ridemonkey.com isn't very tolerant of any foolishness anything that upsets the unicorns and rainbow good feelings on here gets deleted or banned quite quickly thanks for reminding me of why I stopped posting on here years ago adios amigos'
like i said, pro and world class, world ranked cool mofo are two complete and entirely different worlds....ridemonkey.com isn't very tolerant of any foolishness anything that upsets the unicorns and rainbow good feelings on here gets deleted or banned quite quickly thanks for reminding me of why I stopped posting on here years ago adios amigos'
OMG oppression! Call the ACLU, the UN, Elvis, and Chuck Norris!!! one!!11ridemonkey.com isn't very tolerant of any foolishness anything that upsets the unicorns and rainbow good feelings on here gets deleted or banned quite quickly thanks for reminding me of why I stopped posting on here years ago adios amigos'
I think they are all banned, we shall never know the outcome...but we know this: they were both dumba**esdo i dare ask...... who won the race between the mental midgets????
do i dare ask...... who won the race between the mental midgets????
BSP said:Actaully.
The Feenance's car was at the shop for repairs today so I let her have my SUV. That put my riding options down to anything I could ride to from the house. So, I rode out to West Oaks.
Cookie was there raring to go.
No Preston.
The pack rolled out at 8:01 and still no Preston.
Looks like he welched on the bet.
As a side note, Cookie was dropped from the pack within 5 miles of the start. (the first time we ramped it up to cruising speed).
Why can't we all just enjoy riding our bikes? Why do group rides have to be a race? They hold races for that sort of thingalleged outcome
What I thought was funny there was probably a bunch of masters and triathletes that would have dropped these idiots on the first surge.Why can't we all just enjoy riding our bikes? Why do group rides have to be a race? They hold races for that sort of thing
this belongs on teamsmack so please just cut 'n' paste this over there and please bare with, this is serious bike mojo.
i really hope you all get to see this, teamsmackers.
time is now 9:08 and still no nothing from hoOd.
one paragraph toO:
points to ponder
so, last year when i first 'raced' ole walley the wall eyed wondertwit and i was on my gary fisher marlin and him on some road bike, we rode out from the mall together with steve, hoOd's friend, not mine so to speak. point being there was no official start on the mark time, but we all waited for one another and it's proven, not to mention i told hOod that we must shake hands before the race to be men about it and so as to put the bs in the past or to not prolong the bs any longer...my mistake.
remember when i posted that all numbers were exchanged? well at 8:01 i was less than three blocks from the mall (driving) and called BD. no answer. showed up at mall and saw hoOds truck. i had to put my bike together. i had no contacts on for the race (glasses were in truck) and saw two individuals waiting on bikes, i'd have to guess hoOd and who knows.
i go about cleaning my bike and making sure everything is tight and take a quick warm up strooll around the outter loop pf the mall. i was supposed to pass the guys on my way back to the truck or so i thought but nothing. it's now been about ten minutes since i first arrived.
anywho, i ride around by his truck and out on the road and back to the mall. i almost headed out and then went back to the parking lot and waited for another ten minutes. nothing. so i start heading out anywho, thinking that now he's gonna say 'well we were supposed to start at 8., yadda yadda yadda and that this was not going to be a waisted day for me and so i rode out, slowly. i had to pee and stopped in at a valero on westpark and something, across from a citgo which wouldn't let me come in with the bike and so no restroom usage there.
it should be on camera a the store and the time is now about 8:37 i think it was. btw, i tried to call steve again at around 8:30 but no answer. i have the time and number called on my phone in case he denies it both times. he was supposed to be there.
i checked as i was gonna time myself from the store and so i reset my computer.
i go out, i ride the route and about halfway through on the something loop, the extra four or five mile loop that completes the fulshear route, i see hoOd but didn;t recognize him and asked 'is this the fulshear route?" i knew it was but just wanted some confirmation. he is coming towrds me on the other side of the road, btw and says "go straight'. i realize who it is and say in surprise "HEY, WTF?"
anywho, i keep going and run into him again on the same loop about halfway through and as i look up and realize that it's him (we were pretty close to each other and remember, i have no contacts in < i can see for the most part very well>) aand as i do he opens his punk mouth which has a smirk on it aas if he won already and said "now don't phuckin' turn around.", all rude as if he was smokin' me. i stopped dead in my tracks and let loOse a 'Phuck you, you phuck, i didn't leave the mall until 8:30, you phuck!!! i was very pissed off as one might can imagine. he started to act as if he was going to turn around but he could tell by my anger that it was not in his best interest.
i realized toO late that there were family cyclists all around and that they were shocked. ooops.
well, that's about all i'm gonna say about it..although i will add that when i got back, his truck was still there and no one was around...no BD or anyone.
glad about that a si really am not into fighting but my hypocracy only goes so far and if you all only knew....that's another story.
i was really pissed off by this time and just left.
i ghave some really goOd news in which came out of this day and it involves swcc, a local cycling club. it's a really coOl story but i'm gonna shower and rest and get a beer and i'll let you all know.
hint: newest club to soOn be team member i hope and it is quite dramatic!!
okay, i'll let you in on the beginning. i was on my way back, just past the shell, making a right turn onto 359 or whatever coming from the loop, from behind the shell and i was struggling. i saw a group ahead of me and thoought, 'i gotta draft', so i tried but nothing was really happening. then, out of nowhere, a swcc guy comes up from behind, he was on a look, and as he quickly passes me says 'get on my wheel', solidly and with an almost commandable respect. i do. we catch his crew, all swcc guys and two girls. it's on from there. i revive and we travel pretty dam fast. thank gawd!!
i'll be back.
second babble graph:
now that i think about it as no one really cares to ride with hoOd and he is incapable of having friends or making them on a ride as i did, there is no way that he made it back within forty five minutes to an hour at best from the loop out past shell. there is just no way.
mileage=51.89 but i reset my computer when leaving the store on my way out.
average=17.8 with hella solo wind for about half of the ride which killed me and i gassed and was miraculously saved by swcc, my new riding buds.
this ain't no sippin' tea, folks. bring it.
third babble term paper:
it seems as if hoOd got dropped by a crowd of teamsmackers IN THE FIRST FIVE MINUTES and that bsp thinks i was a no show and is running his mouth over there.
quit the phucking horse SH!T and let's do this. put me phucking back on teamsmack Rob. i'm sick of not being able to defend my phucking self.
another you ask? okay:
people from swcc as best describable from the heat of the moment:
Audrey, skiiny, but tall looking with the seat up high on some kind of dark bike i think it was.
a white foregner, older guy with white hair, clean cut, scottish or something. trek 5200 i think with VERY LOUD and rearing to go rear hub. i said to him 'i love that sound, it's like a mating call.' seriously.
hai la or something. (hi/lo) he's the guy who saw me obviously strugglng and helped me greatly. maybe from thailand.
one or two other thailandish types, al goOd peeps and they amongst themselves were friends.
another two white guys, one of 'em in his swcc kit (as was the older scottish and the three others) with blond hair and clean shaven and the other guy in black with a dark suit on, with shades and a goatie. he took off the fron for a good stretch toO, leading us all into some serious wind without hesitance and maintained us all.
come on already, i'm no monkey!!! well, yes i am.
one more and this is very serious foks so please see to it that this gets into the correct hands....TEAMSMACK!!!
i bet i know what happened toO. he thought i was gonna stop at the shell, where he saw me sitting on the bench the first 'race'.
i road on by. this was a nonstop ride for me as expected.
maybe he saw that guy help me and me respond and re-energize, me now being with someone proven or whatever. someone he knew he had no chance of keeping up with especially after getting dropped in the first five minutes as per BSP, cruising speed.
i told the guy what was happening and even said i that i needed to gang with 'you' guys and that i was heading back to west oaks and was in a one on one race and asked if they knew of coOkie or Hood. obviously not.
thank you for your patience bike mojo peoples and people-ettes...especially the people-ettes!
That's a whole load of babble to basically say, "I missed my start time".
I remember reading somewhere that you two 'tards agreed to rollout at 8:00 am.
I'm no fan of 'tard number two, but I can attest that he was there suited up and ready to go at 7:45am. The group assembled in it's normal way and waited until 8:01am before we rolled out.
If this was a REAL race (ask your new SWCC teammates) and the gun went off without you on the line, you'd be just as SOL as you were Saturday. No excuses.