
Beginner ride this weekend


Turbo Monkey
Aug 21, 2006
In your pants
We'll be out in Santa Cruz.

Probably only one loop, although we may be inclined to hike back up for a second one (ie. we'll only be riding up once). So if you want to ride, bring your big bike. I'll have about 4 guys with me who are comfortable on a bike, but by no means fast nor in shape.

I think we'll plan to meet out there at 9:30am at Rincon.

Also, this is pending the weather situation. I heard it might rain on Friday. :clapping:

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
No riding for me this weekend. Its Emily's birthday on Friday and shes having a friend come stay with us for the weekend. I am going to try and ride a few times this week in the am. Anyone want to join me? =]


Turbo Monkey
Aug 21, 2006
In your pants
Oh yeah! I remember someone mentioning women with birthdays on All Hallows Eve being a little crazy. ;)

But seriously, tell Em that Jehn and I say happy-happy, and we want to get together for din-din with you guys soon. Maybe Tizzle and Mandizzle can come, too?


Jun 30, 2008
Campbell CA
I would be very interested in going out there with you if your interested. It looks like there is suppose to be a pretty decent storm however.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 21, 2006
In your pants
The storm is supposed to kick up Friday night. I'm still riding though. The guys I'm riding with I've known to be mountain bikers for over 3 years and yet I've never ridden with them. So I'm still going.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
Kelly and I will probably be kicking around up there if it's not still raining on saturday. If it is, there's a good chance I'll be getting drunk and playing wii instead :D


Turbo Monkey
Aug 21, 2006
In your pants
Looks to be wet and sloppy. Goggles for riding, long-sleeves for warmth, and a towel to sit on for the ride tomorrow will be mandatory.

Looks like a bunch of my n00b riding friends flaked out, so I'll be out there on the trail bike. My buddy will probably tag along, and possibly a semi-n00b on a MkIII as well.

Otherwise, you all should be out there and willing to get messy and muddy. It shall be AWESOME.
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Turbo Monkey
Aug 21, 2006
In your pants
No doubt about it. All of you that couldn't make it out today missed out. It was warm, and never got below 60 degrees. The first climb to the top was easy and barely damp. Then the rain really hit when we got the top of the far trails. It was sopping wet. And it was great. Wet, but not cold. The trails were unbelievable. Tacky, perfect traction, and the best I've seen them in the rain in... I don't even know how long.

The only downside was that my goggles were so wet that they kept fogging up so I had to go without. Due to that, I got a lot of mud/dirt in my eyes.

I might even go back out tomorrow just because (we'll see though).