
Basso to Liquigas


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007

Ivan Basso will return to racing on the Liquigas team
Posted Apr. 24, 2008

Ivan Basso, who completes a two-year doping suspension on June 15th, has signed a two-year contract to return to racing for the Italian Liquigas team, according to a team press release.

The team did not specify when exactly the 30 year old will return to racing.

Paolo Dal Lago, the president of Liquigas Sport spa, said Basso has handled his suspension with "great dignity."

"Ivan has still maintained a responsible and calm attitude, he has applied some healthy self-criticism and taken this seriously throughout. This has earned him the public’s respect, as well as the respect of those who work in the industry.”

"Basso is Italy’s most talented cyclist,” he said. “We will help him to regain his form as we firmly believe that we can help him to achieve the standards of excellence of which he is capable. "


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
Well of course. The inhale part was a figure of speech.

I wonder if ASO will let him, and his team, into the Tour in '09. He has paid his debt, but they are trying to keep anyone away that might be dirty


Carbon Porn Star
Sep 11, 2001
Danbury, CT
Its the political game. its because he is liked and Italian.

We have a winner! Please select your prize from the array of stuffed animals...

Meanwhile guys like Tyler are withering on a team like Ball Racing...

Not saying either one is deserving of their treatment, it's just funny what happens when a sanctioning body is behind you...

Plus: (from Cyclingnews.com)

Liquigas withdraws from AIGCP

One day after announcing the signing of Ivan Basso, the Liquigas team has withdrawn its membership from the Association Internationale des Groupes Cyclistes Professionnels (AIGCP) - the teams' organisation headed by Cofidis team manager Eric Boyer. In a statement released Friday morning, Liquigas said it believes the AIGCP "doesn't represent all the sporting groups anymore and the programme we agreed doesn't satisfy the current needs".

The signing of Basso, currently serving a two-year suspension for his involvement in the Operación Puerto doping network, means that Liquigas is in direct contravention of the ProTour Code of Ethics, which states that a ProTour team must not sign a rider for four years after any suspension was issued. The AIGCP has previously stated that any team not respecting the Code of Ethics will be excluded from the group.

Discovery Channel found itself in a similar situation in June last year, when it withdrew from the AIGCP over disagreements regarding the group's lack of unity and future objectives. However, membership of the AIGCP is not compulsory for any team competing in ProTour races or the Grand Tours.

Other ProTour teams will likely be watching the Basso situation with interest, as the Italian's signing may well set a precedent for teams to contract riders returning from doping suspensions.