Prize for the best alternative title. I know I know, going to hell.
Prize for the best alternative title. I know I know, going to hell.
Is that an official entry. If it is, it's pretty piss-weak. I'd encourage a higher standard of work as the prize is a beauty.Pit bulls are some f-ed up creatures.
Funny you should ask. I'm going to see the wife's shrink on Tuesday (she's bi-polar) cause I've been having anxiety attacks and generally freaking out. Ironically the insanity of the internet is the only place that seems normal to me now.VB is on his game lately. I have to wonder is this caused by him sobering up or drinking more? Maybe the doctors removed that crayon in his nose that was putting pressure on his brain.
Sounds like you need to drink more, or lay off the cheap weed.Funny you should ask. I'm going to see the wife's shrink on Tuesday (she's bi-polar) cause I've been having anxiety attacks and generally freaking out. Ironically the insanity of the internet is the only place that seems normal to me now.
I'm giving the drink more a chance. No weed here in Japan. I'd rather be where you are.Sounds like you need to drink more, or lay off the cheap weed.
I'm going the opposit direction these days. A bear could jump out of the wood with roman candles shooting out of it's ass and drop a live grenade in front of me and chances are I wouldn't give a ****. At least there is balance in the world.
I'm giving the drink more a chance. No weed here in Japan. I'd rather be where you are.
I'm sure there's more to that than the flippancy suggests.It must be the mercury in all the fish.
Fair enough I thought, he also enclosed this pic of his first day at kindy. I am curious. Yellow.In my day we didn't have pitbulls, we had pits and we had bulls and never the twane did meet
Wasted mate, wasted.Enough of this crap. Alexis DH sent me this postcard along with apologies.
Caption was "Over Darwin now, to the top right you can just make out Tanzania. "
Was a full 5 minutes later that I laughed, funnily enough while having a quiet ciggy.freshly powdered
i threw out boyzilian as a subtle shibboleth, but the fish are yet to bite.Whoa ho wooh Stink, points aplenty for the use of "akimbo", a vastly underused word imo
See Fluff's post above.i threw out boyzilian as a subtle shibboleth, but the fish are yet to bite.
Must wait to click. Even without seeing his last post I nominate Valve Bouncer as King Friday. King Friday the 13th no less.
Despite now being edited I saw the clip. VB is ****ing King, Emperor Friday, the Cesar. God save the bastard. wankers wonder why I'm batsh*t f*cken gone in the head. I go and hang out at the local sh*thouse all the time looking for luck in all the wrong places and of course it never finds me. Some dopey prick goes for a dump and finds a C-note. Bloody hell.i think i found the source of valvie's lofted spirits:
Money found in toilets across Japan
i'm pretty sure it's him; the breathmints are still intact