
Best Morning After Stories (there you go Westy)


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
My 20th birthday (which I shared with a friend) was a huge party. I was given a bottle of mezcal. I remember being tossed in the pool thinking that my shoes were going to be ruined and I was going to be cold.

The next thing I remember I wake up in the back of a car 300 miles away from school with a girl I only vaguely know. Apparently we decided that the only way we were going to sleep together was if it was at the beach SO we drove to the beach.

Never did find my shoes...


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Went out to a bar to meet some friends when I turned 21 at midnight. I had a presentation to give for a design class the next day but since the bars closed at 2:00 figured I couldn't get into much trouble. When I showed up at the regular watering hole my friend John had 21 shots lined up for me. I ended up doing all 21 shots in 2 hours and had to be carried home. I managed to wake up at 7:55 after my alarm clock had gone off for a whole hour. In a panic fearing I would miss giving my presentation I grabbed my bag and ran across the street to class (thank god it was just across the street because I was still too drunk to drive). Now I am not the kind of person that ever gets lucky breaks, but that day god gave me a birthday gift. Class was cancelled due tothe Prof being sick. Still wearing my clothes from the night before I realised while staggering home that my jeans were covered in mud from falling over the night before and my shirt was covered in vomit from purging all the liquor. It would have been quite the scene if I had given my presentation still drunk off my ass and basted in my own fluids.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
DRB said:
My 20th birthday (which I shared with a friend) was a huge party. I was given a bottle of mezcal. I remember being tossed in the pool thinking that my shoes were going to be ruined and I was going to be cold.

The next thing I remember I wake up in the back of a car 300 miles away from school with a girl I only vaguely know. Apparently we decided that the only way we were going to sleep together was if it was at the beach SO we drove to the beach.

Never did find my shoes...
So did you get any when you got to the beach.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
i woke up the day after halloween with rainbow bright and i dream of genie in my bed. i am sure if i could remember the sex completely it would have been pretty fun but 2 college sophmore girls dressed up in halloween costumes is hot enough for me.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Many years ago, ghostrider, Tweek, me, and some other friends were out day drinking. We were pretty hammered by like 6pm. We decided to go home, clean up, and head back out for more drinking. I passed out while waiting for my turn in the shower. Apparently the rest of the gang tried very hard to wake me up, because when I woke up in the morning I was UNDER my mattress :D


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
biggins said:
i woke up the day after halloween with rainbow bright and i dream of genie in my bed. i am sure if i could remember the sex completely it would have been pretty fun but 2 college sophmore girls dressed up in halloween costumes is hot enough for me.
Man one time I had a chance with this great looking girl I had seen around campus for a few weeks... I was only slightly drunk but when she asked me her name I couldn't remember, she put her clothes back on and walked out of the room.

As many had seen at MBW I tend to fall alseep early when drinking. Well when I was in high school some friends thought it would be funny to put toothpaste in my mouth and a large cup of water in front of me full of hot peppers. So when I woke up due to the toothpaste in my mouth that has the cool burning effect and I tried to wash it down I would do so with hot pepper water.... I've never felt so much burning in my body....

Enginerd A2

Feb 20, 2002
Ann Arbor, MI
My morning after probably parallels many others. House party thrown by acquaintances. Stolen handle of Popov (from acquaintances' kitchen). Group of friends, some close, some fringe. Going shot for shot straight from the bottle with said friends and whoever else was interested. Neither myself nor my roommate could function well enough to navigate ourselves home, so a friend from out of town managed (somehow) to steer our group back to apt C-1. Arrive home with various fringe company and decide my night's not over yet. Driven to next scene with various fringe company, by wasted roommate. Things start blurring together... Loud music, naughty dancing, bodies rubbing together... Wake up the next morning in bed with the thick one. Splitting headache. She drives me home. We know enough of the same people that rumors abound. I'm still not exactly sure what went down.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
It's to bad my GF isn't here but she's got a great story of post St Pat's day pucking in the little kids bathroom at her school and then going on a field trip with them on a hot cramped bus ride for 2hrs.


Calendar Dominator
Apr 23, 2002
Broomfield, Colorado
I don't drink, but when I was in College one of my roommates turned 21 the night before his busiest day of finals. I was 20 at the time and couldn't join him at the bar for his "quick celebration"
When he was down there he made a bet with my other roommate..and lost. Always a man of his word he had to get really drunk to complete the bet.
Around 3am one of my roommates wakes me up saying "you have got to see this!" I am all groggy and walk out to the street where I look down and in the distance I can see the form of my one roommate in the dark.

"is he running?"

He isn't exactly known for his running skills and the bars are about 5 miles away...seems unusual

"is he..NAKED?"

Turns out the bet was, you loose and you run home naked. He was only wearing a pair of boots and a watch. Not a pretty sight, but funny as HELL.

I think normally the festivities would end there. But in this situation we decided that was NOT enough. Everyone is now in the betting mood. So the next bet is. If you run up to campus, climb up on the statue in the main court (in front of th presidents residents) give it a kiss and climb down (it is about 6-8ft off the ground with a little pillar it sits on) one of us will get him a WAWA sub. (WAWA is a 24 hour convenience store with great subs)

He takes this bet and runs the remaining 2 blocks to campus climbs up on the statue and molests it for a while, then climbs down. He passes out in the back of the car and we go to WAWA.

While at wawa we mention.
"Can you believe, there is a naked guy in that car out there?" The lady behind the counter didn't believe us.
"I swear, there is a naked guy in the car out there!"
I don't know why she didn't believe us, I mean it was 4am now and anything is possible at that time. But still she didn't believe us.
"Ok, I will tell you what" (remember the betting mood) "if there IS a naked guy in the car out there, then the sub is free..if there is not then we will pay you triple for it"
She took the bet...she walks out we show her the guy in the back of the car and she hands us the sub, then we hop in the car and drive away and she stood there looking a bit...cheated.

After all that he maded it only 15 minutes late to his class...although he did spend a total of 7 years there getting his BA. He does still have the 11x16 photo I took and blew up of him molesting the statue.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I have never gotten so drunk that I can not remember what happened the night before....and I have done my share of drinking. Even after my absolute drunkest I can remember the night before.


7034 miles, still no custom title
Jan 6, 2003
Shadows of Mt Boney, CA.
Echo said:
Ha, I just know you've had some great stories over the years :D
I was thinking about the time we were all tired of you leaving your dirty dishes around the house, so we put them in your bed. You came home wasted, passed out butt nekkid and woke up with a plate stuck to your ass.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I Are Baboon said:
I have never gotten so drunk that I can not remember what happened the night before....and I have done my share of drinking. Even after my absolute drunkest I can remember the night before.
You clearly have not been drunk enough, then ;)

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
I've passed out my fair share of times (and then some) but there's only 1 time that I blacked out....and that was the time that ended my run of being able to do shots without blinking. Got home from college after finals, slow Tuesday night at the local bar with one of my best friends...well we started drinking and then the next thing I vaguely remember was being rescued from the bathroom where I had been sick, then wanting to sleep on my driveway because the concrete felt nice and cool, then my ping-ponging against the wall as I stumbled upstairs and then fell onto my bed fully clothed.....then the next morning my mom coming in and laughing at me because I was still fully clothed! Well the next day after speaking to my girlfriend I filled in the holes of the story....all my money was gone because I was buying numerous rounds of shots for people at the bar because I wanted "shot buddies" and after being rescued from the bathroom they put me on one of the tables to sleep until my girlfriend wanted to leave! I have never been that ill the following day nor lost that much memory of the night before...scared the crap out of me because if I hadn't been with such a good friend who knows what would have happened to me!!!!


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
Freshman year in SLO. My roommate and I went downtown to do a margarita night for our friend's birthday. Obviously we weren't 21 yet, but like that stops anybody. So after God-knows-how-many, all of us decided to walk a few blocks away to a house party we knew of. Good times and stuff, but my roommate and I decided to step outside for some fresh air and a smoke...that's when we blacked out. I "wake" up to find the two of us walking behind the Madonna Inn (we were downtown before that, for those of you who know the town) through a herd of cows. I'm freakin out and find my roommate walking into a nearby RV to get some sleep. I grabbed him, walked to the nearest pay phone, and called a friend to pick us up. I guess they had been driving through town for about 2 hours looking for us when we never came back into the party. My jeans were totally f'd from that night too, covered in mud and barely hanging on after getting caught in barbed wire. I don't like margaritas anymore.


Grammar Civil Patrol
Jul 2, 2004
Sandy Eggo, CA
June in Florida, the year after I graduated college. My friend Bonnie and I begin drinking at about 7pm at her townhouse near the beach. Around midnight, we decide we need to go swimming in the ocean, so we stumble to the beach, shed our clothes and run into the water. I splash and laugh with glee as she tries to tell me to shut up - if we get caught we could be arrested. In my drunken haze of revelry, I find this hilarious, but manage to tone it down. Finished with our swim, we return to the beach, but suddenly cannot locate our clothes! The current has taken us about 20 feet down the beach, but we can't figure out which way the current was going... Now we have to try to find our clothes in the dark somewhere along the shoreline... (You guys have such active imaginations, I won't even bother describing the scene to you). We finally manage to find our clothes and stumble back to her townhouse.
I awaken in the morning lying on her couch wearing a huge green bathrobe and her cat on my chest. I realize to my chagrin that I have nothing on under the bathrobe, and I have no idea where my clothes are. I begin a search of the house. Nothing. Then I step outside to the balcony. My underwear is draped delicately over the bar-b-q grill (so it could dry - got wet after coming in from the swim). However, the combination of the Florida humidity and the old grill have left rusty grill lines in the backside...


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
sunny said:
June in Florida. My friend Bonnie and I begin drinking at about 7pm at her townhouse near the beach. Around midnight, we decide we need to go swimming in the ocean, so we stumble to the beach, shed our clothes and run into the water. I splash and laugh with glee as she tries to tell me to shut up - if we get caught we could be arrested. In my drunken haze of revelry, I find this hilarious, but manage to tone it down. Finished with our swim, we return to the beach, but suddenly cannot locate our clothes! The current has taken us about 20 feet down the beach, but we can't figure out which way the current was going... Now we have to try to find our clothes in the dark somewhere along the shoreline... (You guys have such active imaginations, I won't even bother describing the scene to you). We finally manage to find our clothes and stumble back to her townhouse.
I awaken in the morning lying on her couch wearing a huge green bathrobe and her cat on my chest. I realize to my chagrin that I have nothing on under the bathrobe, and I have no idea where my clothes are. I begin a search of the house. Nothing. Then I step outside to the balcony. My underwear is draped delicately over the bar-b-q grill (so it could dry - got wet after coming in from the swim). However, the combination of the Florida humidity and the old grill have left rusty grill lines in the backside...
did you get some Tang or not?


Jan 8, 2002
Naperville, IL
In college girl asks me to a bonfire party "as friends" we go with a backpack full of beer and get hammered. After, we go to a townhouse party at a friend of hers. We go up stairs find a empty room and do the nasty. Later in the night the townhouse owners boyfriend gets mad and walks out. townhouse owner is upset and my date consoles her. everyone passes out (me on couch) about 4 am girl comes downstairs and we do the deed again in the dark in front of about 10 people who are passed out on the floor.

The next morning I wake up and my date is coming down the stairs from her nice nights sleep in bed. And her roomate (another friend) is sitting on the couch next to me. I drive them home give my date a hug and little kiss and roomate says after my date is out of earshot "thanks again...........I won't tell" That's when I figured out that the couch sex was the roommate and not the date.