
Bermuda trip report! LOADS of pictures...

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Wow, what an awesome vacation!

Jenn's parents have a timeshare in Bermuda, and we were invited to go this year. It was an amazing trip, thought I'd share some of the photographs with you guys. I have nearly a thousand photos, and just pulled these few as a good overview of what we saw.

It was a lot of fun puttering around the island on the mopeds. People drive like maniacs there, but hey, at least Jenn finally got her butt on a bike ;)

The water there was amazing. I've never been to a tropical island before, and was unprepared for just how blue it was - not even pictures can demonstrate.

The most famous beach, of course, is Horseshoe Bay. It was ranked as one of the top ten beaches in the world. This picture gives a good overview of the beach and a good idea of where the name came from.

It was pretty crowded on the main section, but if you walked on either side of it you got a little more privacy.

Just for loco...

There were an entire flock of Bermuda Longtails flying around the beach - it was pretty cool, these guys are beautiful. Couldn't get many good shots with my little digicam, but I got a couple decent ones.

My favorite beach on the trip was Church Bay, which Jenn's parents hadn't even seen before. Just breathtaking, and there were only a couple other people there with us so we had it practically to ourselves.

I also got to go snorkling for the first time. It was a lot of fun, even if my cheap snorkle broke off and I had to spend the rest of the trip with just a mask! This was the first place I went to, called Jobson's Cove.

I got to see several of these guys (Parrot fish):

They're pretty neat; when they feed, they are typically in the shallows and are eating off the rocks on the bottom, so their tails wave around in the air out of the water.

Me giving Jenn's mom a heart attack clambering around on the rocks... (picture by Jenn)

Some of the other beaches we saw were Warwick Long Bay:

A beach near Spittal Pond:

And Elbow Beach:

We also met a lot of the natives, too.

Sea slug:

Portugese Man O' War:

English Sparrows all over the island:

TONS of lizards:

And chickens everywhere!

These guys were all around as well:

We visited the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute, and I highly recommend visiting if you go, if only for this one room. It's a collection of hundreds and hundreds of different types of shells from all over the world!

We saw the smallest drawbridge in the world - the part that pops up is only 18" across:

Downtown Hamilton was a neat little city, very colorful and very busy!

We also ate and drank very well.

Rum Swizzles at the Swizzle Inn:

Beer sampler at the North Rock Brewery, before and after:

I didn't get a picture of a really good sunset, since we were inside eating usually at sundown. I guess I can live with drinking one of these:

...while merely seeing this:

It's a tough life but somebody's got to live it.

A couple random shots:

And some nice flower pictures taken by Jenn:


Jenn got this really great shot of the island as we were leaving... Bye, Bermuda...

Quite the vacation. We saw a ton of places for a relatively short time being there - one of the days we were there, we took a ferry to the western tip of the island and biked back the entire length of the island to our condo on the eastern tip. I had a blast!

Comments, questions, random chatter and eyebrow jokes are all welcome.

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Leonid Brezhnev called and he wants his eyebrows back.
;)You said eyebrow jokes were OK mate.
Nice pics indeed, another place added to the wishlist. One day, one day. Thanks for sharing BV.


M.N.F. Beer Wench
Nov 21, 2005
North Carolina
As BV said, Bermuda was fabulous! Great fun, great food, and great to see my family again! :weee: Here's a pic of me with my bike for the week! I know it's motorized, but it's better than nothing, right?! Hope you all enjoyed the pics; I wish I was still there!



Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Kenmore, WA
Nice pics. My Aunt and Uncle live there (if you can believe that). I've only been once, but your pics brought back memories of the stuff we saw.

You're right about their driving habits. My aunt scared the sh!t out of me driving us from the airport to their place. Not to mention I was sitting in the driver's seat with no steering wheel as she drove fast on the wrong side of the road. No way did we even think about renting scooters with all those roundabouts. It was hard enough remembering where traffic was coming from just trying to cross the street.

Amazing how beautiful that place is. Thanks for bringing back some good memories.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Very nice pics! Looks like a heck of a fun time. :)

A lady I work with just got back from the Mexican Riveria and showed me all her pics. I think that's about all the tropical picture viewing I can handle today. :p


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Kenmore, WA
BigMike said:
sweet pics, great vacation!

So how come people made fun of me when I said I had a scooter, but its OK for you to be riding them around??
No problem, Mike. Bring your scooter up to 'E' the next time your up here and we'll let you ride it.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
narlus said:
the 1st random flower is called a 'bird of paradise', i believe.
Yes indeed, and I think that was the only one we saw that was actually in full bloom. The rest all looked like they had died :confused:

peter6061 said:
You're right about their driving habits. My aunt scared the sh!t out of me driving us from the airport to their place. Not to mention I was sitting in the driver's seat with no steering wheel as she drove fast on the wrong side of the road. No way did we even think about renting scooters with all those roundabouts. It was hard enough remembering where traffic was coming from just trying to cross the street.
Actually, I found it wasn't hard at all to remember the side of the road. My guess is because I've never driven a moped or a motorcycle outside of tooling around in a small neighborhood, so I've never formed any "automatic" habits on one.

You just had to get used to enormous tanker trucks passing you on blind corners :dead:

Glad everyone is enjoying the pictures! I'm disappointed loco hasn't shown up yet ;)


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
peter6061 said:
No problem, Mike. Bring your scooter up to 'E' the next time your up here and we'll let you ride it.
Not to derail to much, but Thanks for the offer. I don't think i'll ever be riding "E" again, My "E":Broken bone ratio is WAY to high.


I was totally gonna ask if you were wearing goggles on the scooter, or if that was your eye brows, but then I saw the bikini pic.

You guys are too funny, and too kind to oblige my silly joking, so nevermind on the eye brows joke. Wait...I already did it, didn't I???

That place looks bad ass. Thanks for sharing guys.

antimony - get some real shoes for riding scooters. I would hate for you to peel your feet off. :eek:


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
loco said:
antimony - get some real shoes for riding scooters. I would hate for you to peel your feet off. :eek:

Pssshht!!.........Real shoes don't exist on tropical islands. :)

Bless their hearts, loco......they're from New Hampshire --- be lucky BV isn't rocking the socks-n-sandals style. :rofl:


Greyhound said:
Bless their hearts, loco......they're from New Hampshire --- be lucky BV isn't rocking the socks-n-sandals style. :rofl:
What's wrong with that???


binary visions said:
Shut up, hippy. Don't you have a tree you could be hugging?

Dammit - now I wish I hadn't disapproved of you baggin' on the spammer in the DH board. I would totally approve of this statement.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Great pics - I'm not much of a beach person, but I can be one temporarily if/when I'm in the Carribean. I've been to Grand Cayman twice (honeymoon and 5year anniversary) and it's just beautiful. The water is clear and calm, and the snorkeling is AMAZING. I used to be big into saltwater aquariums, so it was very cool seeing wild version of a lot of the fish I used to keep.

Oh yea... and the sea turtle and nurse shark that I saw kicked butt.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
ktmsx said:
Is Bermuda that small..???...in the pis it looks smaller than Block Island..????
According to Google, Bermuda is 20.75 square miles in total land mass.

Pretty small. We took a ferry all the way to one end and drove our little mopeds all the way to the other end - including stopping several times to see beaches and towns - in less than a day. Left at probably 8:30 and got back before dark.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
seeing you and Changleen unmasked is mildly disturbing ;) . nice pics in any case :thumb:


M.N.F. Beer Wench
Nov 21, 2005
North Carolina
ktmsx said:
Is Bermuda that small..???...in the pis it looks smaller than Block Island..????
Yeah, Bermuda is quite small. It's something like 21 square miles, I think. It takes about 2 hours on a scooter to get from one end to another (20ish miles, maybe).

Edit: Sorry, BV... we posted that at the same time. Great minds think alike!


Nov 28, 2005
Nice pics...I remember a friend of mine went theyre when we were alot younger ...he got real drunk and got into a pretty bad accident with his scooter...no serious injuries but he was pretty scraped up...that was good for quite a few laughs when he returned home....