
Beginners luck (video)


Dec 4, 2003
PEI, Canada
Well I took my two best wipe-outs from learning dj's and put them in an mpg for ya's to laugh at.

The first one I over shot the tranny and landed front tire heavy and it slid out.

And on the second one the same thing. Basically on both I just went to fast and didn't pull up on the front enough. And ended up getting my front end dropped too soon. Anyways i'm smoking dj's good style now with a rare wipeout.

Video Here


Jun 14, 2003
Lost on Long Island
well, they are certainly not ideal, but they aren't that bad of landings (that is, the way you came in PRIOR to dumping the bike: speed, distance, etc). I think you could have ridden both out had you just loosened up and trusted your fork to take the hit. In that situation you may also want to let your bike down by extending your arms and legs so that it makes contact sooner. This too could prevent falling, and sometimes even allow you to continue with the line, depending on how de3manding of a line it is.

otherwise, good stuff, the audio sounded like wales.......


Dec 4, 2003
PEI, Canada
Mutt said:
well, they are certainly not ideal, but they aren't that bad of landings (that is, the way you came in PRIOR to dumping the bike: speed, distance, etc). I think you could have ridden both out had you just loosened up and trusted your fork to take the hit. In that situation you may also want to let your bike down by extending your arms and legs so that it makes contact sooner. This too could prevent falling, and sometimes even allow you to continue with the line, depending on how de3manding of a line it is.

otherwise, good stuff, the audio sounded like wales.......
yah the landings were rough. Nothing serious other than a sore knee though. Thanks for the advice too. I wasnt even going to hit those jumps that day, was just showing my roomate. But I had the camera in my backpack and the lure of the jumps called to me. I usually jump with a helmet/shin pads/pants


Nov 19, 2003
S.F. California
watch ur speed i think that that was one of the problems that u were having. not to be mean or anything but the videos were kinda funny with all the audio slowed down to where it sounded like aliens were talking in a scifi movie or something. good luck


Jun 6, 2002
Golden, CO
Usually when you overclear a jump like that try to level the bike out so both wheels hit the ground at the same time and take the impact with your legs. It doesn't feel too good usually but it'll save your ass.