
Baby boom black hole


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
I've been traveling with the fam some lately and visiting smaller towns that have an element of tourism. These are all places I spent time in 15-20 years ago but haven't been back until now. They were all quiet places that had a small amount of seasonal tourist trade.

Seeing a common trend - baby boomers moving in and building retirement homes, gentrifying everything within sight.

So they're coming into communities and totally changing them just to live a few years and die.

Where does that leave us in 15 years? Whats going to fill the void? I just don't see a bunch of retirees coming in behind them. These places don't have jerbs for families to buy these houses and move in...

Its gonna be a mess. These baby boomers are a bunch of selfish fucks. They love nepotism and look down on everyone else. Now they're fucking up the quiet places so they can sip latte's and buy shitty art.

Damn it.



Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
Oh, just wait, when all of the coastal cities become flooded and uninhabitable, there will be, no shit, billions of people looking to move somewhere safe and inland, (In places with water) with many millions of them having some money.
Buckle up.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Their parents were the greatest generation, the boomers are the fucking worst generation in american history.

Gov't housing programs, favorable lending incentives, and an entire god damn economy set up to make them succeed and thrive (if white). And every single last fucking one of them thinks they got there on merit. Living a completely fabricated americandream™ handed to them.

And right behind them is the modern american multimillionaire and billionaire with the exact same mindset, and even less of the practicality.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Buckle up.
Send em to redistribution reservations in Oklahoma and the Dakotas.

I have a feeling we're going to need alot more of these 'car' haulers soon.


@kidwoo the baby boomers were handed the dream and told it was theirs to keep. Now they sit on it and act like its normal to spend a million dollars on a McMansion they'll spend a few weeks a year in.

Oh its an asset for your kids? Excuse me for thinking anything else. I'm sure they're learning how to be good people who make contributions to society.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I largely hate the generalization of generations as it is always an extreme oversimplification of reality. However boomers do suck. Not that they all suck, lets remember that this was the generation that sent their own into the meatgrinder of Viet Nam and shit on them at the same time, largely along economic lines. Boomers were the start of the weaponization of privilege amongst the masses (other white people) that we are now suffering the culmination of.

Cue future stand up special where Dave Chappell laughs at white people because they can't buy shit where they would like to live.
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the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Worth noting that @boostindoubles owns more land than anyone I know by a long shot.

Love you bro, you are one of the good eggs, one of the best, but perhaps not the topic to complain about.
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Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004

"Q: You focus on boomers. What’s so special about them?

A: The No. 1 takeaway is that the boomer generation is the unique one. It seems like millennials are the unique generation, but that’s not the case. Boomers are so powerful that they define what normalcy is. Our conception of “normal” American postwar society is just the boomers’ experience of the world."

@Westy Lets see if I can hang onto it! We're already discussing how we can hack it up and pay the bills The land I have was purchased off boomers with dementia. I suppose I am sensitive to this subject because I've stared down the rabbit hole amd had to brush shoulders with all the class levels. I was pushed out of the family business and cut out of their security blanket. Probably because I never used/needed it. I've got other siblings who are playing those cards.

There are good children of boomers and good boomers out there. The bigger issue is the power balance and wealth gap that the generation is leaving the world with. It has less to do with individuals and more to do with the general trends.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
For the record, I own a house on 18 acres and also have 46 acres in the woods. Total cost was under 400k for all of it. It was hard work to make those deals happen! When we bought the house, a retired boomer couple threw a fit because their deep pockets couldn't break the deal. They wanted to build a winery and tasting room. LOL they kept offering me 40k to walk away from the deal. The owners children wanted to see a family get it and know more kids were growing up there. Moments like that offer me a glimmer of hope.

The woods property was similar circumstance. The owner didn't want to see rednecks buy it and turn it into another moto hunting haven. I was basically hand picked to be given the opportunity and the seller carried the contract.

I really think the next 15 years we are going to see a big shift in power balance and the spoiled kids who think power is inherited are going to fuck alot of shit up for the rest of us.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
For the record, I own a house on 18 acres and also have 46 acres in the woods. Total cost was under 400k for all of it. It was hard work to make those deals happen! When we bought the house, a retired boomer couple threw a fit because their deep pockets couldn't break the deal. They wanted to build a winery and tasting room. LOL they kept offering me 40k to walk away from the deal. The owners children wanted to see a family get it and know more kids were growing up there. Moments like that offer me a glimmer of hope.

The woods property was similar circumstance. The owner didn't want to see rednecks buy it and turn it into another moto hunting haven. I was basically hand picked to be given the opportunity and the seller carried the contract.

I really think the next 15 years we are going to see a big shift in power balance and the spoiled kids who think power is inherited are going to fuck alot of shit up for the rest of us.
My cousin in Maine has a 10 acre lot with a couple hundred feet of waterfront. It's the majority of the cove it's in so loons nest in it. They still have it classified as a wood lot.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Rich people and their fucking winery wet dreams. I am sure they were going to be stewards of the land and produce authentic terroir based blah fucking blah…
Oh I can only imagine it. They would have advertised in Seattle and brought all their retired boomer friends to buy more "cheap" real estate so they could feel at home. They would be on the front end of the wave. The winery hell lands are already taking over the Lower Yakima Valley. They keep branding zones as AVA's and everyone goes ooohhh aaaaahhh.

@jonKranked thats badass they have waterfront. I've got a buddy in Maine who is building a lake front house right now. Theres lots of lakes out that way...

That woods property is at the base of a state managed forest. Theres not any MTB trails yet. The state land managers have designated the zone my land is in as the non-moto trail area in their master plan. I've started working with them to get the ball rolling.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004

"Anthropologist Helen Fisher inelegantly described the maturing of this huge postwar bulge in the population as “like a pig moving through a python,” changing society as people grew older on a scale never known before. Yet today, “baby boomer” is a toxic phrase, shorthand for greed and selfishness, for denying the benefits of prosperity to subsequent generations – notably beleaguered millennials who reached adulthood in the early years of this century."