
BCD Racing Video


Turbo Monkey
Oct 29, 2006
no intended thread jack, but how the hell do you learn to comfortably leave the lip of a quarter, bowl or half pipe? i want to learn tables out of quarters as it is one of the coolest looking tricks ever, but i can't get the balls to leave the lip and actually get air. i'm concerned that i won't go straight up and that i'll go over the lip or that i'll smack my front or rear tire on the way back down. i also want to learn to do abubacas on top of the quarter, is that going to be easier or at least help me develop to the point where i'll be comfortable attempting tables? as you can see, i was encouraged by the vid.


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
Well thanks man. Anyways, do you dirt jump? It's like hitting any normal jump but without a lander for the most part. Don't worry about not going out far enough, you will unless you pull up and lean back as if you are trying to air out...

The back tire stalls on the top, I learned them just recently after Alex pushed me to learn them. It's the same motion as jumping out, but with a little turn, and just catching your balance on the rear wheel. It's difficult to describe online, but watch the video some more and it will show you how.

edit: I just re-read your post. You want to air out? That takes a little bit more practice. Go up the lip of the quarter, don't go above the coping, and just bunny hop, spin, and land back in.