
Bender going for the century


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
the mid-west armpit!
How many times did he try that 55 footer? 4 I think, and he didn't ride one of them out. But then again, Bender isn't known for smooth landings he is known for taking great risks and impressing us all with his courage, and then spending awhile in a hospital bed in traction

dG video

I blew a mod to get this title
Feb 25, 2004
I call a broken kneck, coma or death on this one. Seriously, that guy has got to have some sympathy for himself, theres no way he is riding this out.....



Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
the mid-west armpit!
rockymt21 said:
I call a broken kneck, coma or death on this one. Seriously, that guy has got to have some sympathy for himself, theres no way he is riding this out.....

I agree! If he drops that 100 footer, if it dosen't kill him it will bust him up more then what he is probably used too. I am sure that he will enjoy another stay at a hospital.

black noise

Turbo Monkey
Dec 31, 2004
Santa Cruz
Kanter said:
What is his biggest drop, that he has actually landed?
There's a 41ft drop in Utah that he kinda landed. And he might have landed the Moreno Valley one (that Wade does in NWD3) which is also 40 something feet.

I agree with binary visions. He should maybe stick the ones less than half the size of this before trying the 100 footer.

100 feet is a lot. That's like a 9-10 story building.


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
What happened to that guy, I think his name is Aaron Day, who was going to do that 73' drop? I heard he showed up to hit it, but stated that it was just too windy. After that, I haven't heard anything about him or the drop...

As for Bender, I wish him the best with that drop. A 100' drop seems a bit much. There is no way that a bike (or a body, for that matter) could hold up to something that big...

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
not only will he not walk away from that after crashing which is inevitable, he will be lucky if hell be able to walk 6 months later.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
i'd love to see a pic of this drop...

100ft is huge... 100ft could leave you six feet under.


Sep 5, 2005
im sorry but that is just stuiped to even try it.... yes i respect him but c'mon does he actually think he will ride away completly fine??? i do believe that on a mountain bike is impossible.... he might as well try and do the grand canyon drop. my guess is death no joke.


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
cantaffordit said:
im sorry but that is just stuiped to even try it.... yes i respect him but c'mon does he actually think he will ride away completly fine??? i do believe that on a mountain bike is impossible.... he might as well try and do the grand canyon drop. my guess is death no joke.
One thing is for sure, even if you land a 100' drop, the impact alone could be enough to break your back, legs, etc. I would hope that his friends would try to stop him from doing such a thing...

DH biker

Turbo Monkey
Dec 12, 2004
North East
270 is the record for skis...when will bikers start stepping it up? Either way i pray that he is okay when he does it and I give him mad respect even for trying it. For allt he people who say it takes no skill to huck; try going as big as him.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 22, 2004
vancouver eastside
DH biker said:
270 is the record for skis
really?! thats insane. must search for pictures...

a 100' drop on a bike is feasible with an adequate tranny (ie, really steep & long with a huge run-out). i read somewhere (non-verified) that discovery channel was in on this - ie, providing technical assistance in the development & construction of a survivable drop / tranny as well as tv coverage.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 20, 2002
Nothing is too high if you have a steep enough landing (and presumably some way to ride out of it at 10,000km/h too). If you could drop into a massive quarterpipe *perfectly* you could do it from 1000ft.

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
DH biker said:
270 is the record for skis...when will bikers start stepping it up? Either way i pray that he is okay when he does it and I give him mad respect even for trying it. For allt he people who say it takes no skill to huck; try going as big as him.
well landing in 5 feet of powder helps, plus you generally land on a steeper slope and there is no 40 pound weight attached to you that can easily throw you off when in the air for long periods of time.


May 21, 2002
xy9ine said:
really?! thats insane. must search for pictures...

a 100' drop on a bike is feasible with an adequate tranny (ie, really steep & long with a huge run-out). i read somewhere (non-verified) that discovery channel was in on this - ie, providing technical assistance in the development & construction of a survivable drop / tranny as well as tv coverage.
the Space Mesa Road Gap has all the details of a proper tranny. the big deal is wind and of course, bike attitude while dropping the full 100'.

as to the earlier Qs,

Bender landed Moreno Valley safely. Not quite as styley as Wade Simmons did, but he sure landed it safely without injury.

whether he goes ahead with the Space Mesa Road Gap is another question, but now that he's said to media people that he's gonna do it, it's gonna be hard for him to back out.

friends of mine are visiting him this weekend, from what I last heard (they went to I-bike and then supposedly to the Zion FR Fest) so I should have more definite info early next week.

when Jamie Pierre first stuck 100' on skis, everyone said he'd die too, and said he had death wishes. now the record is almost 3x that distance.

anyone who's seen the skateboard Big Air contest at the X Games knows that what's possible with tiny hard urethane wheels and no suspension might be translatable to a softer surface (dirt) with 12" of front and rear suspension.

Bender is a visionary. whether his vision is stupid is something that people will debate for as long as he's riding MTBs, I'm sure.


May 21, 2002
Smelly said:
I wonder if he's learned yet that he shouldn't land rear wheel first... :think:
I wonder if you ever have ridden with him and have any basis to comment on what you believe to be his "standard" landing style.


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
DH biker said:
270 is the record for skis...when will bikers start stepping it up? Either way i pray that he is okay when he does it and I give him mad respect even for trying it. For allt he people who say it takes no skill to huck; try going as big as him.
Bender was actually a freeskier before he was into mountain biking. I wonder what his biggest "huck" was on snow?


Aug 26, 2004
Concord, CA
well, i know a lot of people hate bender, and a lot of people respect him. i really am neutral towards him. i think it's a win win situation. if he lands it, that would be awesome, if he falls and get completely ****ed up, oh well.even if he is like paralyzed or something his riding can't be any worse. he's sooo sketchy already. i lied i do hate bender


Aug 8, 2003
Copenhagen, Denmark
It's sad if all that's important in your life is 'stepping it up' and throwing yourself off a cliff, with nothing more than a 50/50 chance of surviving. I wih him a soft landing if he does decide to go through with it! My 2cents.


Turbo Monkey
I think it's a sad effort to get back in the media after everyone has moved to "new school" tailwhips off cliffs, etc. I respect him for trying, but I kinda doubt he even thinks he will land it. 1:1000 odds.. I really do respect the guy for making a living out of riding, and maybe this is the sort of stunt he needs to pull to renew contracts with sponsors instead of getting dropped for a 15 year old doing 360 tailwhips...


Turbo Monkey
Jun 8, 2005
i gotta give the guy props for going big, but....

100 feet IS a 10-story building. at least. depending on how far down the 'tranny' he lands, it'll just tack more length on.

i'm waiting to see how many feet he falls after his first attempt. $100 says he doesn't try twice. bwahaha.


Jul 22, 2005
new hampshire
THe actuall physics shows he wil actually be going aorund 90 mph, and land in around 2 and a half seconds. It is nearly imposible so survive this without having any broken bones or escaping death. I predict a broken pelvis, neck spin e.t.c. I give him credit for thinking about the drop but im not sure he will survive and i hope he doesent attempt it because i enjoy watching him in the NWD videos and i dont want one of our greatest freeriders to get seriously hurt.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2002
The landing is going to be steep right? What if he were to ride off the cliff and keep the front wheel down to the point where his bike would be parallel to the landing. The landing will have to be almost verticle and hard packed dirt... he'll be flying at mach 2 but maybe...

I think it's crazy but maybe he's seeing something we're not seeing. Either way the way I see it, if he lands with his rear wheel slightly first he's going to blow right through the rear travel, launch himself over the bars and rag-doll down the mountain at mach 3!

edit. I think every generation has their crazy dare devils. Who was that guy that wanted to walk a tight rope across two buildings or between two cliffs years ago?? I saw some footage a long time ago and as soon as there was some wind...whoops, he fell off to his death.