Be very carefull in dealing with this young kid or shall I call him a punk, three months ago I sent him $200 for a front wheel and well I am still waiting for it.
Initially he responded to my emails and after a month he told me that Canada Post had returned the wheel to him since he had incorrectly written down my address, he also was out of money and could not find the $20 to send it back a second time!. He eventually found the $20 bucks about 10 days later and sent it a second time or so he says, I still have not received anything and about a month ago he told me his email was not working anymore and that I should contact him on Ridemonkey now. After numerous PMs to him he has never returned a single one of them , this kid lives in Cambell River BC I beleive and rides a BB7. If any body knows who he is.... never got his real name or number .... This little rip-off artist better watch his back if I ever get out to Cambell River...
Be very carefull in dealing with this young kid or shall I call him a punk, three months ago I sent him $200 for a front wheel and well I am still waiting for it.
Initially he responded to my emails and after a month he told me that Canada Post had returned the wheel to him since he had incorrectly written down my address, he also was out of money and could not find the $20 to send it back a second time!. He eventually found the $20 bucks about 10 days later and sent it a second time or so he says, I still have not received anything and about a month ago he told me his email was not working anymore and that I should contact him on Ridemonkey now. After numerous PMs to him he has never returned a single one of them , this kid lives in Cambell River BC I beleive and rides a BB7. If any body knows who he is.... never got his real name or number .... This little rip-off artist better watch his back if I ever get out to Cambell River...