
Best Coffee For The Money


Aug 12, 2004
Cle Elum
I suppose if you love Folgers or Yuban that might be the best. I think they should be saved for emergencies or when you are really broke. My opinion for the money Costco had the Sumatra beans for $8.99 for three pounds. Then after the Tsunami it went to $10.99. Now for the last 6 months its been unavailable. Not all the Costco's sell their own coffe some sell Tostino's or Jose's Columbian Supremo which is ok-better than Folgers.

Now Costco is selling the SF Bay Organic Rain Forest Blend for $11.99 for three pounds. Its has some Indonesian coffee in it and is similiar to the Sumatra. Its pretty decent but its now $4 a pound rather than the old $3. The Sumatra might be coming back to Costco. Anyway for the money the SF Bay Organic is maybe the best coffee you can get for the money in the US-IMO. :)

Trader Joes has some decent coffee for less than Starbucks, etc. There are a couple Ebay sellers that sell some stuff fairly cheap. Any other tightwad coffee drinkers out there?:)