
### Before the butt crack o dawn monderp ###


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Looks like somebody has a case of the Mondays.

You're god damn right. Rolling into work on a Monday with a headache is no bueno.

Need to find a shoe repair place to re-stitch the toe area on my winter hiking boots. The boots are in pretty good shape, for how much they've been used, its a shame that just the stitching has come undone where the toe flexes.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 30, 2006
Corn Fields of Indiana
Morning :wave:

Kiddo has been in a constant state of uncontrollable excitement since getting a Xmas tree on Saturday. This morning was no different. Not going to lie, pretty cool.
RMSS is boxed and ready for UPS, plan to do that at lunch.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Company holiday gift arrived in the mail yesterday. Roll top bag with a logo and a $50 gift card. Not bad I guess? At least they aren't going to make me pay taxes on it.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Oldest son turns 14 today. He was very happy this morning that was a great start to the week.

Danish politician just got 60 days in jail for breaking in her duties as a minister.

Booked my booster 3rd covid shot for Sunday.


free wieners
3 bedrooms of shit are currently piled all over the living room in lieu of carpet being installed this morning. Steel skewer and heart rate monitor arrived for the zwifting. Might sneak out to the garage and get some spins in while the shady home depot crew is laying carpet.

Last item of the RMSS better arrive today or it will be like JDcamb vs. DN up in this place.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Haley has an orchestra performance today. It's going to sound horrible.

Wifey's company has a meeting with the advisor around their new 401k provider today, which the President has asked me to attend, since I helped them choose it. Wifey's still not sure whether he's told them I will be on the call or not. We're pretty sure that they know there is another retirement plan advisor in the mix, as my emails are getting forwarded directly, but they are always from my personal email. Should be an interesting call.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006

Company holiday gift arrived in the mail yesterday. Roll top bag with a logo and a $50 gift card. Not bad I guess? At least they aren't going to make me pay taxes on it.
Just wait. Non-cash value gifts often are added to taxable income.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Here. Haley has an orchestra performance today. It's going to sound horrible.

Wifey's company has a meeting with the advisor around their new 401k provider today, which the President has asked me to attend, since I helped them choose it. Wifey's still not sure whether he's told them I will be on the call or not. We're pretty sure that they know there is another retirement plan advisor in the mix, as my emails are getting forwarded directly, but they are always from my personal email. Should be an interesting call.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Had a visit from @mtg and a Nerd Herd of GG riders yesterday, got out for a good rip in the foothills with 'em. Super fun day with a pile of shredders. No crashes, no mechanicals, plenty of giggles and fun techy trails. Ended the day with sammies and beers. I could have been less hungover, except I wasn't. Happy I kept my poop in a group for the ride.

Today me and Teh Spousal Unit™ are heading to the Big City for a quick overnight trip. I'll go in to the office tomorrow, she has a dentist appt. We'll also do the retail thing, Costco/Target/yadda yadda.

Good times, stay safe out there mi amigos!


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
my one cat was having a standoff with a squirrel through the sliding glass door earlier this morning. wish i could have stuck around to watch


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
reporting for doody.

had an excellent weekend for trash picking. Scored a 32" TV for the zwift setup and a trio of artificial trees for around the house. Nothing quite like plants you don't have to take care of, and the TV works which will allow me to get better graphics/a more immersive setup.

I also may have finally found the source of my fucking car creak (at least one of them). Seems like there's a plastic fairing at the base of the windshield. Squirting a little wiper juice at the windshield quieted it right down, so it's got to be somewhere down there. I just need to get the right lube in there. I'm unreasonably excited. Sunroof still clatters though :(


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Had a visit from @mtg and a Nerd Herd of GG riders yesterday, got out for a good rip in the foothills with 'em. Super fun day with a pile of shredders. No crashes, no mechanicals, plenty of giggles and fun techy trails. Ended the day with sammies and beers. I could have been less hungover, except I wasn't. Happy I kept my poop in a group for the ride.
probably better than any xmas present


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
had an excellent weekend for trash picking. Scored a 32" TV for the zwift setup and a trio of artificial trees for around the house. Nothing quite like plants you don't have to take care of, and the TV works which will allow me to get better graphics/a more immersive setup.

Montana rider

Turbo Monkey
Mar 14, 2005
Is it too early for a festivus thread?

Note to self, it's prudent to ascertain how many teachers your son has before signing up to make teacher appreciation sourdough bread for said educators.


I was concerned the later loaves would be over proofed but thankfully house temps are typically sweater / hat worthy.

Slow rise ftw, should've made 10 as I didn't get to try any...

One positive of 9 loaves @ 20 mins covered + 5 uncovered in the dutch oven was I had plenty of "down" time to whip up sourdough waffles for my not so little guy.


Thus concludes today's airing of grievances.

Hoping to head south in a bit to Idaho and the impending fresh snow-pacolypse to xc down to the river for a different kind of baking session ;)
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butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Hello all. I was to be off today but got called in to cover for someone sick. So I read CTs and MRs from home today. It'll be a typical Monday-volume day, so I'll work at about 50% duty cycle, if you will


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Coming off a two-ride weekend. First day was one gnarly crash by a newb-to-the-area riding an Evil somethingorother and leading to skin and gear carnage, and another by a newb-to-riding resulting in a hilarious giggling slow-mo OTB with no consequence. Day two was a hideous climb on the big bike followed by really letting it hang out on the way down, for the first time in a while.

I liked running a 27.5 up front on the big bike, stuffed under the arch of my 2005 Marzo 888. Clears under full compression even with flat crowns. Also liked the Micchie Wild Enduro 2.4. Kinda felt like a mini-Comp 32, my favorite tire ever. Rode at least as well as the DHF it replaced on the 26" hoop.

We'll see how I like it with 27.5" in the rear once the new axle kit comes. But hey, maybe it will stay a mini-mullet, too.

Spontaneous Brazilian Steakhouse meal yesterday after arriving home ravenous from the ride.

Now back to bureaucratting.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Good morning and all that whatnot jazz! We had a murder-suicide in our quiet town last night about two miles from my house. It was only two people though, so as shootings go I guess that's good???

Wife bought a GPS tracker for the new dog, so we can see her step count now in realtime. Doggo is at daycare this morning and is already north of 21,000 steps for the day. Holy balls...no wonder she comes home so damn tired every time!


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Also, what do people think of Flagstaff as a place to live?
I'll caveat by saying it's been quite a number of years since I was last there, but I would *LOVE* to move to Flagstaff. Fairly temperate, summers not too hot, winter isn't horrible. Plenty of Mountain Biking, fairly decent skiing, I actually learned to ski as a wee lad at Snowbowl. Northern Arizona University is there, so some college town vibe. Lots of cool geography and history. Sunset Crater is one of my favorite spots in that part of the world.

On the downside, I understand it's grown A LOT in the last decade and has gotten pretty expensive. Fire danger there is pretty bad the last several years and is almost certainly going to get worse.

fairly decent skiing, I actually learned to ski as a wee lad at Snowbowl.
Holy shit. Just looked up Snowbowl's terrain map. It's a lot smaller than I remember it. :rofl:
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Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Also, what do people think of Flagstaff as a place to live?
A buddy of mine who has lived all over talks about Flagstaff likes it he wishes he had never left. He said the high end home building scene got the better of him and he had to gtfo or he was gonna go crazy. Not a ton of industry for good jobs.