
Bearded Dragons?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
yup i used to have one. I think i payed 200 bucks for it. There great fun to take out of the tank, very pretty too. You have to feed them grasshopers, wich is kinda a pain in the ass because they stink. Mine used to like letuce and strawberries. They live really long and get very big, but I sold mine after 2 years to a nice dude, I gather she is still alive today.

EDIT: there very soft and fun too look at, deff. a better looking reptile. And you wont be called a dork for owning one. **** and tank maitnace can be a problem too sometimes. Good with little kids, i had mine when i was 10, so i dont remember allot, other than its name was Izzy. I dont think they have teeth, and they grow really slow. hope this helped. :blah: have fun.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
the clam is easy maintenance, if you've done your research... but dealing with the attached appendage can often be an arduous task... :p


Jul 11, 2004
just don't over feed it when it's still a baby. I had one. He ate too much for his size. Then he became paralized and died. Then the crickets in the tank began to eat his body. Right about that time I decided I should dispose of him properly. :flush:


My old roommate and I had a Bearded Dragon and it was pretty cool. We got him from a girl that was going to be traveling a bunch and couldn't take him with her so she gave us the dragon along with the tank, light, etc.

They are pretty low maintenance pets. We would feed him lettuce and small bits on carrots on a regular basis and crickets once a week or two. He would go crazy for crickets - running around and eating them. As a special treat, or if we needed to leave him for a long time (a week or two), we would feed him a pinkie mouse - he would be fat and happy for a long time after that.

The dragons are pretty docile and are very easy to handle. You can hold them, put them on your shoulder etc and not worry too much about them jumping off and running away.

When we got him, the girl said he was pretty old, but that was over 6 years ago and he's still going strong!