
Baldy meeting post pulled?


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
roberts said:
Did someone pull the Baldy meeting post?

If so, any link to the pics?
We pulled the threads at the request of Mt. Baldy. They would like us to keep all the negotiations on the down low until everything is hammered out.

You can find the pics here though... http://www.punkduck.com/gallery/ It's my personal gallery page, but the pix are there labled "Mt. Baldy".

We'll post info as we get it. Both here and via e-mail to the membership of AMBP. Members get it first though. :D Our next scheduled meeting is to evaluate and map trails and work out more details with Baldy management.

if you (or anyone else) has any questions feel free to e-mail me at mike @ ambpsocal.org (remove the spaces) or PM me here.

Association for Mountain Bike Preservation


May 6, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Mike, just so you know I won' be able to make it to that meeting, I'll be up in Oregan, then Victoria! Yay I'm going to NorthShore!!!!