
Beginner Class to Clydesdale?


Apr 5, 2009
I'm in the Beginner class considering the Clydesdale wondering if this move would be an appropriate one for me. I weigh 204 lbs.

At the lower end of clydesdale weight scale, I had some concerns of being a sandbagger but reasonably I suspect since I only finished middle of the pack in the beginner class last year, the Clydesdale's will certainly have something to teach me.

What about my weight fluctuations? What if I'm weighing in at 199 at some point in the year? Is there a weigh in every race? Is there a weigh in @ the beginning of the year and is that the official yearly weigh in and it doesn't matter if you fluctuate? Honor system? What should be my outlook on this?

I think it would be unethical to race Clyde if my weight happens to be 199 that day. I guess I'm going to have to see how my weight shifts during the season.

Thanks for your recommendations!

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Yoshinoya Destroyer
Jan 20, 2007
Hills of Paradise
You're fine in beginner. Trust me. I started racing at 245lbs in beginner. If you're about the compeition and testing yourself against everyone else, stay in beginner class and move to sport when you think you're ready. Leave the clydesdale class for the big guys that just wanna have fun.

Oh and carefull with the clydes guys... some of them are JUST as fast as sport class guys.