
Bacon Boycott


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Bacon is good but I once worked on a job roofing a house that was 20 miles away from a hog farm. When the wind blew in the right direction it was horrible, from 20 miles away. I went a few years without eating pork, not because of some humane ideal but the memory of that smell would come creeping out from the back of my mind and it made me sick.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
That's why everyone should produce their own bacon...

This is Petunia... she lives in my back yard. SS, How'd you like to come over for bacon and eggs? (The people next door have chickens)



Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
That's why everyone should produce their own bacon...

This is Petunia... she lives in my back yard. SS, How'd you like to come over for bacon and eggs? (The people next door have chickens)

I'll eat some of that pig. When are you going to cut her up?

We used to raise pigs on the farm for the bacon. Good stuff that home raised pig. :thumb:

Had chickens too. Mmmmm.... fresh bacon and eggs. :drool:


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
there's a pig farm (at least i think that's what causes that foul stench when the wind is blowing the wrong way) near where i work.

i can't imagine the absolute disgusting mess of an industrial-sized operation like they describe in eastern NC.

people falling into lagoons of pig sh!t and dying. unreal.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
People don't like to see the other side of the meat industry. With good reason too... it's pretty freaking nasty. I got a look at a chicken farm once. Put me off of meat for a week.

Supplying meat to millions of hungry people is a tough and ugly job.

And sadly she's not an eating pig, she's a potbelly, and an old one at that. Although if anyone want's to come over and BBQ her up I'm all for it.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Although the environmental damage is a significant concern, it doesn't change the fact that pig meat is tasty. Hate the game, not the playa.
don't get me wrong, i love the swine. but i'd pay a bit more if i knew they'd be putting in some sort of environmental controls on the flow of pig feces...
I didn't read the whole RS article, (it felt like I was being force fed with tofu) so I'm not sure if it mentioned the legislation passed in Sept. 2005 to address this problem which will require all farms to

1) Eliminate the discharge of animal waste to surface waters water and groundwater through direct discharge, seepage, or runoff.

(2) Substantially eliminate atmospheric emissions emission of ammonia.

(3) Substantially eliminate the emission of odor that is detectable beyond the boundaries of the parcel or tract of land on which the swine farm is located.

(4) Substantially eliminate the release of disease‑transmitting vectors and airborne pathogens.

(5) Substantially eliminate nutrient and heavy metal contamination of soil and groundwater.
full link here


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Farming animals like that is wrong. It's totally possible to have sanitary healthy conditions and provide quality value meat.

I try to ensure I never eat concentration-farmed meat. Is it any wonder people get cancer when we treat our food like that?

Bacon does taste good, and free range bacon tastes way better (in more than one way).

Pig farm from near where I'm from:

http://www.essexpigcompany.com/driuyLe3.php?t=pig_gallery and normal 'supermarket' farm:

Tiny image, only one I can find. Pigs have huge fields to roam 24/7.


Also check this out:




Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
In Ontario animal waste is pumped or "carted" to wastewater treatment centers. Most of the pork here in the northeast comes from Ontario.