
Backup Solution?


gets infinity MPG
Mar 18, 2007
Sutton, MA
Anyone know of a way to back up my photos to an external drive? I've tried a few programs and they all put the photos in some weird cabinets. I want a copy of the photos on the drive that I can browse and use on other computers. Sure I can just copy them over but I want it to automatically add new photos. I've seen ways to mirror a drive to an external drive but I only want my photos (and not all my photos, just the ones in my photos drive. I don't want to back up my work photos).


binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002

SyncToy is just a tiny executable that will do whatever kind of sync you want (sync both ways, sync one way, only add but don't delete, etc.) - published by Microsoft. You specify the source and destination folders.

It doesn't have a built-in scheduler, but it can be called from the command line so you can use Task Scheduler to run regular jobs.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002

rsync is a little more technically sophisticated but I like the simplicity of SyncToy. There are a number of variations on rsync, though, both command line and GUI, if you ever decide you want some more granular control over the sync process.