
Being that I'm a selfish p***k


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Like respect, a good woman, happy kids, loyal friends, hot coffee, ridiculously loud music, jokes, blindingly beautiful sunsets, etc.

You know, all the things that really mean something that don't cost much if anything.
No doubt. No doubt.


took the red pill
Here's my asset list.

2 Resophonic guitars.
1 Banjo
1 widescreen tv, 1 27" tv in bedroom
1 03 toyota corolla used with 80k
1 02 Jeep Liberty with 70k
1 ps3 with 4 games
1 5 year old dull pc.
1 house, lawn mower, weed whacker, 3 bicycles, 1 is mine, 1 is wifes, 1 is kids.
$8000 worth of baby stuff :D

3 rental properties and 2 meth labs.

Oh and my real reason for wanting a 7k sq/ft house is to make everyone on here jealous :)


Nov 9, 2001
Here's my asset list.

2 Resophonic guitars.
1 Banjo
1 widescreen tv, 1 27" tv in bedroom
1 03 toyota corolla used with 80k
1 02 Jeep Liberty with 70k
1 ps3 with 4 games
1 5 year old dull pc.
1 house, lawn mower, weed whacker, 3 bicycles, 1 is mine, 1 is wifes, 1 is kids.
$8000 worth of baby stuff :D

3 rental properties and 2 meth labs.
ya, but what kind of lawn mower, Money Bags?


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
that's a nice layout, but a couple of comments...

have the exercise room in the basement
downsize the master suite/sitting room
ditch the formal dining room
add in a music room
convert the art studio to a photography studio and make it larger (w/ skylights)


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
The riding is good around Medway. Vietnam within riding distance, Gilbert the next town over.. I would move there in a heartbeat. Sweet layout by the way.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Like respect, a good woman, happy kids, loyal friends, hot coffee, ridiculously loud music, jokes, blindingly beautiful sunsets, etc.

You know, all the things that really mean something that don't cost much if anything.
It's true, but I want it all, including what you posted above. Bottom line.............It's all obtainable.


took the red pill
Oh if I ditch the dining room, wife will cut off my nuts. She's forever bitching because we have only room for 6 in our small dining room and it's literally 12'x12'

As long as I have a music room, that's all I want. I'm sick of my guitars in the living room competing with frign survivor.

Anyhow, when your rich like me you get to hang with rock stars. LOFL

Frign idiot shuts his eyes in the first pic as usual. Whenever my pic is taken my eyes are shut. Look at the size of Jerrys head. JHFC



took the red pill
I gotta wife, youngin', roof over my head and a 20. I consider myself wealthy...
I hear you man, I just spent the past 10 years in IT slavery. Nothing worse IMO than modern day slavery. Don't say it's not slavery either. When your deciding when your getting up in the AM your not a slave. Anything less than that is suppression of life and slavery. We're just under the misconception that we own some stuff that we're not slaves.

Own a house? That's a common misconception too. Not too many people own a house. You lose your job? Your owned. Feels so good to not be in that situation and having a bank RAPE you out of 300k over the life of a loan. There's a difference between making money and rape. But far too many are brainwashed by the system.

I'm no longer part of this machine.

Mr Tiles

I'm a beer snob
Nov 10, 2003
L-town ya'll
I really can't complain. I got a mortgage and a decent job to pay for it. yes, we'd be hurting if I was out of a job but I try hard to diversify so I can always switch industries if need be.

I've become quite content after my son came into my life with meager belongings. He's definitely changed the way I see material goods. heck, the simpler the better - look at how simple legos are :) Also, thru the learning curve, I know what works and what doesn't. I've got my camera stuff honed down to a simple science and after some horse trading, I wound up with a nice martin guitar with little to no out-of-pocket expense (I like cameras and guitars btw). I literally shudder these days if I have to come out of pocket for stuff. I guess that's what being in the 30s and having a kid will do to you.


took the red pill
It's the palladium in Worse-ter. Absolute dump. One of the Ramones (which ever one was not dead at the time) was on drums. This was 2 years ago I think? Guy was shaking. Ran off stage 2 seconds after the last song "get the car, now" he shouted to someone and was pacing about by the back door mumbling "hotel, hotel, hotel" LOFL


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
There ya go chief. Why let the haters dictate how your life is going to be. You want to be a stinking rich SOB, go for it. I don't give a sh*t what anybody thinks. Obviously. Most people just automatically assume that people with money are a****s, but anybody that's ever rolled with me has seen otherwise. I always pay for everything, but I will steamroller over anything or anyone that gets in the way of my goal. Not to sound like a jerk. I don't mean that literally, but nobody is going to tell me how it's going to be, and I made a conscious choice to get out of modern day slavery and the debt system that enslaves you to it.

See, here's the key. I'm happy now. I got rid of most the crap I've owned. I've had 8 bicycles at once and 15 guitars. I wanted to burn all the crap. Now that does not mean I'm a hypocrit. It just means that I learned a valuable lesson. I am not defined by stuff, period. No matter if I live in a box or a MTV crib, I'm me and I'm happy. I'm not perfect, I get miserable daily, but I catch myself now and don't persist in that state.

When I was a hateful a*****e for the first 33 years of my life, I had nothing but physical and mental pain. I feel the need not to sway others to believe what I do any longer and have learned to listen more and not inject my opinion. All that does is take away from the constant state required to get where you want to be. For me it was as simple as remain a hateful pri*k and have nothing but bad crap happen over and over, or become a more caring and loving person that feels good and that is the state required to be in to do obtain a large goal in life.

This is why two people can open identical businesses side by side. One flourishes because of the kind hearted outgoing owner who expects success and the other perishes due to a hate the world type of attitude. Hate the world, hate yourself, simple as that. Most people as well don't really understand their core beliefs about money. This is obvious in this thread. I'm feeling a bit of tension in the posts perhaps because of where I'm at these days compared to 3 years ago. I once believed that anyone with more than a weekly check was a greedy bastard. That's a false belief, unjustified by any real world evidence. We're full of them. But most don't do the work to sit down and analyze their belief systems realizing that most of the beliefs we hold about a thing such as money aren't even our own.

So we go an pursue something considered outrageous but subconsciously we're at battle with ourselves because of the beliefs that we hold that are contradicting what we've set out to do. It's easier just to go home and sit down with a six pack and pizza and watch reruns of Benny Hill on Friday night. I've gotten pretty sick of the same day over and over. H8R makes a good point too. But for me, it's not about stuff, it's about personal freedom to express myself creatively. I was not creating anything as an IT idiot. I work best with my hands. I can sit for hours and hours with a guitar part until I get it. I can sit with a pile of wood and tools and make something magnificent. This is what I truly enjoy, not buying another frign bicycle.

G' evening.

then why are you spending so much time trying to prove yourself/defend yourself ?