properties and check on the size. As if I suddenly went retarded and have no idea what I'm doing. "1900 pixels isn't good enough?" - No, not when it's 72dpi and being used for print.

He recently bought a 70-something Audi 100 sight unseen as a cheap project. Had it towed from somewhere in Washington. Tow bill was $600, He paid $400 or 500 for the car. It gets dropped off at the shop and looks like a ****ing reef.

Im currently working on my '98 VR6 gti and rebuilding the motor. He says to me rather pissy "Dude you're 37 (well I'm 36) you shouldn't be driving a slammed mk3, ****ing sell the gti and buy something new."

oh, like a Audi 100?

walking away....
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e-douche of the year
Dec 1, 2006
Denver, CO
you're a 36 year old freelancer that moved out to work for some guy??? You have talent. apply yourself finally and put your talent to work for a reputable company.


Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
Actually, I spent 10 years working for MagnaFlow, lost my job along with my AD in '09. Moved back to Ohio - freelanced for a bit as well as worked a non-creative job. When the guy I used to work for offered me the position and the finances made sense I took the job (I wanted to move to Portland anyhow and he paid for the job to get me here)

I'm starting the process of looking back for full-time creative. Nike has quite a few positions but fear that I don't have the talent to work there and I'd rather not go back to the agency gig (I like 9-5 hours)


Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
? The assigned dpi is irrelevant. 1900 pixels is six inches at 300 dpi.
The image in question was 1900 pixels, with the content I needed as about 500 pixels, and it needed to fit a large poster nearly full-size. I should have been a bit more specific. However I have been provided images for print ads that were 200x200 and just told to deal with it. Now if someone whats their printed materials to look like blown out ****, fine.


Nov 14, 2007
Maryland, east coast.
Services no longer needed, yada yada, creative differences :blah: Yeh whatever.

Translation, "You're becoming to costly to keep around, I want to hire someone cheaper."

Looks like your profile occupation is coming true for moving out there without a contract.
F*CK HIM UP THE A55! File for unemployment! Make his benefits insurance go up. Then, kick back for six months on Obama. Hell I hear Obama extended benefits to a full year now! Think of the ride time you can get in weekly on the taxpayer!!! PARTY ON WAYNE!! :weee:


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
Actually, I spent 10 years working for MagnaFlow, lost my job along with my AD in '09. Moved back to Ohio - freelanced for a bit as well as worked a non-creative job. When the guy I used to work for offered me the position and the finances made sense I took the job (I wanted to move to Portland anyhow and he paid for the job to get me here)

I'm starting the process of looking back for full-time creative. Nike has quite a few positions but fear that I don't have the talent to work there and I'd rather not go back to the agency gig (I like 9-5 hours)
If that's where you really want to work, show them what you have and give it a shot.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
As much as it sucks to lose your job, it sounds like it's for the best in the long run!


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Then, kick back for six months on Obama. Hell I hear Obama extended benefits to a full year now! Think of the ride time you can get in weekly on the taxpayer!!! PARTY ON WAYNE!! :weee:
if this is how you think unemployment works, I know a nigerian prince who needs help collecting his inheritance.


Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
I want no part of unemployment really, but I have bills that need to be paid, so I'll take part for (hopefully) a really short period. I'm fortunate enough to have a big brochure job I'm working on freelance right now. I was going to use that to pay off all my debt, but sometimes plans change so...

Im going to get in touch with some recruiters today/tomorrow as well as revise my portfolio and update it. As much as it sucks to suddenly find yourself unemployed it's also completely liberating to be free of a toxic environment. Literally everyday was a wonder of what day-to-day activity was going to cause him to explode.

Here's another perfect example of him. Our showroom is two stories, with a large open lobby area. On the ground floor is the sale/service writer counter (where he usually works) upstairs in a room is my office. Picture the sales counter below my office in a cutout. My my office is a 15x15 room, upstairs above the sales counter.

He starts talking to me from his cubby hole. I pause my music, tell him hold I can't hear him. I come out of my office onto the landing upstairs and say "sorry couldn't hear you, what were you saying."

His reply (honest to god) was ****! I hate ****ing repeating myself!"

Im sorry, maybe if you weren't trying to talk to me from underground and 10 feet behind me I could understand you. I told you "you do realize it's really hard for me to hear you upstairs. If you want to tell me something just yell my name and i'll come out on the landing.

Oh yeah, this is WAY after I tried to get him to use aim to communicate with me every time he wanted to say something. No dice.