
Backyard Antics. (pics)


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
So after a dreadful weekend of cold rain and wind, the sun came back out yesterday. So I thought that I would cruise around the backyard mini-playground.

Lately Shadygrove the dog has taken to chasing me so I thought I should work with her a little first.

Round and round we go...

After about 50 laps around the yard. She was no longer interested in following me anywhere and so I went and hit the "Berminator" a few times.

My Back yard is kind of flat and small so to get the most out of it I dug a 180 degree berm. At the end of the berm I stuck a 4x8 sheet of plywood that is some where between a bank and a wall ride. Here it is again.

Once you come around the berm you can hit a 3' high kicker. Here I am over shooting the landing for the camera.

That's all the pictures. A little later on in the day I went and found a 30' roll-in that leads to a big 8' high kicker to something between a tabled landing and a step up. I did it three times. The first time I had used too much brake on the roll in and didn't quite have enough for the kicker. The second time I had just enough speed and hit the kicker and landed nice and soft. The third time I went brakeless down the roll in, hammered it in the flat and went for a motowhip off the lip. I went at least 8 pinkbike feet in the air, never leveled out and landed back wheel first and looped out - flat on my ass. After laying there for a few minutes I rode home and today I am sitting on an ice pack.

So Monday's aren't all bad.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
firetoole said:
man I wish my wife would let me put stunts in my backyard

The secret is to not ask. Since I got all the plywood out of a dumpster at work I didn't even have to ask to use "the family" money. I just showed up with a pick up truck full of wood and went at it.

Just stay away from the rose bushes. What ever you do do not mess with the rose bushes. For the love of God and all things Holy.

And if by wok you meant fork its a Flick.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Yossarian said:
I would have to say the manufacturer is your best bet. I can't even find the right sized grates in the aftermarket.
That might work but I got it at wally world like 8 years ago so I doubt I'll have much luck. I might try some yard sales or just go back to wally world and get another one. I think it was around 30-40 bucks new so its not like a huge investment or anything. Definately worth it for smoked sausages and pork this summer and a turkey come thanksgiving.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Barbaton said:
Why do you need so many microwaves?
DRB said:
Married, what does your wife think about your hot lesbian roomates?
Are you people seeing different pics than me? If you are seeing hot lesbians on microwaves either its 4:20 at 12:30 and nobody told me or ... or ... who knows what...


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
jdschall said:
Are you people seeing different pics than me? If you are seeing hot lesbians on microwaves either its 4:20 at 12:30 and nobody told me or ... or ... who knows what...
Long story. Nice pics, I wish I had a yard.

oh, and I think it's an Axel. :D


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
jdschall said:
Are you people seeing different pics than me? If you are seeing hot lesbians on microwaves either its 4:20 at 12:30 and nobody told me or ... or ... who knows what...
Violent hippy thief..... you sir are not to be trusted. Guess its huffy all that propane.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
You guys are cracking me up.

Speaking of which can you see the crack in the canoe? Should I have it warrantied? Its only 20 years old and hardly ever paddled. I was just paddling along on a gentle lake when it cracked. Does Mohawk have good customer service? I hear they suck.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
jdschall said:
You guys are cracking me up.

Speaking of which can you see the crack in the canoe? Should I have it warrantied? Its only 20 years old and hardly ever paddled. I was just paddling along on a gentle lake when it cracked. Does Mohawk have good customer service? I hear they suck.
Oh now I see you are the one that killed rip by hitting him with the paddle. I knew you were violent. How's that rocky working out for you?

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
jdschall said:
You guys are cracking me up.

Speaking of which can you see the crack in the canoe? Should I have it warrantied? Its only 20 years old and hardly ever paddled. I was just paddling along on a gentle lake when it cracked. Does Mohawk have good customer service? I hear they suck.
Make up an RA# and just send them the canoe.