cedars and redwoods are very weak internally, they can actually burn for days on the inside and you wouldnt know it unless by touch or boring with a chainsaw.
in 94 I was cutting a 6 foot wide cedar and only got my saw in 2 inches and the tree started to go. it was a one inch rhine of bark all the way around.
I have cut them from the inside out as well when they were cold and out.
you need more than a press pass, most media are fire trained just so they can get inside the fire camps. after that they are escorted by fire staff of the incident management team at all times
you need more than a press pass, most media are fire trained just so they can get inside the fire camps. after that they are escorted by fire staff of the incident management team at all times
good times for sure, just go with a good agency if you do go and second guess everybody untill you really know there capacity. alot of stupid people in charge of stupid people just looking for a exciting buck.
in 13 years of wildland fire I took some crazy pics
Sorry, but I can't recall in recent memory this much smoke hanging over the bay area for this long. It's been 4 solid weeks of waking up to a muted orange sunrise and aching lungs / headache from bike commuting.
granted it is bad for smoke fallout, but you cant judge a fire season by the smoke forecast.
normally the fires are further south thus is why it isnt so bad in northern cal or they are higher in the sierras.
and you are very correct, it aint over by a long shot, we can typically guarantee so.cal to burn clear into halloween or even thanksgiving depending on the indicies and fuel loading.
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