
Bands RM members have rocked in!

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Back in the early 80's I was stationed out on the Russian end of the Aleutian Island chain (about 1500 miles from Anchorage, AK).

While there I was the drummer in a small band called the Cave Pigs.

The main singer/guitar player was an 19 year old air traffic controller named Chris O'Connor from Stockton, CA. He played a lot of REM Murmur-ish sounding tunes at the time. Eventually I got transferred to Pt. Hueneme, CA and he got sent to NAS Pt. Mugu just south of Oxnard.

I spent a lot of time being deployed so he started a band called the I-Rails who played around the LA/Oxnard/Santa Barbara area. The I-Rails played quite a bit with the kids (at the time) who were Toad The Wet Sprocket.

Chris left the Navy and got a job being a civilian air traffic controller who eventually went to work at LAX as an approach controller. He lived in Carlsbad, CA. While he was working there he recorded a solo cd and sent it out to some record labels. He got signed by Sony. He called his 'group' The Primitive Radio Gods. He had a top 10 hit with a song off his album Rocket, "Standing Outside a Broken Phone Booth with Money in my Hand" which was far from the best tune on the cd. Sony screwed him in the end and never released a second single and he spent a half dozen years trying to get out of his contract.

He has a couple of guys who were in the I-Rails with him and they still make an album every so often.

Me? I haven't messed with the skins in over 15 years... :(


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Many years ago I was asked to be the front man doing punk covers for a band called Little Green Men because their singer was going to rehab (Ha!) but I declined the offer and have always regretted it.



Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
N8 said:
While there I was the drummer in a small band called the Cave Pigs.
You played drums? We have something in common?

I have to commit hari-kiri now.



Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
I have played in Neurosis for 20 years.

I played in a few small bands before that. Just before Neurosis was Violent Coercion.

I've done numerous side projects and live shows w/ Tribes of Neurot.

One gig w/ Blood and Time.

I played a few shows w/ Soulfy when their drummer baled in the middle of a tour.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
H8R said:
I have played in Neurosis for 20 years.

I played in a few small bands before that. Just before Neurosis was Violent Coercion.

I've done numerous side projects and live shows w/ Tribes of Neurot.

One gig w/ Blood and Time.

I played a few shows w/ Soulfy when their drummer baled in the middle of a tour.
wait, are you bomberz1qr20?


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
About 15 years ago I played rhythm guitar in a cover band called Kold Shoulder. Tweek was the lead guitarist and ghostrider played bass. Our drummer was always either late for practice or didn't show up at all, so I would fill in on drums a lot.

Eventually that band called it quits and Tweek and I formed a band with me on drums. We recruited a bass player and wrote 10 really cool original songs, then spent about a year auditioning singers. Never found one that fit the bill, so we eventually gave up.

I didn't really do anything musically for a bunch of years although I have always owned and messed around with guitars. Then about a year and a half ago a bunch of really talented musicians I know all were "bandless" at the same time. Drummer with a Rush/Genesis tribute background, guitar player with tons of experience, singer from a Judas Priest tribute with tons of other experience, Tweek on bass, me on keys. We threw together a basic setlist for a new years party, and people at the party were telling us we were better than most bands playing out in Rochester, so decided to keep jamming. Getting gigs turned out to be a huge pain in the ass, but we've had a few decent gigs and tons of fun. So that's where it's at now :thumb:


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Westy said:
Opeth had nothing to do with it. BomberquerEye died from an overdose of righteous indignation, also known as a sissy fit.

Actually it was fortuitous indigestion.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
I have rocked in the following bands:

Hermaphroditee (high school punk band)
Jody Globe (dumb name - female fronted rock band)
Iris (female fronted indy rock / noise-pop)
Teledyne (mellow indy band)
No Star (solo electronic noise / audio collage project)

Not currently in any bands although No Star never technically broke up since it's hard to break up with yourself.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Turbo Monkey
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 1,027

bomberz1qr20 said:
I'll try to curb the profanity, so you
goody-goody people might even read this post.

I said screw it, ban me for all I care, I'll flame at will. In fact i asked to be removed. RM won't eliminate my user name, and because I have respect for you, I'll answer this one. I've been on RM a long time, but it sucks here now. I'm over it. I said goodbye to RM for awhile after the war started, I couldnt take all the bloodlust. I stuck around the last few months to hopefully be a voice against the war mongering and lameness. Didn't work then, doesn't work now. I cant see one more lame ass N8(hate) post.

I am not "wrong" for thinking this did not turn out well. Sour grapes? Hell yes - too sour to swallow.

59,106,230 Americans that voted Bush beat out the ones who voted against. The rest of the Americans who didn't get to the polls to bring him down are just as much to blame for Bush winning as the 59,106,230 Americans that voted him in.

Not enoough people cared, and Kerry wasn't enough to make them care.

Could Kerry have stopped it all? No. He could have at least tried to turn it around though and that was worth my vote.

I told people off today on RM, and I still feel the same way. If you voted for Bush, you voted to continue the downward spiral. You voted to have the war in Iraq continue, with no plan to get out. You voted to have more Americans put in harm's way. You voted for the bank accounts of a few very rich men over the good of this country. You voted to be a "war country" run by a "war president". You voted with your bible, not your mind. You voted against our environment, and against our kids.

That's lame, so my comments were valid, if you ask me. I'm not alone in my feelings here. This wasn't a vote for high school class president here, this election has some very grave consequences.

Many more people are going to die for $$$$$$.

Call me a hater, call my childish, what ever. This is a very sad day, and in my opinion, you guys suck. We had a chance to make a great country in big trouble be a safer, better place, and you and the apathetic asses that didn't vote, blew it.

Nite, I'm gonna go home and hug my kid.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
OK missed this one:

Sudden Impact: 1982 - 1985

Noyz: 1985 -1986

Spit: 1986 - 1988

Winds Of Change: 2000 - 2005 (Classic rock style Christian music)

Session Musician in Jackson TN 1998 - 1999


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
back to the thread topic, "bands" i have been in:

my high school jazz band :D
the Monday Night jazz band at harvard


tacoma youth symphony
all-northwest orchestra (1999)
harvard-radcliffe orchestra
+ many smaller groups over the years

currently playing with:

black diamond brass quintet (www.blackdiamondbrass.com, sorry about the lame site)
puget sound symphony orchestra (a community orchestra, www.psso.org)


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
partsbara said:
oh... hello there... :)... sorry, bit slow on the uptake tonight... self medicating... :clue:

Drinking the rubbing alcohol again?