Hi- I am 13 years old, I have been riding BMX for a couple years, and started mountain biking this year. I want to get into trials riding, can some of you list some good links for a new trials rider?
www.trials-online.com is one of the best. It has a link section which will show you most other sites. Another site worthy of looking at was made by a trials-online forum member...
The owner is a really nice guy who goes to most events or at least has reports on them. There are also lots of equipment listings. If you want to get into trials, forget building up a small cheap xc bike with mediocre components. Get a mod bike. Mod bikes are the 20" wheel ones, but they have nothing to do with BMX. It is much much easier to learn all the techniques on a mod bike, and they are much cheaper. There are also a couple for sale here on ridemonkey.
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