
Beat the rain


Apr 4, 2002
W00t! What a great weekend for riding! Things were looking dicey, but the ex stepped up to the plate and delivered a free Saturday night and all day Sunday that I just had to take advantage of. Took off yesterday afternoon for McCormick, and just beat the closing time of the park by 15 minutes. I was kind of hoping the locals would be there because I thought they had something going on, but it was just me and a lovely sunset, captured here with a genuinely bad photo.

Snarfed down some food and got in a quick night ride before bed, and woke up bright and early this morning. The weather was calling for dropping temps and rain come afternoon so I got up early, made some oatmeal (blech!) and coffee, broke camp, and hit the trail. It was wet in spots from all the rain we've been having, but these trails hold up well so mostly I was dealing with puddles. Still, a lovely day to be in the woods.

A lot of this trail runs along the shores of a lake (actually a reservoir) and with all the leaves off the trees there's some pretty nice views sometimes. The water was murky and choppy today though, and the sky was threatening all day so this is the best I could do.

These guys tell me that spring is on the way. For those of you up in Yankeeland, they mean its time to do all that maintenance you blew off when you put the bike away for the winter. Swap out those cables. Change those pads. Rebuild the fork. Yeah yeah yeah, I know mud season comes first, but you can still log some base miles on the road.



Apr 4, 2002
Heading back I took a detour on a road that said "Site of Hugenot Worship: Sure enough, down at the bottom of the hill was a tax write off. Damn I love my job! :)

Got back to the parking lot, took one pic to try and capture the day

loaded the truck and, 5.5 hours after I started and just as I sat down for my post-ride beverage, down came the rain.....

It was a long drive home, so I stopped for a snack on the way. :)



May 26, 2004
New York City
I can't do things like that alone. I get bored quickly...

Do you have any friends that would ride with you or do you just enjoy doing it alone?


Apr 4, 2002
johnbryanpeters said:
Sent 27th... Title "Circus".
In that case no. Maybe the file's too big and it bounced, or maybe you're getting filtered. Send me something without an attachment and I'll look for it tomorrow.

Stupid email. :mad: