
Being A Rational Republican For Halloween

Joss DeWaele

Jan 30, 2004

Oscar Wilde said, "Give a man a mask, and he will speak to you the truth."

The successful Rational-Republican-for-Halloween costume is a mastery of satire, not of parody. In other words, you have to speak truth to power in a way that shows you have a firm grasp on the arguments that real Republicans actually believe, and cannot simply play the caricature that some liberals have for conservatives. To make this costume really work, and to truly separate satire from parody, you will need practice.

In practicing for this night, I suggest sympathizing with Bush Voters. The true meaning of sympathy means actually feeling what another is feeling, actually experiencing the same emotional body that another is experiencing. This sympathy is different from parodic play-acting, and is in fact what many actors use for practice. To really sympathize, simply look at the difference between the campaign rallies. The crowds at Kerry campaign rallies are more reserved, treating the candidate with a quiet respect as he attacks the record of the president. After all, Kerry's supporters are less Kerry supporters, and more Bush detractors. On the other hand, Bush supporters are truly that. There aren't a lot of anti-Kerry voters out there. Bush rallies are characterized by shouting, rooting, and very heavy booing. Bush rallies are more like rock-concerts or football games. The president tells jokes to undermine his opponent, and the crowd responds with roaring laughter. To create this atmosphere, the Bush camp has everyone sign a loyalty oath before entering the rally. The true question in practicing for the Halloween costume is this: why are Bush supporters so fired up while liberal voters so reserved?

As a broad characterization, I will venture to say that most liberals aren't fervent football fans, and have not truly experienced the revelry of emotionally belonging to a large group of people whose bonds of identity rest in victory. To protect this identity the fans will yell, scream, boo, and chant in order to affect, in any small way, a victory for their team (this is known in football as the 12th man on the field, and in basketball as the 6th man on the court). Those liberals who have experienced this kind of comradery will have an easier time with the Rational-Republican-for-Halloween costume, since they will be more capable of understanding that someone can both rationally support an idea and irrationally yell and scream and hoot and holler in order to attempt a victory for the party they support. Where the football-fan-as-Republican metaphor breaks down is in the question of research. A football fan will spend hours every week looking at statistics and watching SportsCenter(TM) in order to refine and recast their arguments. Speaking to a football fan about football is never the same on any given week. In contrast, a Republican, as with most Americans, vote on “small issues.” Sadly, most American voters don’t pursue a great deal of information, especially that which will challenge their opinions and beliefs. Your ability to understand opposing beliefs, sympathize with their emotional underpinnings, and represent them publicly, yet calmly will be the test of success for your Rational-Republican-for-Halloween costume.

The following is a quick guide for preparing your costume. Like any good Halloween costume, the more time you spend preparing it, the better the result on Halloween night. A perfunctory Rational-Republican-for-Halloween costume will result in either a failure or fist-fight, depending on your opponent/assailant.


Gather any pro-Bush clothing, pins, signs, etc that you can. The local Republican Party office is probably the best place to go, but you should not reveal your reasons for going to the office. Going to the local Republican Party office is also an opportunity to practice your costume. In the end, the more pro-Bush attire you don, the more likely you are to be forced into costume. In other words, if you feel confident at your ability to meet the qualifications outlined in the “Being The Part” section of this guide (see below), then the more pro-Bush attire you can wear. In the end, if your costume looks like you are about to attend a Bush rally but you are unable to rationally discuss the Republican Party platform, then your costume is more likely to have the parodic affect instead of the satirical. For your safety, please note that parody will be more likely to produce fist-fights on Halloween night.


First, Pick an issue.

Second, research the pro-arguments for the issue you have selected, and familiarize yourself with these arguments to the point where you can adequately paraphrase them in a public setting with strangers. For increased effectiveness, research the most common arguments against the issue you chose, and prepare rebuts to these arguments.

Next, practice believing strongly in the issue you chose. Cheer loudly and with conviction when you see or hear any of the president’s sound-bites on television or radio, and boo vehemently against his detractors, whether they be John Kerry or anyone else in the liberal media (note: you must also believe that the American media has a liberal bias). If you have the opportunity, attend a Republican rally, and play the part. Please note that this step is only a preparatory step, and should not actually be a part of the costume during Halloween night, unless you are attending a Republican rally on Halloween. Remember, this is a Rational-Republican-for-Halloween costume, and screaming or jeering loudly is not rational.

Next, Have a few back-up arguments that do not represent the specific issue that you chose. For example if the issue you chose is gay marriage, then foreign policy arguments are probably the next choice for a back-up. On the other hand, if foreign policy is the issue you have chosen, then you can familiarize with other such issues as the economy. The issue of gay marriage is not recommended as a back-up issue, as the more bigoted you sound, the less rational you will appear. Likewise, the environment is probably not the best issue to choose, as a Republican environmentalist will probably just confuse people. You can also use the more traditional, and hackneyed attacks on the Democratic candidate such as the flip-flopping issue, or the distrust of the French. In the end, the more you can verbalize these attacks, the more rational you will appear, and the more successful your Rational-Republican-for-Halloween costume will be.

Lastly, stay calm. This last step is vital if you truly wish to remain rational. You may encounter angry liberals who cannot themselves argue rationally for their pundit, but believe vehemently nonetheless that Bush is wrong. If you encounter such a liberal (especially during the characteristic revelry of Halloween night) simply remind them that you are doing this as a supporter for Kerry, and that it is Halloween. If need be, buy them a drink and cheer Kerry to victory. On the other hand, if you encounter an angry conservative who cannot rationally argue their support for Bush, but is nonetheless competent enough to see that you are being satirical, then simply apologize for offending them, and tell them that you did this as an exercise to challenge your liberal compatriots who you feel are often guilty of surrounding themselves with supporting ideas, and who all too often insulate themselves with comforting beliefs and agreeable political conversations. If the Republican pundit is still angered by your irony, comfort them by letting them know that even if, in their worst case scenario, Kerry does win, the Republican party still controls both houses of Congress, by many accounts the Supreme Court, and that they have all but officially turned the word liberal into a derogatory in the American political lexicon. If the angry Republican pundit cannot understand these big words, then you may have to fight. Good luck. If you happen to encounter a Republican who can calmly argue their support for the president, and you are one of the lucky liberals who can rationally argue your own political ideas, then enjoy a calm, rational political debate between people of differing beliefs, a rare thing in contemporary American politics.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
BurlySurly said:

I play the role of rational republican every day.

but you fail miserabily in the mission. :p

like when most argument regression get you to the same point in which the "we trust this guy from the guts" comes to the surface as the backbone of every argument and the theorem upon all the republican reasoning is built.
rather than any other non-gut feeling.

not that we all dont do it sometimes, but republicans seem more fond of that resource.

but anyway, "rational republican" seems an oxymoron when applied in most cases.

Joss DeWaele

Jan 30, 2004
BurlySurly said:

I play the role of rational republican every day.

I appreciate the time you took to review the piece, but your written statement does not show a very thorough understanding of the text. Perhaps you, like many American voters, read material very quickly, only catching highlights. It is often called skimming, but the problem with such reading is that you formulate your opinions early, and only scan for back-up material to support the opinion that your mind has already formed.

I don't think Rational Republican is an oxymoron, but I do suggest this costume to any liberal who believes such. For that matter, I would recommend a Rational-Liberal-for-Halloween costume to any Republican who thinks Rational Liberal is an oxymoron. I chose the title and theme for purposes of alliteration more than political bias.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
like when most argument regression get you to the same point in which the "we trust this guy from the guts" comes to the surface as the backbone of every argument and the theorem upon all the republican reasoning is built.
rather than any other non-gut feeling.
I think I can remember ONCE that was the case, and forgive me for trusting my elected officials to not REALLY be behind the events of Sept. 11 :p Anyway, there are plenty of democrats (notice I didnt say ultra-left liberals like Changleen and Syadist) who trust their govt. too. That is not only a symptom of republican conservatives, and also, we only trust the Govt. when our guy is in charge. I wouldnt trust John Kerry to dogwatch as Id probably come back with him gone and the dog starving since he changed his mind about feeding it.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
bikesaregood said:
I appreciate the time you took to review the piece
That's a good way to put it "piece" because a partisan POS is exactly what it is. I appreciate you taking the 4 seconds to copy and paste it :rolleyes:


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
BurlySurly said:
I think I can remember ONCE that was the case, and forgive me for trusting my elected officials to not REALLY be behind the events of Sept. 11 :p Anyway, there are plenty of democrats (notice I didnt say ultra-left liberals like Changleen and Syadist) who trust their govt. too. That is not only a symptom of republican conservatives, and also, we only trust the Govt. when our guy is in charge. I wouldnt trust John Kerry to dogwatch as Id probably come back with him gone and the dog starving since he changed his mind about feeding it.
I only trust any elected official as far as I can verify their bull****. I happen to live in country whose Politics are highly transparent. You don't. It has been repeatedly proved that the Bush administration are lying, backstabing, truth distorting fvckers. Why do you trust your Government? Given their track record, that does seem a little stupid...


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Changleen said:
I only trust any elected official as far as I can verify their bull****. I happen to live in country whose Politics are highly transparent. You don't. It has been repeatedly proved that the Bush administration are lying, backstabing, truth distorting fvckers. Why do you trust your Government? Given their track record, that does seem a little stupid...
If the liberals in this country would had proven ONE lie, as you suggest they already have, Bush would have been impeached just like Clinton was. You obviously dont have a clue about how things work here.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
BurlySurly said:
It IS absolutely true. Ask Bill Clinton.
OK. I have a challenge for you. Google for 'Bush' and 'lie'. Note the 1,290,000 hits. Have a look through the results you get.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Changleen said:
OK. I have a challenge for you. Google for 'Bush' and 'lie'. Note the 1,290,000 hits. Have a look through the results you get.
Google "18 year old virgins" and get 436,697,003 hits. Tell me how many you think are virgins.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Aw, Burly, I only got 174,000 hits for '18 year old virgins'.... You lied to me me man! Where are my virgins? That's only 13% of the number of Bush lies I got for you. Play fair.


Jan 25, 2004
BurlySurly said:
That's a good way to put it "piece" because a partisan POS is exactly what it is. I appreciate you taking the 4 seconds to copy and paste it :rolleyes:

im going to start paying more attention to your postings.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
1000-Oaks said:
And of course, so is "open-minded liberal"...

:thumb: a liberal will have his/her mind opened to all and any idea.... previously aproved by him.

i mean, absolute open minds dont exist. boundaries have to be established somewhere. like the non-negotiation of human rights and stuff.

still, you cannot deny republicans minds have closer boundaries. i mean isnt GWB battle-horse the "i know where i go, i dont care anything else, and will keep walking no matter what"?


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
Damn True said:
I'm pretty sure that is the official motto of the cities of Berkeley, San Francisco, and Santa Cruz, CA, perhaps the state of Massachusets as well.

probably so.

but still better than the motto for the bible belt and that 48% voters "a conservative will have his/her mind opened to all and any idea.... previously aproved by GWB or the minister".


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
Damn True said:
Far better to get insight from a man of the cloth than from Al Franken or Michael Moore. At least you know where the padre's loyalties lie.

haha, yeah, like the most influential thinkers in liberal thought are franken and moore. (did the minister or gwb said so??).

I´d rather pay more attention to Kant and all that enlightenment people before any protestant minister or dubya....

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
You are among a very small minority.
Sadly most liberals AND conservatives get their info from the mainstream media (which Moore and Franken are part of....though you wouldn't know it by Frankens ratings) and believe whatever Rather, O'rieley, Limbaugh, Franken etc etc tell them to believe.

Better IMO to seek info from those not on a payroll that stands to benefit from the victory of either side.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
BurlySurly said:
If the liberals in this country would had proven ONE lie, as you suggest they already have, Bush would have been impeached just like Clinton was. You obviously dont have a clue about how things work here.
You clearly do not have any more of clue about how things work over there than Changling. Clinton surely lied about much more than simply getting a blow job from an intern, but that was what a group of people determined to bring him down could get find that was juicy enough to fire up the imagination of the collective American public and indignant right (and they ultimately failed to bring him down anyway). Nobody is going after Bush as they went after Clinton, but wait and see what happens if he gets a second term...

And of course Kerry has lied as well. That you trust any of your politicians is perhaps only a sign of your youth, idealism and naivete.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Bah, the democrats really aren't much better. Tons of recycled talking points as well. They've actually tried to adopt republican methods, I think, and just failed miserably.

The republicans are the masters of playground politics...very good with the "I'm rubber and you're glue" routine.

Cheny and Bush have both been shown making entirely contradictory statements-lies, as they're known-and no one seems to care, and no Democrat takes them to task on it in public (probably for fear of the same being done to them). Even the 'liberal news' tends to ignore it.

Chency can say he never implied Iraq was involved in 9/11, and it takes Jon Stewart to show the clips and declare his pants are on fire. Bush can say he never said he didn't think much about Bin Laden, and all it gets is mild scorn from people who already aren't voting for him...none of his 'character-based' supporters seem to care that he blatantly lied, or at least made this major mistake, to the public during the debates...or, perhaps "flip-flopped," even if the statement wasn't accurate.

I can't believe the Democrats don't have a list of Reuplbican "flip-flops" to show the public...starting with the reasons for the war. What a bunch of social retards.


Joss DeWaele

Jan 30, 2004
fluff said:
And of course Kerry has lied as well. That you trust any of your politicians is perhaps only a sign of your youth, idealism and naivete.
Out of all the cacophonous drivel that this thread has generated, the quote above are the only reasonable words written. That includes the original posting since it is satire.

Skepticism is the foundation of our republic, and were it that more citizens questioned not only their elected officials, but also the electoral process, not to mention their own monocular viewpoints, then our "democracy" would be much healthier.

You all can get as heated as you wish in your partisan attacks or eachother's partisanship, but in the end it is not rational until you have at least considered that the other side could be correct.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
bikesaregood said:
You all can get as heated as you wish in your partisan attacks or eachother's partisanship, but in the end it is not rational until you have at least considered that the other side could be correct.
What you're saying isnt exactly rational since you dont consider that many, like myself, have considered as many angles as I can find, yet still find myself more closely aligned with one side than the other. Stick around here, read some threads, and you'll probably learn a thing or two before you go and make any more hasty generalizations.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
BurlySurly said:
What you're saying isnt exactly rational since you dont consider that many, like myself, have considered as many angles as I can find, yet still find myself more closely aligned with one side than the other. Stick around here, read some threads, and you'll probably learn a thing or two before you go and make any more hasty generalizations.
Ahh, but you forget the liberal (oxymoronic) axiom: "Any opinion not identical to my own is irrational."
Damn True said:
I'm pretty sure that is the official motto of the cities of Berkeley, San Francisco, and Santa Cruz, CA, perhaps the state of Massachusets as well.

Irony of it all, I grew up in santa cruz, going to school in berkeley, and twenty minutes away from san francisco.

and let me tell ya, the liberals only support their so-called causes so they can have crappy pot parties afterwards and have dirty hippie sex.

glad i stayed on the clean side


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
nicklin said:
Irony of it all, I grew up in santa cruz, going to school in berkeley, and twenty minutes away from san francisco.

and let me tell ya, the liberals only support their so-called causes so they can have crappy pot parties afterwards and have dirty hippie sex.

glad i stayed on the clean side
Haha, that's pretty funny. Not laughing at you, I've been to those parties, dude. :p Ahh, Memories.

Not sure about you staying clean though, Metaler. :devil: