
bars vs gels


Jamis Slayer
Sep 7, 2001
is there an advantage to one over the other besides the gels getting digested faster?

i've always used the gu's and never really had a problem with them, besides having them go everywhere, but i'm starting to wonder if the bars have a longer lasting effect since it's a solid food.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
I am good with solid food while riding a bike but I cannot handle it while running - for a marathon I do 100% gel. For a 50K I will eat a little solid and mostly gel. Gels are instant but do not stick with you - a bar is probably better.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
For short durations with heavy exertion, like a bike race, I think that gels will be better. For longer durations, like hiking/backpacking I think solid food is better.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Well i almost never use gel when i'm training but sometimes in races. Most of my races are about 1-1.5 hours long which i rarely use gels in.
However when i do races that are 3-5 hours long i use only bars no gels and start eating early.
I almost never bonk anymore i did a 110 km ride on sunday with only drink no bars or gels and was fine i was totally drained by the end but i was going as hard as i could for the distance which took me 3.5 hours.


May 30, 2003
http://hammergel.com/ My favorite!! Just did Bridge to Bridge in NC. 100 miles to the top Grandfather Mt. and used only two flasks of Apple cinn and Rasp flav hammergel. What I like its not as thick as GU and other gels and can be mixed into water bottle if you want. Good stuff

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
You guys are both freaks... :eek: all GU tastes like crap - I only use it because it works. Plain tastes less crappy though.

On my last race I cut 2 of the large size powerbars into 8 pieces and ate one piece every 30 minutes or when my stomach felt empty. The small pieces will give you that full feeling without making you want to puke. Chewing and drinking and trying to move forward at the same time is a pain the ass but you do what you have to do.

Anyhow for 7.5 hours at around 90% I ate about 1 1/2 large powerbars and 6 plain GUs plus 4 GU2O mixed with my water (120oz) for a total of around 1400 calories.

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
farting around - bars
racing - gu
endurance racing - newtons and gu each lap

more nutritional information brought to you by the letter T.

4 newtons = 1 Clif bar

2 (1pack) of Frosted Strawberry pop tarts
410 cals
10g fat
75g carbs
2g fiber
38g suger
vitamins A, c, b6, and others

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Originally posted by Tweek
(may sub Pop Tarts for Newtons)
Wahahaha - I've been quoted... and my mama will be proud. :thumb:

I've got nothing against newtons but I can't imagine trying to choke down a pop tart while biking or running. I'd choke and die... plus they taste worse than any cliff bar I can imagine. :dead: