
Bender Broke His Back


Mar 6, 2002
Nor. Ca. Santa Cruz ,Mang
I just read all 11 pages, and I have to say, this has got to be one of the most shamefull threads ever.....so many people rag on Bender because he has the biggest crashes in history on film, so people have to say he cant ride.....dont you think they put those crashes in because they are so spectacular? And he mostly walks away from all of them with relatively minor injuries, at least til now...after all these years, and all the bad crashes, he is still living in a van, and doing it regardless of what anyone thinks or says...riding is not a hobby for him, he rides at the most extreme level and eats, breaths, and sleeps riding.....sure. some of his drops have been kinda dumb, but countless others have been in full control, huge, and very impressive...maybe you havent seen him pull a perfect nofooter over a 40 foot ravine, or a huge backflip over a double, or landing drops that 99.5% of the riding public would never try in the first place....I dont see anyone else dropping this stuff alongside Bender.....

Bottom line is the guy does what he loves, and got hurt, pretty seriously, and its time to put your stupid insecurities aside and pray for the guy....possibly the dumbest thing in this thread is Thrilllseeka comparing an idiot blowing his brains out with a loaded gun in front of his pregnant wife and friends, traumatizing everyone involved, playing the dumbest game in mankinds history, to a guy trying to push the limits of himself and a sport(bikeriding at that) and getting hurt in the process.....
Mostly the only people who bag on Bender are the fools ignorant enough to think that all he does is crash, and thinks those crashes in the movies encompass all of his riding....
Jeez, you would think that after a life changing incident like watching a friend blow his brains out in front of his friends and family would make a person realise that life is short and getting upset over things like someone else smoking weed while riding is pretty dumb....Kharma exists, and Thrillseeka, you are in trouble:oink:
Im soooo with you on this, i doubt half the people on this board have half the talent he has! By the way http://www.nsmb.com/shore_news/benderhurt_11_05.php


Turbo Monkey
May 26, 2004
ViciousDHer said:

Hope He has a speedy recovery and is back 100%, He has more skills than 99% of Us.
That's cause most of you suck!:D :D :D :D Sorry Im in a mean mood. I've heard bender is a hell of a nice guy and I wish him the best regardless of how I may feel about his riding style or skill level. Whether he's a good bike rider or a bad one really doesnt matter, he's still a fellow rider who is in pain and I wouldnt wish harm on anyone just because of the way they ride a bike. He may be asking for it the way he rides, but so is anyone who is seriously trying to improve in downhill, jumping, hucking... whatever, you simply can't get better if you dont push the envelope. The only way to find out how big or fast you can go is to go a little too big or a little too fast once or twice. At mammoth last year, one of the best bike riders I know, Steve Wentz, sustained a quite similar injury. Steve's bike handling skills are out of this world, so you cant just point at the way bender rides and immediately assumed he got hurt because he was stupid, it can happen to anyone.


Jan 29, 2002
Since half of you people have zero clue about Bender or his life other than what you see in video and still choose to take digs at him I'll go ahead and assume that since all I know of you is what you post here that some of you are complete jackasses!!

Yes his back is broken and yes his lower leg and foot are messed as well. He had surgery yesterday but I have no update as of yet the outcome or success of it. The landing on the jump isn't flat but it is very short. This is the same jump he came up short on and wrecked himself on quite some time ago that was in some video, can't remember which. He's wearing a green bandana and gives a little "hang-ten" in the clip after the crash that's all I remember. There never fails to be a small reminder on this board of why I rarely stop in anymore and the complete lack of lives and decency that some people in and around this sport have. Noone needs the negativity especially Bendy right now. Z-Team will continue to pump him lots of love, by all accounts he will be returning home to Alaska to recover.



Sep 22, 2004
Darryl said:
There never fails to be a small reminder on this board of why I rarely stop in anymore and the complete lack of lives and decency that some people in and around this sport have.
Some people around here have bigger egos than they do hearts.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
Downhiller said:
i think if he will drop that 100footer it will never do it, i think that 200mm on front and 220 in rear (i dont know how much dare have in rear) is not enough, if 13inch in rear and 12 on front on jah drop isnt enough for 55footer , hell 100 will never do it (he die probably)
:think: say what? :confused:


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
Downhiller said:
i think if he will drop that 100footer it will never do it, i think that 200mm on front and 220 in rear (i dont know how much dare have in rear) is not enough, if 13inch in rear and 12 on front
I beleive you just described his old Apocalyps(sp.) with a super Monster on the front end. Come to think of it he did keep mentioning the return of the supeer Monster at interbike. Personaly I think that it would be great to see him land it then make a speach calling out all the haters that say he has no skill. Anybody know what his current health status is?


Apr 18, 2004
Darryl said:
Since half of you people have zero clue about Bender or his life other than what you see in video and still choose to take digs at him I'll go ahead and assume that since all I know of you is what you post here that some of you are complete jackasses!!

Yes his back is broken and yes his lower leg and foot are messed as well. He had surgery yesterday but I have no update as of yet the outcome or success of it. The landing on the jump isn't flat but it is very short. This is the same jump he came up short on and wrecked himself on quite some time ago that was in some video, can't remember which. He's wearing a green bandana and gives a little "hang-ten" in the clip after the crash that's all I remember. There never fails to be a small reminder on this board of why I rarely stop in anymore and the complete lack of lives and decency that some people in and around this sport have. Noone needs the negativity especially Bendy right now. Z-Team will continue to pump him lots of love, by all accounts he will be returning home to Alaska to recover.

http://www.whoomp.com/articles/123/1/Crazy-BMX-Cliff-Jump was that the drop he broke it on?


Mar 18, 2005
Santa Barbara
For all the haters: Does it make you DICKHEADS feel cool to talk smack about an injured rider? If this was any one a thousand forum riders who was injured most of you would have the decency to have some compassion and wish them well. I have seen it. You DICKHEADS can have compassion. But here is Bender, one of our sports frontline soldiers, a guy who builds trails and rides them, who pushes himself and his gear to the limit, somebody who lives the life and all you can do is talk smack. You all should be REALLY ashamed of yourselves. Grow up and have some respect.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
pangeist said:
You all should be REALLY ashamed of yourselves. Grow up and have some respect.

YOU should be REALLY ashamed for spitting this crap without having read the thread. There are a lot of people here that wish him well, and a lot of those same people have criticized the few haters. Including me. So shut your trap about "you all."


Apr 18, 2004
Ascentrek said:
Nope. I believe that is the Jah-drop. He did that years ago.
I know but he said he broke it on the same drop that was in a video when he was wearing a bandana so I thought that may be it...